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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. You'd trade death by cancer for death by blood poisoning from scraping your knee and/or eaten by a Gru?
  2. F*ck that noise, where's Fallout 4?
  3. My favorite thing by you... You should really do more...I dunno..."vent" drawings like these. I know it's from a nightmare you had, but it's so moody, so dark...I love it. Would really like to see more of these.
  4. Elvis gave a-hunk-a-hunk-of-burnin'-love to your horse's hardon.
  5. If I were Microsoft (or any company with that type of money), I'd hold on to a successful IP such as this for as long as humanly possible to pretty much force people who want to play it to either get an XBOX One, or not play it alt all and eat sour grapes. Or play it on PC, of course. They have the sales to not GAF about non-exclusivity. A terrifyingly genius plan, no doubt.
  6. Oh my God, I am so sorry Diddums. Do you get yourself checked regularly for cancer, since it seems to run in the family?
  7. Or "St. Patrick's Day", as it is known to the plebs. Be merry, for today, EVERYONE is Irish (except the Irish, who according to Wikipedia, transform into werevolves).
  8. Elvis gave a-hunk-a-hunk-of-burnin'-love to the monthly blob
  9. Try this, mayhaps? http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Idiots-Guide-Programming-Basics/dp/0028642864
  10. I gave gonorrhea to the homeless monkey.
  11. NEW SENTENCE, SAME RULES: I gave money to the homeless man.
  12. Faity muff. I can see..eyes, maybe? Is this before you went and slaughtered all the promiscuous camp counselors?
  13. Jumping into the water in Banjo Kazooie's pirate-themed Treasure Trove Cove turned the the cheery tropical BGM into a bicycle of nightmares that rides straight up your a$$ as a shark appears right the f*ck out of nowhere and attacks you. THIS GAME WAS FOR CHILDREN. AND IT SCARRED ME FOR LIFE.
  14. Happy Birthday to the 3 of you.
  15. Post here, maybe? I'll make you feel good... With compliments. You f*cking pervert.
  16. Dattebayo


  17. Great pictures, everybody! Again... very easy to forget I'm surrounded by older gentlemen. x) Jordie and Harrison: You generation forever! I showed you mine, now you show me yours, friend... ;o One of these days, Doc... You'll slip up and show us a full picture of yourself.
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