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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. Did you get any feedback on it? Any faves?
  2. I don't think it's a situation that warrants a PM conversation. I'm just extending the hand of friendship, is all.
  3. Should we have another go at a truce, Sennex? I don't see any pony threads coming up in the future, and that's the only thing that aggravates things between me and you. Besides, as an admin, you're gonna need to keep an eye on my ponyf@gness.
  4. Frozen, with 4 of my friends who've watched it 50 times before and have insisted it was God's gift to Earth. That unplanned pregnancy is going to need quite the clean-up.
  5. Thank you Sennex, that sh*t was driving me bonkers. x)
  6. Well sh*t, he's now unblocked for me because he's an Admin. x) Congrats, anyway. I'm sure your expertise in coding will be very useful.
  7. Excuse the camera quality.
  8. My half of an art trade for one of my favorite artists.
  9. That was from when your wife was giving birth, right?
  10. Screw that, I'm gonna go play Battlefield 7. GRAPHICS.
  11. I would if I could friend, but other than the library PCs, I Dont have a computer (and I need Unity for it, which the PCs block).
  12. A tough situation, indeed... Your next desicion really depends on how much scorn you have leftover for your dad and what he did to deserve it.
  13. I remember playing Hardcore in BFBC2 in was a terrifying experience, I loved it.
  14. OH GOD, I'M ON A BLONDIE KICK SOMEBODY STOP ME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxpe1oSp_sg /she's hot, too
  15. Has a...AC/DC feel to it... Don't know how to feel about that. x) ---- Was listening to my calssic rock station when this played: Was shocked to find out it's by Blondie. x) Catchy as f*ck, get outta my head...
  16. Every BF elitist and their Grans love to spout on about how much better their community is compared the CoD, but it's the same. Take from that what you will. x)
  17. Elvis gave scabies to your mom's HarmanKardon. /you're no fun, fuhgawzzz. xD
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