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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. You make your jokes, but titan skins like that would be bad@$$.
  2. Remember that clip editing contest you held way back when?That was fun.
  3. I used to make funny vids that were well received around here, but...I dunno, I kind of lost interest. Chalk it up to the crappy effort/exposure ratio I got, even with 300+ subscribers. It must be nice for PewdiePie or the numerous people at Machinima to squeeze out golden turds and get money for them. And now with ELITE down, that's the final nail in the coffin.
  4. Angry Joe is entertaining and thorough. I highly recommend him.
  5. Post yours here! If you're a curmudgeon and hates life, enjoy everyone else's! This one has got it all...the music, the animation, the familiar faces...enough to make the child inside you squeal with excitement as you boot this game up.
  6. Internet fame does that to you, friend. Besides, the guy struck me as a d*ck as soon as I saw him using a FAMAS. x)
  7. I watched Bro Team stream it the other day...wasn't that good. Everyone in the chat was disappointed. But hey! Bro Team read my text about me liking his lone streams better out loud and said "Yeah, thanks guy." Sempai noticed me...! So the day wasn't a total waste.
  8. The only gamer I watch is Bro Team Pill (highly recommended if it's your taste). I remember he satirically made a Minecraft and LoL gameplays series just to prove that any idiot with a capture card and a handful of mediocre gameplays can make a ton of money. They were called "Moneycraft" and "Leauge of Ledgers", respectively, and he constantly berated the viewers for watching it and expecting the gameplays to get better. the goddamned genius. x) The whole "watch people talk over video games" thing made my teeth itch from even before the Mw2 days, so that technically means I was hating on them before it was cool. /swag.
  9. Here's the scanner-version of the above pic.
  10. Trying to guss those songs without looking at the vid...it's hard but nostalgic at times. x)
  11. F*cking Facebook. I was looking forward to playing Beachhead or something on it, too.
  12. Yeah, what a disappointment... I should've known better than to have expectations. xD
  13. Woah, holy sh*t. I'm getting embarrassed just looking at it, and I don't even know that kid.
  14. One of my favorites too. Also For Your Eyes Only. What'd you think of Live and Let Die as a Bond song, as whole (music+visuals)?
  15. I know MY first play-through will be a tank...then I'll try out a battle mage guy.
  16. Any way you want. Is there a new game plus mode? I won't have the game for a really long time, I want my spoilers to come form someone I trust. xD
  17. Thanks Jordie! Did you get my reply on your ppr?
  18. Love that line from Goldfinger... "Do you expect me to talk?" "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die! " Overall great movie with a, yes, a so-so opening theme. x)
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