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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. I'm stuck with last-gen for a long while, my friend x)
  2. Looks interesting. Though, the beta is PC only, so I'll have to get my speculations second-hand. Yeah, they're only on as a "consultant", so all they can do is "consult" their greasy mitts on this game.
  3. Are you sure?It's a pony one, I don't want to put you through that x) Oh no, Diddums already got me in trouble once before in one library, I don't want that to happen again in this one!
  4. Is Cap'ns avatar voodoo magic? :0Like, how the f*ck is his moving? x) Well, I would want it. I doubt many people else would though.
  5. So, I've been trying to find out why gifs I put as my avatar won't animate. They kinda just...lay there. I've tried resizing the image, making the file size smaller, even making it from scratch...no success. One could think that gifs weren't supported, but good ol' Cap'n has his flying proud. Any help?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fvJEpdq8a8 This song's sound is so god damn dirty and nasty and not-Beatles ( which was the actual purpose) that I can't help but love it.
  7. I'd say get a PS4, only because everyone here is getting it, so you'd hAve people to play it with.
  8. I want to draw him something, something from the bottom of my heart... But he's been in jail so long, I don't really remember what he likes Maybe I'll go visit him...It's a really far drive, but...yeah, I think I'll do that.
  9. By talking behind my back in PMs about me and suggesting I mad alot of things up, it makes you a "crappy person".But that is muck I'd rather not have racked right now. Or ever. Old wounds. Letting sleeping dogs lie, dead horses unbeaten. Stuff like that. TLDR I'm already over it.
  10. So! I bought Paint Tool Sai and an old drawing tablet off of my IRL for 20 bucks, and am now digital up in this b*tch. Check out my journey into the wastes. http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/886-dattes-art/page-3#entry35901
  11. I shlepped my friend's tablet off of him for 20 bucks, and he also threw in Paint Tool Sai. I am now on the digital train, yo. But holy sh*t...It's almost like learning how to draw all over again...It's frustrating. That's why I grew this, in frustration. After a few hours of learning all the tips and tricks, I drew this, as my thAnk you to my friend (who is IRL) It's about that time I realized I can draw just as well as before...just not ponies. My method of drawing in the digital format didn't translate well with them candy-colored equines. So I tried something else. I then realized that my problem was with perfect circles and neat lines...something that was usually remedied by the inning phase when drawing traditionally. After a few more hours of practice, I went back to ponies, and drew the main character of my comic, and experimented with shading and lighting I'm still a long ways to go....and I don't think that this will ever replace paper and pencil for me... But I'll keep trying at it.
  12. A nice even split is just up my alley. I have near-zero tolerance for completely story-driven games. It just feels...I don't know...lazy. "Why have actual, not-cliche gameplay, when I can give you feels instead?!"
  13. ONLY in the right circumstances?What are you? Casual?
  14. its srs bsnsBeats green font, though. xD
  15. I know I'm not part of this, I was just answering to this: Although Jsin just clarified as to why and how right now.
  16. So the government sanctions torture after all...
  17. Mw2 was sh*t and Ghosts makes my teeth itch.I'm with you there, friend.
  18. People would really buy this again? Is there...Like...more content inside it now? Because I can't imagine anyone willingly buying this when all it comes with is a fresh coat of next-gen paint, no matter HOW great it is. Unless of course you haven't played it before. I can dig that.
  19. That's dangerous thinking, old man.Now shut up and buy our weed camo.
  20. I think fuhgawzzz is just mainly referring to the aftermath of the Homegrown Terrorists thread and how it quickly got out of hand.
  21. People are still talking about me? Well sh*t. I've been trying to not talk about my real-life at all, I've tried to forget completely about all what happened, what more do they want? :/ I would've liked an apology from more than that one person (and that apology really meant alot)....but I'd rather not rack the muck. Bring up old feelings. Force apologies if they don't really feel they need to give one. know what I mean? But on the subject of disagreements, this is a forum, it's kind of meant for active discussions, but it's unfortunate that people (including me) take things to heart and get upset. There's also a matter of people being d*cks about disagreeing with something, but there's very little anyone can do about that, it's up to the same person to reel in the tone. Edit: beginning of my post isn't directed at the "person 1 person 2" thing, I was referring to just the very beginning of of his post there, where he said it was still a "thing" to talk about me.
  22. X-Ray attacks are back? A sexy New paint of graphics? A new counter system? My fatality-hole is ready.
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