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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. Some gameplay from someone who's opinion actually matters to me... x)
  2. I never trusted YouTubers working for Machinima anyway, so I'm good as gold. x)
  3. --- Glad to have you onboard. I hope you stick around.
  4. She can wrap me up and suck my blood any time of day.
  5. Down Terrace. It came highly recommended by a few Brits here, but 20 minutes in...blegh. Took it off and watched Band Of Brothers. Go watch that instead. x)
  6. Isn't that the place with this? F*ck that, I'm not setting foot there.
  7. This makes me moist. I'm on the very bottom-left corner of America, I won't be able to attend either way, unfortunately. But take lots of pics and stuff! Take a drink for me every time Spectre brings up the inevitable apocalypse. x)
  8. Isn't Epoch like a venereal disease or something?
  9. Thanks a bunch!Sorry about that. x) I have a few non-pony pieces somewhere, but few that I'm particularly proud of. Anything non-pony gets largely ignored on my dA. xD Here's a Joker emblem, just for you:
  10. I poured my feels into it, I'm glad it does. Sorry, too.
  11. Man of Steel, again. Don't know why. God damn, I hated that movie. xD "Welcome to the Pla--"*TURNS OFF TV*
  12. Holy f*ck Frace, where've you been? xD
  13. Valentine's Day blues, remembering the girl of my dreams that I blew my chance with. I grabbed that feeling and started drawing: Experimenting with different art styles. Here's an erratic and intentionally scratchy one, ideal for representing shellshock:
  14. Thanks a billion for the review! Titanfall certainly looks very interesting. How do you think the transition from COD will be like, when everything is taken into account? Seamless? Bumpy? A sexy, sexy middle ground?
  15. Peter Frampton. Could very well be the best live performer I've ever seen (videos and such).
  16. Bannanas In Pajamas! xD
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