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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. You better.In case you haven't read my title, I'm the new Auptyk around these parts.
  2. Hey look, it's my old avatar.... Creepy as f*ck, now that I look at it. Why did I choose that? It's terrifying. Ah yuss, Sekcbaby, the inspiration for the sarcasm font. Where did Tov go? And Wobblesock? I remember the two were like in love. What was the conspiracy again? Wobblesock was who's alternate account?
  3. Well sh*t, it's actually CALLED Batman Vs. Superman. Hey, I'm okay with a glorified Justice League prequel. That's basically what...hell...any Pre-Avengers, post-Iron Man Marvel movie was.
  4. Perfect. Now I shall create the world's first artificial lake monster.
  5. Really, fellas? I'm the only one that dislikes it? It's all cringe humor, laughing at social faux pas and sh*t. Like The Office, but somehow less funny. The only good parts are when Al Bundy is being a d*ck (which is what he does best, that marvelous man). Other than that, It causes me actual, physical pain to watch. I get all kinds of squirrely. Countless critics have hailed it to be the funniest TV show ever made...apparently Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld, and countless other, more worthy shows never existed, ya f*ckin' Elf sympathizers. That's my crusty 2 cents.
  6. If you're trying expressing disgust or disapproval, you can never go wrong with Al Bundy.
  7. I used to drink two whole glasses of water before a meal. That makes you full faster, and mostly on the water.
  8. I've heard that everything other than the giant monster fights are very average.Which, you're GOING to watch FOR the monster fights, so I don't think it matters.
  9. It's artsy-fartsy Ooooooooooooooo I think it's one of my favorite emblems I made.
  10. It's either have a great beard or be in touch with us yung'uns. You chose wisely.
  11. I remember you...Noobzzz clan and all. x) Welcome back. What exactly did you search? "Euan is a ginger"?
  12. We should have lunch together sometime. I want to watch you eat things.
  13. F*ckin' Frace and Swimmerz, man... The dawn of my bronydom. :') I think there was less hassling with the Aztec extinction, though.
  14. Eh. Probably. But it comes out in 2017, so it ins't really that close. Then again, Zack "never picked up a comic book in his life" Snyder is taking charge, so...
  15. You guys heard about the Justice Leauge movie coming out after MOS2? It's gonna have Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and more. I don't know about you guys, but I'm more looking forward to that than the next Avengers movie.
  16. Yes, all of that.I liked how it worked in BO2, I hardly had a complaint about Ghost users. And that SAT-COM...I. called it since the gameplay reveals that it was a bad move. That's way too much work for something we used to get in 3 or 4 kills.
  17. A flamethrower, God Damn it. Ooh, and bring back the game mode War. I've been waiting for it since WaW!
  18. Saw some gameplay... This looks exactly like Halo with Borderlands elements. Not a bad thing, per se... I just thought it'd have an original feel or something.
  19. I may just be being a stupid, but that looks like a Pulse Rifle from Aliens to me... I know it isn't, just sayin'....
  20. Yeah, it was for Battlefield Bad Company 2. I played that more than I played the actual game after it came out xD
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