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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. That's a lot of sh*t. Who put it there? Where did it come from? It's terrifying.
  2. Welcome, friend! I hope you stick around, it's getting a bit on the quite side around here, some new members are just we need.
  3. Jack Black AS RL Stine?That's weird as f*ck, I do NOT see the resemblance. x) It sounds like a big nostalgia fest, I'm interested so far. I just hope Jack Black doesn't act like...Jack Black.
  4. I read some of the books, but I saw the sh*t out of all the shows. Good stuff. Which book is Jack Black doing? Because this will effect future responses of mine in this thread.
  5. I need a British-->Murican dictionary to translate all of this damn lingo. I'm pretty sure Diddums called you a bag of chips or summat. xD
  6. Never give people a camera and an audience, Sony. Haven't they ever interneted before?
  7. It's basically a pocket-sized Saiga now. If you treat it like it that, it's your best friend. I even, because I'm crazy, carried a silenced Executioner with my LMG class, because silent deaths farts worked great with the caught-with-your-pants-down-in-CQC nature of Light Machine Gun classes. My road to gold Executioner was a blast...It was my primary, and it was probably the best time I had in BO2 (and I liked BO2 quite a bit). Hnnnnng, now I wish Ghosts had a shotgun pistol....
  8. Jeez. There's a special spot reserved on Satan's taint for that guy.
  9. I remember the worst part of his career was getting gold Executioner, too ;o
  10. Describes the standalone in a polite, eloquent manner
  11. Dat .mold is deadly tho I like using it with Long Barrel and Laser Sight.2 shots usually does it the way I use it, maybe 3 if they're far away. Getting 1hks is also very attainable. Do you have it gold yet, doc? I tell ya, no other gun is as satisfying getting gold or as sexy-looking while gold as the Executioner. Jsin is just jealous his feathered fingers can't use it effectively ;o
  12. gg, my man. Here's to another 3, eh?
  13. But remember, you also thought the Sexecutioner was day-old dung.
  14. It used to be really REALLY good before 3ARC patched the sh*t out of it. Now it's your average, everyday burst fire. Still though, it's a very good looking gun. That's usually enough for me to use it. Also, it's a noob-chewer in Full Auto mode.
  15. I heard one guy was kissing a horse, though
  16. My thoughts to the people on board. It must be horrifying. No ice bergs, no reefs in the entire area, and a loud bang a few moments before the ship began to sink... Seems like foul play might be involved.
  17. You didn't happen to be shooting people in the testicles, were you?
  18. Also, Bro Team acknowledged my pony version of him: I think I can die happy now.
  19. Awwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee In all seriosuness, stupid for obvious reasons. Atleast Infinity Ward knows it's target audience. But that Gunny voice? Yes. For all CoDs, from now on.
  20. I heard all about it, friend, and I refuse to watch it. x)Knowing them, they tore bronies a new a$$hole to breath through. Was it as bad as I thought?
  21. Played it twice, lost interest. Lucky me, provided all of y'alls reactions. x)
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