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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. Not at all for the light-hearted though... Trust me when I say rage quit and you'll vow to never play this game multiple times. x)
  2. Not at all! I doubt many people who play it do so for the story. x)Hell, I never played Demon Souls and I still got into Dark Souls 1. Though you may want to still play it to get your bearings and just plain-old enjoy it. Its a great game and should be around 17 bucks (unless those sunway-gropers at Gamestop raised the pice for DS2s release).
  3. All women like to sleep on the floor. /I read it in a book once, y'know.
  4. I know that feel, man. Im usually very suprised if anyone responds to my threads. x) Dont know if its a popularity issue or summat... Anyways... I might check it out. I often find myself with f*ck-all to do at the library after all I had to do was done. It looks pretty bada$$.
  5. The review are in. This game kicks ass. Videogamer (Andi Hamilton): “From Software really did master this gameplay experience with Dark Souls, so for this sequel they’ve just sharpened all of the ideas to a razor sharp (and deadly) point, but have given more players the opportunity to get stuck in. Dark Souls 2 is a refined, slicker version of what I consider to be the greatest video game ever made, and it is a title we’ll be finding more and more about post-release as its genius is fully uncovered.” Score: 10/10 - IGN (Marty Sliva): “Dark Souls II is a smart, massive, and incredibly rewarding sequel. It’s crammed with deep systems, tense encounters, and enough clever multiplayer and New Game Plus elements to make me want to restart the second I saw the end credits. Not all of the tweaks and additions worked out for the best, but with such great enemies and levels to fight and explore,Dark Souls II made 60 hours of pain and agony so much fun they flew by in a heartbeat.” Score: 9/10 - EGM (Eric L. Patterson): “…as good as Dark Souls II is—and as much as I came to appreciate [its] blend of Dark Souls and Demon’s Souls—I didn’t like it as much as its precursor. […] While some of its features and design decisions might not sit perfectly with all fans of the franchise, Dark Souls II once again proves how enthralling and engrossing From Software’s formula of skill-focused combat, demanding challenge, and bleak ambience can be.” Score: 8.5/10 - Game Informer (Daniel Tack): “… a dark, atmospheric adventure that assumes that players don’t need their hands held throughout the experience. Dark Souls II respects you enough to assume you can figure things out, despite having perhaps lost some of these sensibilities by playing other titles that walk you through on tether from start to finish. As a result, the rewards and achievements are that much more satisfying. It’s only March, but Dark Souls II stands tall as a potential game of the year.” Score: 9.75/10 - Destructoid (Chris Carter): “Rest assured if you liked Dark and Demon’s you will like Dark Souls II. I was skeptical at first given the proposed changes, but ultimately I had an enjoyable time as I was aimlessly exploring its world and dying over and over to its bosses. Although the loss of [Dark Souls director] Miyazaki stings a bit (particularly in the boss design department), I think this new team did an excellent job without him, and I’d love to see yet another Souls entry as soon as possible.” Score: 9/10 - Eurogamer (Tom Bramwell): “Overall, Dark Souls 2 probably isn’t quite the same masterpiece Dark Souls is, but then neither is anything else, and the fact it comes so close is remarkable. From Software has delivered on its goal of opening the game up a bit to more daunted players without breaking the heart of Souls […] – but this is still an iterative sequel, so many of the old routines and patterns of discovery inevitably sparkle a little less the second time around. Only a little, though, and when the worst you can say is that a game is only nearly as good as Dark Souls, that’s still a pretty strong recommendation.” Score: 9/10 - Edge (Edge Staff): “…for all its little tweaks, Dark Souls II is, foremost, a game made for Souls players. It is a game that asks everything of you and gives so much back, keeping its cards close to its chest, and revealing them only to those prepared to die and die again. It is made to be played for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours as you try new builds, explore PVP and experiment with covenants, all the while slowly peeling back the layers of its lore. Some of its ideas work better than others, and Drangleic is no match for Lordran’s intricate design, but Dark Souls II is, like its predecessors, brilliant, beautiful, and absolutely essential.” Score: 9/10 - CVG (Matt Sakuraoka-Gilman): “Whether or not you come to believe that this is better than its predecessor will likely depend on how blindly you accepted the former game’s faults. Dark Souls 2 irons out those flaws, and its world expands in ways that fans won’t expect, but will undoubtedly appreciate. Its layers of depth, and colossal scope for challenge, community and discovery, is a gaming event of such impact it’ll be referred to time and time again for years to come. Dark Souls 2 is a landmark action RPG that is unforgettable for so many reasons, not least its immensely deep challenge framed within a sprawling, beautiful world.” Score: 10/10 - Polygon (Philip Kollar): “The Souls games have rarely been about fun, but Dark Souls 2‘s smart tweaks and concessions brought out positive emotions even amidst the pain and exhaustion. It’s still a stressful experience, but it’s easier than ever to recognize the brilliance in those moments of triumph that make it more than worth the struggle.” Score: 9/10 - Gamesradar (Ryan Taljonick): “Dark Souls 2 […] takes everything that made the original so great, but expands on them in its own unique ways. Sure, not every single boss fight will impress, and you might be resistant to the world’s hub-like structure, but these are minor notes in an otherwise phenomenal journey. Dark Souls 2 is an incredible game, one that demands alert play and rewards perseverance. You will die many times in many ways, but push on and you’ll find this to be an excellent sequel that not only captures the essence of the original, but is a memorable experience in its own right.” Score: 4.5/5
  6. He's not Bond. He's just a random action hero. I sure as hell would enjoy his movies alot more if they were associated with something else. /I really hope the "James Bond is a code name" theory is true, that'd make James Blonde a dark chapter in the Bond legacy.
  7. A whole 'nother year? Fans must be piiiiissed....
  8. What is, in your opinion, the best Bond out there? For convenience's's sake, I'm only starting with Sean Connery, since it's the time when Bond films really took off. I got to go with my main man Pierce Brosnan. The man just oozes Bond out of every pore with sharp wit and deadly sophistication. I can even excuse the cringeworthy "Die Another Day" because of the greatness of the rest of his catalog.
  9. Write a sentence (after post goes fubar) and the next person changes a word, simple. Hard to name something like that... x) Like, Every day, I ride my bike. The next person changes it to: Every day, I ride my d*ck. Get it? NOW GO. Also, for this thread to be worth the space, it needs active participation. --- Some students like to study in the mornings.
  10. It's easy to forget that this community is filled mainly with people who are alot on the older side than me. And then I get reminded by the epic face-hair of our more manly members. x) Look at the guy mad-dogging you in the background! Them chops tho.
  11. I never got a reason to watch it because I don't get to suffer from white-guilt. YAY! x) Did you hear that Academy members voted for it for Best Picture and never even watched it?
  12. Lego The Movie. Haven't enjoyed a movie at the theaters like that in a long time. It literally had everything you'll ever need, and some subtle yet suprisingly effective social commentary (AND BATMAN). What the hell are you doing reading my sh*tty post? Get your s$$ out there and go watch it!
  13. Sweet Jesus. And I say I look different. xD
  14. Marty McFly shhowed us that we would have one by know. D:
  15. Is it a sequel? 'Cos I saw Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke's name there...
  16. Yeah, I heard he was a real gun nut, too. He was pulled over once and the officer found a fully loaded pistol just laying there on the passengers side. His ex also said that he was really protective of his gun and got offended by people touching it.
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