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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. 0:27 - Did you experience any kind of disappointment while playing Dark Souls 2? 3:03 - How is the dual wielding? 4:05 - Is there a hard, normal and easy-mode setting? 5:35 - What build seems the most viable so far? 6:41 - Where is the answer video? 6:46 - How will weapon upgrades work? 7:30 - When is this coming out on DSlite? 7:35 - Will covenants allow you to submit your gifts all at once? 8:11 - Are there sunbros? 8:18 - Are strength weapons being buffed or nerfed? 9:14 - Are there starting gifts in Dark Souls 2? 10:26 - Prequel or Sequel? 10:38 - Is the resistance stat OP in the game? 11:41 - Do you know when Dark Souls 2 will release for PC? 12:26 - Are ragdoll physics gone? 12:50 - Are you part of the glorious PC master race? 13:33 - Is it true that you can parry and riposte with 2h weapons? 14:02 - Will NPC mouths move when they talk? 14:26 - Which has been the most interesting enemy, and which has been the most difficult enemy to defeat? 15:50 - Is the lore easily obtained? 16:36 - Will Dark Souls 2 be on next-gen consoles? 17:21 - Are you thinking of doing a let's play for Dark Souls 2? 18:04 - How different is the invading and summoning of other players? 18:38 - Does humanity work differently? 19:20 - Is PvP being balanced in any way? 20:48 - Will there be a hub area like in Demon's Souls, or will the areas be seamless like in Dark Souls? 22:10 - Are lifegems and estus overpowered? 23:23 - How is the framerate? 24:17 - How does upgrading estus work? 25:03 - Do enemies still have the same placements every time? 26:12 - Are crossbows finally functional weapons? 26:53 - How do you feel about them making Dark Souls 2 instead of a new Souls universe?
  2. Sure, go ahead, though I wouldn't know if traditional drawings will vector well. x) The actual picture up there in my older posts, right?
  3. Try here: http://groups.deviantart.com/?qh=&q=photography Randomly join groups and submit your best pictures to them. That'll increase your accesability. Hey hey hey, where's that picture of pony-you you promised me? I'd do it myself, but I haven't got any pics of you to use as reference. x)
  4. I know there are a few poeple here that are looking forward to it. Atleast...I hope. Anyways, here ya go. In case you'er worried about what exactly changed:
  5. Draw ponies. ;o Naw, but upload to groups, friend! How will people comment on your art if you don't even get it out there! x) Your stuff is very commentable, especially your moody stuff. Like "Nightmare" and that creepy-ass stump. x)
  6. I'm a lucky guy that people don't just look over my comic like "Eh." x)
  7. For real, don't click that spoiler if you're squeamish. People really like killing the main character for some reason, especially if there's prizes involved. x)
  8. Turns out my comic is soemewhat popular, popular enough for people to make fanart of it. Who knew? x) WARNING. NSFW AHEAD. In the sense that it's gory. No nudes or anything. x)
  9. Holy sh*t, someone is actually playing my forum games! xD I belong to an Indian tribe called the "Sosueme"s. ;o IT'S THE FINAAL COUNTDOOOWN. *drops mic* Q: What song would get you shanked in the bad side of town?
  10. Well sure, because nobody spawns on top of each other in SND. x)
  11. A simple game where rule is is this: Guy #1 asks a music related question, like "What song did you most hear growing up?" and then Guy #2 posts the song he most heard growing up, then Guy #2 asks a question for the next guy, and so on. If it's related to an artist, then the poster posts any song of their choice by said artists. This is meant to grow our listening pool, learn a few things from your fellow forum-goers, or just f*ck around. As the OP, I can't post anything yet, so I will ask a question: What song do you hate most for the lyrics?
  12. Dattebayo


  13. Woah, I'm freakin' out. Such stylized.
  14. Hold on there friend, you're speaking craziness. Ever played...sh*t...ANYTHING on Nuketown? It's a billion times worse.
  15. Laying back and listening to Frank Sinatra is scientifically proven to make your day suck less. Look it up, it's science.
  16. Woof. What a trailer. Well worth momentarily allowing Sennex's posts to be visible. Momentarily. /does Harley look a bit mannish to you guys? She really let herself go after Joker died... I know, that's why I said: You goober. ;o
  17. *Scolling down screen* /F*cking seriously , warn me next time you're gonna do that
  18. I'm sorry.Would you prefer "toothpicks under your fingernails"? "Forks scraping on a plate" maybe? x) -------- Women singers. Can't stand them. Now, there's a difference between, say, Heart or Joan Jett or something , and current women music. They're either hipsters butchering songs by far more talented artists in their own horrible way (whisper singing with an accoustic guitar, e.g. Seriously, have you heard yhe Mother cover in the Evolve trailer? It's enough to make one pull their teeth out) or they're Nikki Minaj (or the other multitudes of god-awful singers that appear on your local rap/RNB/unplanned pregnancy radio station). I'm generalizing, sure. But that's because its all I see. I'm not sexist. I just like music. x)
  19. I...ah...Hmm. Well played. To be fair, they did an origin on how Joker met Batman. My point was that, for the sake of noticibility, they slap ARKHAM on anything. It stopped making sense when Arkham Origins came out.
  20. E3 isn't that far away, Iguess we could wait for reliable info. My money is on that Sledgejammer won't produce anything worth being noticible for.
  21. This topic went from sandy vaginas to rancid vaginas.
  22. Another one? The one thing I enjoyed from Origins was the boss fights. Hopefully we can get some of those in Arkham Knight (which if you think about it, is a silly name).
  23. As opposed to her other stuff, right? ;oYeah, Ilisten to every song that's posted...I just enjoy some more than others x)
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