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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. A simple feline? Nay, traveller, be warned. That Is the true face of evil.
  2. It's worse for us baby-faced folk. x)
  3. Ah, I loved that.I loved how it got eeriely quiet in game chat as the mortars fell. It's like real war, yknow. x)
  4. There are some times I do, some times I don't (usually when I'm on the receiving end x) )
  5. Trying to ruin my childhood, eh? Well I'll see your pic and raise you:
  6. I hear that. x)I literally couldn't recognize myself when I shaved.
  7. Yeah, go for bronze! >:I /eating a nice big bowl of sour grapes
  8. Tell your wife that your beard feels the same about her.
  9. Does BF:BC2 count? Because I remember one time in that night snow map (can't recall the name atm), I ran an ATV loaded with C4 into the the B-bomb's house (which was up the a$$ with enemies) and collapsed it with 4 tickets to go. Horeeh shet. We still lost, because screw my team, but I even impressed myself. x)
  10. Reminds me... Best part about WaW, right over here.
  11. Apparently, the President has a bet with the Canadian HOS (President? Prime Minister? *shrug*) over the US men's Hockey game: one pack of beer. If we lose, the president should absolutely make good on that bet and deliver that beer. On the tip of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.
  12. Sure! You gonna buy me a high-end gaming rig? ;o
  13. http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/965-evolve/#entry25456 Oh god, one of favorite songs, butchered by the opposite sex again. There are many songs that can't be whisper-sung by woms. Mother is definitely one of them. I need to go cry in the corner. But Evolve does look great. Too bad that it's only next-gen.
  14. My God. Send this over to the boys at the lab. The President needs to hear about this...
  15. Bon Scott, augh.. x) His voice was steel wool to my ears.
  16. It's been an entire year, and my god damn beard won't close. It grows freakin' everywhere on my face except those to little patches where I really want it to. But oh, my hairs are still coming in white. It's almost fully white now, as opposed to just a few stray hairs this time a year ago. /fml x)
  17. Now don't shoot me or anything... But I hate AC/DC. I know they're in the hall of fame and everything, but I can't wrap my head around why everyone thinks "AC/DC" when they hear "great singers". Their singers sounded like they had strep. The worst thing? AC/DC always comes on when I'm taking a dump or am in the shower, so I have to sit through their songs (and they play them very often.) To give them credit, Hells Bells is a good song, not as teeth-itch-causing as the rest of their portfolio. And to be honest, the singing is my only gripe.
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