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Middle Class Caveman

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Everything posted by Middle Class Caveman

  1. It's looking like a cold war/vietnam war crossover type thing. I wish they would try and 'copy' Black ops 2 rather than black ops because the 2nd game was hands down the best game they've ever made!
  2. @phil bottle is coming back to poker with a vengeance - he wants his dignity back after getting destroyed in Hereford! Ooouuuffff!
  3. This is shaping up to be awesome!
  4. So the same guy just donated 25 gifted subs in Flux twitch and then literally half hour later is on Speros love YouTube donating him $300......why?????
  5. I've been fascinated by twitch recently and have been following a couple of CoD streamers. Mostly Fluxury and Speros. My 'question' is, what compels people to give these streamers large sums of money? I watched Fluxury stream today and 2 different people gave him 100 gifted subs. That's £125 of their own money, given to this guy. Twice. I don't get it. I gifted my amazon prime sub to Speros as it didn't cost me anything but I couldn't imagine giving 1 gifted sub, let alone 100. Has anyone ever done something like this? Why? Help me understand! EDIT: Just to add to this as well. The whole concept of 'chatting' with the player is also bollocks too. The chat is just emoji's and 'hype' no actual real conversation.
  6. Nice work Dan, I've dropped 5kg myself during lockdown also!
  7. Can @Nutcuttlit and I get a 'fitness' group somewhere????
  8. Welcome!
  9. What a classic bit!
  10. Well, this is a sad thread to make but....I didn't even come close to finishing FF7R. It went from amazing to bad real fast. The thing that killed it for me was the constant deviation away form the story line and the constant 'stretch' of the most insignificant parts of the game. Some of it was interesting like the character development of Jesse but to be completely honest they've 'modernised' the game rather than just making an excellent game look and move better. It's just 'cut scene' - little bit of combat - 'cut scene' - pointless running around - 'cut scene' I really don't like that style of game and they became more and more popular in the late 2000's with games like Knights of the old republic etc. I'm going to finish it at some point but I think the problem is that the Midgar portion of the game is the most dull. It's not exciting and plays no baring on the outcome of the game. I'm super disappointed that I'm not mad in love with it.
  11. No mention of your nutella on crumpets I see though @GazzaGarratt......;)
  12. Couldn't agree more with those points @GazzaGarratt
  13. I can honestly say i've enjoyed all of them. I think a lot of people get caught up in nostalgia of the 'good ol' days' of MW2 or BO but if every game was the same they would complain about that too? I think you have to take each game for what it is and try and find the fun in it. As an example, Modern Warfare (2019) is clearly a slower/noob friendly game where rushing is punished and kill streaks are weak. That doesn't make it a bad game, it just means I have to find a way to let my play style flourish and work hard to find ways of destroying campers etc. It's a different challenge rather than something 'bad' in my opinion. Where as Black ops 3 for example was a game where rushing and mastery of the controller was highly rewarded but being able to use a Scuf controller isn't easy either and that took a lot of time to get a real grasp of etc. Just my 2 cents though.
  14. Well I wanted to change my actual PSN name! Is that on the playstation itself?
  15. I'm going to watch this tonight I think
  16. I recently changed my activision ID (or at least I think I did) form Malakie84 to Caveman. I come up as caveman on Modern Warfare. However, when we played CoD WWII last Friday I was showing up as Malakie84. Anyone know why? Thanks! Elliott
  17. Hi all, there is a planned game of Poker on the Poker Stars app organised by @LordBaguette this Friday. Link to the post is here
  18. I suppose it's difficult for those of us on this side of the pond to truly understand what is happening over there. However, my cynical side thinks that this delay tactic is more driven by money than ethics. If people are too engrossed in the news and all that other stuff, they aren't playing call of duty and buying micro transactions. I hope i'm wrong but activision aren't known to be the most ethical business.
  19. What was wrong with Infinite warfare @MrBiron ?
  20. Well to get even more precise is a Cog a Cog or a Con? Cognac???? The mystery deepens.....
  21. Yeh I agree, there was a lot of money and perks like dead silence etc but there should be UAV's and Epics for sure
  22. Some amazing news! A group of modders are creating MW2 on BO3 on PC. Watch this video: MW2 Remastered MP
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