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Middle Class Caveman

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Everything posted by Middle Class Caveman

  1. Hi folks, Elliott here! I found Forever Gaming via @ChaosGladiator and @LordBaguette via a rather unpleasant situation with a previous member..... I play a lot of COD and since the relaunch of classic WOW I will will be playing that exclusively for the foreseeable future. In real life I am a secondary school teacher by day, Strength & Conditioning coach + Deep Tissue Therapist by night. I own a little studio gym and work in a clinic. I am a huge nerd, I'm covered in tattoo's from Final Fantasy 7 (which is coming in March....as am I 😉 ) I'm a big steak lover and my instagram handle is MiddleClassCaveman should you want to follow. Peace
  2. Lets make a decision on this fast please? I don't mind re-rolling but lets do it soon?
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