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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. Thank you for providing a perfect example of what I'm speaking about, Diddums. xDYou cant dropkick a cat without running into people who look down on CoD players because they think that, somehow, Plato g BF makes them better than them. I know you're probably joking on the last bit, but some people actually do feel like that, and its pretty crazy. /cool cats are already on the BF boat, Dids. What now? xD
  2. Yeah, Ghosts is SSDD.I'm just waiting for BO 3, really. x) Maybe Sledgehammer Games can be as good as 3arc? Considering they had a hand in Mw 3...I doubt it. X)
  3. This is the happiest day of my life.
  4. I don't like how CoD is the cool thing to hate right now. Like BF better? Cool beans. Think CoD is the same thing over and over again? Hey, if it ain't broke. But both games have their merits and serious issues, just like everyone has their preference. I, myself, still enjoy me some CoD. Not Ghosts, particularly, but it's consistent and fun on the whole most of the time. I don't need super-pretty graphics, I don't care for realism...just a playable game. Just my humble opinion, of course. /besides, if you compare a 3ARC CoD to BF4, the playing field is slot more level //f*CK IW. x)
  5. At Starbucks. Just heard an acoustic hipster womAn version of "Sweet Child of Mine". Completely killed my romantic mood. x)
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y9S8MT8THw Blame Valentine's Day.
  7. Same difference! No worries! S'all good!
  8. PLEASE PLAY THROUGHOUT THREAD fOR EFFECT: It may be the hint of Spring in the air or the rat feces in my overpriced Starbucks coffee, but I'm feeling a bit....romantic. So c'mon, feed me your love. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? Mine was when I was on a date with GF #2 (the touchy one). We were at the movies, watching the previews, when my clumsy-a$$ accidentally spilled her soda all over her lap. Mortified, I did the only thing I could think of doing: I grabbed my soda and spilled it over my head. All of 50-something ounces of it. She laughed and laughed to the point of people sushing her, and I sat there with Dr Pepper slowly seeping in my crotch. She then cooed that it was the most romantic thing anyone has done for her. Don't judge, I haven't had the best track record for intimacy and I'm still young. x)
  9. That was a joke, Shepard. x) I can't really call them out on useless packs, I bought like 2 of them for BO2... xDThe PAP pack (because, c'mon, it looks badass) and the extra slots pack (for extra emblem space). That'd be very nice and all if it was for no reason, but c'mon. For a highly anticipated Triple-A title like BF4 to have launch day snafu of that scale is unacceptable. They knew they were gonna have a ginormous amount of players logging on and their inadequate servers couldn't handle the strain. Blame EA for their infamous time constraints, 'spose.Not knocking battlefield or anything, just bad business practices. If people just forgive companies for shipping out an unfinished game at full price, then they're basically gonna give them the go-ahead to do it again.
  10. Yeah, better than I expected. Can you imagine hurtling through space like that? :s
  11. Hey, he's gotta get payed somehow. x) BF= unplayable for almost a year.
  12. This video is proof that if there is a God, he is cruel and spiteful and knows no mercy. Twerking aliens aren't good enough for you?
  13. I hope they like the smell of burned diapers.
  14. I apologize for the thread necromancy, but I got an update. Sauce: http://www.chicagonow.com/portrait-of-an-adoption/2014/02/great-new-update-on-michael-morones/ That's certainly good news. Only time will tell at this point, but I'm hopeful. Here's the thing... I like Batman just as much (if not the same) as MLP:FIM, but I have never once considered myself a "Batmite" (eh? Get it?) or wearing a Batman-related avatar or endlessly drawing Batman fanart (although I do have plenty of that). Why? I don't know. Probably never will, either. Like you said: there's not much to look into. Sure, the brony fandom is eccentric. What fandom isn't? But I wouldn't have them any other way. (.cont, maybe)
  15. An official rap version of Achy Breaky Heart? Why yes, of course!
  16. I vow to be as bitter and curmudgeonly as humanly possible when I'm old. What are they gonna do, sue me? I'm old!
  17. Dattebayo


    Yeah, I heard about this. It's no Left 4 Dead....but It'll have to do for now. /Seriously guys, where's Left 4 Dead 3? EDIT: Ah sh*t, next-gen only. :/
  18. Guess it's better than the Wolf skin pack. But not by much.
  19. Rewatched The Deer Hunter with Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken for the 80th time. Ho-lee-sh*t. Great movie filled with great scenes (MAU! DI DI MAU!) and great performances (dat Walken though, giving me the chills as always). Did you know that Christopher Walken ate nothing but bananas and rice for the filming of that movie to perfectly capture the "POW" look? Man, oh man. Yeah, I've seen it. Kind of like Babel, right? Didn't particularly care for it. Too convoluted. I don't believe you. x)
  20. Here, you can post the random things people say that you either overhear or are a part of. I'm sure we all have crazy lives, so let some random sentence you overheard brighten up someone's day, eh? x) --- I was at the store the other day looking for powdered chocolate milk mix (it's really been too long...). I asked the cashier if they held any such thing, and he looked at me like I just smeared sh*t all over his counter. "No." He then proceeded to laugh about the encounter with his buddy behind the counter. I was getting pissed off. Was it really that absurd? But I just went to the back of the line. An old gentleman who saw this (about 80 or so) leaned close to me and said "I don't know how you can handle people. I'd just tazer 'em all." It really made my day and made another chocolate milk-less day much more tolerable. x)
  21. I heard it has lots of sex and it's mostly Kevin Spacey doing it.
  22. Memories! Man, I loved the music on Perfect Dark. My favorite was the credits music, I always had that on when playing Combat SImulator. x) That or, of course, this one: ---- Here are more of my faves. I only had 2 games for my Gameboy. One was Pokemon Silver, which in it's own right, has the best BGM of ANY Pokemon game (you can argue and say I'm wrong, but it's just so). Ahh, the nostalgia is getting to be a bit too much... :') So warm, soft, gentle...Wake me when this is over... The other was a modest space shooter side-scroller named Solar Striker. To this day, it's fast drums and futuristic techoporn beeps remain one of my all-time faves.
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