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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. Thenkz lol you two are the only ones that look at my sh*t. Understandably. xD
  2. A friend of mine schlepped me a copy of Macromedia Flash 8. It's pretty damn difficult xD I made a, awesome flash of the main character of my comic dancing, but had to delete it because it looked like she was doing "stuff", apparently. F*cking dirty minded people. x)
  3. Everyone's favorite, morbidly curious, multi-orgasmic heroine Random sh*t. Don't ask. Some animation practice (I make flash animations now, btw) An art trade with a person Same image as above, but stylized and animated I also made my avatar...but if you can tell what she's doing, you've seen the whole picture. xD Getting the hang of digital art, finally. Tell me what you think.
  4. I rate this (f)art an 11/10, would have terrifying wet dreams about this
  5. That must be an awesome problem to have, cost aside.
  6. His beard will take care of the rest.
  7. Yup, I remember the thread was called "Get your I told you so's in right now" or something.
  8. While rap is far from my favorite genre, my childhood was absolutely filled with it, and even now, I've taken a few souvenirs from then with me. Old rap is best rap. You can argue and say I'm wrong, but I'm Allah himself.
  9. Holy sh*t, this is my jam. When I was little, Biggie blasted through every speaker in my house. This is not only bringing back memories, but also making me laugh. Catchy as f*ck, too. Skip to 0:30
  10. There goes Doc, giving me silly adult feelings about guns again
  11. Are the first two from something? It's bugging the sh*t outta me that I know where it's from, but can't put a face to it. Also, make your own art thread, I'd lurk in it
  12. The second one...I see a man with lanky fingers, or a monster... I've been looking at it for 3 minutes straight. :0 10/10 would buy and hang in my room The first one is my favorite though...You can almost feel the ground shift, like you're gonna get sucked in there. To me, anyway GG, Mr. Owl, yes RE
  13. Damn it Ceppy, you left crumbs all over the carpet...
  14. If the Reegar Carbine was a woman, I'd marry it. It's an electric flamethrower! ELECTRIC. FLAMETHROWER.
  15. Last build I was f*cking around with before internet disconnection was the Geth Juggernaut. I gotta tell us...no matter how much you and Doc talked him up, it didn't do him justice O.o That unstoppable bastards! I gave him an N7 Pirahna and a Venom shotgun, because f*ck everyone and everything around it. I also sometimes give him a Geth Pulse Rifle, which he's still very good with if specced accordingly. I was still waiting for the Spitfire xD
  16. Eh, it was only a matter of time before someone said that about ANY admin. My bet was on Diddums getting shot first, but c'est la vie. Besides, certain people have an...affinity...for putting down and discrediting nay-sayers, so it isn't something you should really take to heart. Especially in Current Events (which should really be renamed The Bastard Lounge). (Also, as long as no pony threads pop up, me and you are in good standing for the foreseeable future, since we agree on many things. I'm okay with that )
  17. Oh yeah, much MUCH better...Someday, I'll be as good as you at digital art
  18. Thanks, man You can barely tell in the second picture, but she's blowing little bubbles from her mouth x) That same picture is missing a certain something...a certain...I dunno..."oomph" to the overall thing... It's been bugging me batsh*t, can you help me find out what it is?
  19. So. Getting slightly better at digital art. Not by much, and I still have long ways to go...but I'm getting there.
  20. I thought that was mostly for videos and sh*t of games. Do what you will, if you think it belongs there.
  21. I propose a forum-wide avatar gif clusterf*ck!And we shall shun those without moving pictures This one:http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/313/5/4/derpy_bop_by_blackgryph0n-d5kiv63.gif
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