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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. Some gameplay from someone who's opinion actually matters to me... x)
  2. I never trusted YouTubers working for Machinima anyway, so I'm good as gold. x)
  3. /Broteam forums=end of thread
  4. --- Glad to have you onboard. I hope you stick around.
  5. She can wrap me up and suck my blood any time of day.
  6. Welcome, friend!
  7. Oh, bother.
  8. Down Terrace. It came highly recommended by a few Brits here, but 20 minutes in...blegh. Took it off and watched Band Of Brothers. Go watch that instead. x)
  9. Isn't that the place with this? F*ck that, I'm not setting foot there.
  10. This makes me moist. I'm on the very bottom-left corner of America, I won't be able to attend either way, unfortunately. But take lots of pics and stuff! Take a drink for me every time Spectre brings up the inevitable apocalypse. x)
  11. Isn't Epoch like a venereal disease or something?
  12. Thanks a bunch!Sorry about that. x) I have a few non-pony pieces somewhere, but few that I'm particularly proud of. Anything non-pony gets largely ignored on my dA. xD Here's a Joker emblem, just for you:
  13. I poured my feels into it, I'm glad it does. Sorry, too.
  14. Everywhere, but nowhere at once.
  15. Man of Steel, again. Don't know why. God damn, I hated that movie. xD "Welcome to the Pla--"*TURNS OFF TV*
  16. Holy f*ck Frace, where've you been? xD
  17. Valentine's Day blues, remembering the girl of my dreams that I blew my chance with. I grabbed that feeling and started drawing: Experimenting with different art styles. Here's an erratic and intentionally scratchy one, ideal for representing shellshock:
  18. Thanks a billion for the review! Titanfall certainly looks very interesting. How do you think the transition from COD will be like, when everything is taken into account? Seamless? Bumpy? A sexy, sexy middle ground?
  19. Peter Frampton. Could very well be the best live performer I've ever seen (videos and such).
  20. Bannanas In Pajamas! xD
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