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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. F*cking Bro Team forums, man. x)
  2. Not a fan of South Park. Too much...shock "humor". I was kinda hoping this game would crash and burn like most cash-ins do, but good on them for not. x)
  3. Still bullsh*t though. That's a very small list of weapons at launch. I've seen other games go down in flames for alot less.
  4. That is...a very small set of weapons. Sh*t.
  5. Do you have a pic of yourself beardless? Please say you do. --- I trimmed mine the other day (it was about one finger long, and I have big hands). I think I like it better. Compliments my face a lot smoothly. No, I'm afraid Drifter beards are not my type.
  6. That's what we all thought about Nuketown 2025...
  7. This f*cking stupid a$$ song, created by the fires of Lucifer themselves to piss me off. AGH! Just that little piece that I was required to hear ruined my day! xD Q: what song do you listen to when you want to relax or blow off some stress?
  9. Bro Team is definitely an acquired taste, but once he acquires all over you, it's great.
  10. Bump. Are we sill on, or...? Here's some old clips. Sorry for the massive amount of clips, but as a professional Second Chancer...I'm full of these. x)
  11. You either upload it on yours or I will use my uber hax0r skillz to sign in under your name and upload it. Besides man, I encourage it.
  12. Goat levels rising, hnnnng
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac71GDB-osg&feature=kp I tell ya, they don't make BGMs like they used to. It's all "choirs" and "orchestras" now. GRITTY. Where's the beef? Where's the attractiveness that makes someone say "ooh, I should listen to that on YouTUbe"?
  14. It's a joke, relax. x) No, please, by all means go ahead and upload it. You prettified it, it's only fair.
  15. *looks at Cal's sig* EDIT: Oh, and changed my avatar for the occasion
  16. "We both had different desires, he likes the Rangers, I root for the Flyers, But the Rangers had come from behind... And the hockey game was tied...!"
  17. I really like food. Q: What would be the most unfitting music for an intense gun fight?
  18. It's either you or your wife, and I'm pretty sure your wife didn't make Swamp Thing.
  19. Way to 1-up me, a$$hole. x) It looks legendary. Way better than nay pencil in the world can do. And the stylization! I really love it. You should post that on your dA, get you some faves.
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