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Posts posted by Teenwolf25

  1. 7 hours ago, James5497 said:


    This sounds like something that'd be developed or is even already in the works. I think in terms of the bigger picture we'll be using satellite based internet in our homes in the next 10 years max.

    I don’t think we will tbh, it’ll be like EV cars. It’s expensive and the market is very limited. Most of us live in a town or city where we can get fttp. The only people I see buying starlink are people out in the sticks where there’s no signals etc. 

    Im apart of a smart home community group too and they install in the region of 200k cinema builds into houses etc, most of them refuse to install starlink due to the limitations etc. 

  2. It’s a false economy, simple.. The infrastructure isn’t there for it. If everybody switched then we’d be in a right shit problem. As an electrician myself it’s not all it’s advertised to be… Yes we need to steer away oils etc but complete EV isn’t the way. I don’t know what the answer is but there must be something… Hybrids are a happy medium I think 

  3. Well Netflix is about to lose a lot of customers then and many, including me, will leave. I’m not being dictated to about logging in when they expect you to. Fuck off. What about people with more than one house etc?? How can they police it when many people use VPNs?? Sounds more like scaremongering 

  4. The changes sound good. I’ve never unlocked the second insured slot as the factions are mental to some extent. It’s nearly impossible unless your a team of 3 who setup before deploying, ie friends. 
    I don’t think I’ll ever forget the 200m wall banging sniper shotguning AI 😂!!

    Annoying that all the contraband etc is wiping but it is what it is.. at the end of the day it was/is a beta

  5. 2 minutes ago, techno said:

    Because that's pretty much all there is, I've been the same hence why nothing really but shipment for over a month 🤣

    Ye I see what you mean on the MP side. 
    That’s why I prefer DMZ. You actually have missions to do etc. PvP on every game is repetitive same old shit. 

  6. Just now, techno said:

    I agree with what you have said however I'm not not have I ever been interested personally in anything other than multiplayer and as such have to agree with what eighth thoughts and others have said. They seem to have taken away from one mode to spread themselves out and it shows. 


    Also youre bang on about destiny. 

    The multiplayer side I’ve only been playing for camp grinding to be honest 😂

  7. On 1/9/2023 at 3:34 PM, cyberninja2601 said:


    Went in today with a good squad which is rare and we Friended  another good squad which made us basically godly. We had a number of squads trying to hunt us because we were carrying something like 300K in cash.  It didn't work out for them. 3 vs 6 will get you wrecked. 


    We extracted by saving the hostage. Even the AI didn't stand a chance for change 🙂




    I’ve done this multiple times now. It’s funny as Fuck when you’re driving through the city in the truck and you come under fire by a team of 3 then all of a sudden your 5 squad mates stand up in the back and fuck em all up 😂😂

  8. 1 hour ago, techno said:

    Just 2 videos that were in my recommended today.





    The game needs better and more content, and that's new content wtf are these people doing? Dids used to make jokes about destiny and recycled shit but that seems to be a business model these days unless it's the shop. 

    There’s still shit loads to do in CoD. There’s no ways you’ve done it all! 
    Faction missions in  DMZ, Warzone then multiplayer. For the more hardcore they’ve bought in Building 21 that I bet youve not tried. Also they have raid assignments now. 
    I never thought I’d be interested in COD as much as I am atm. Destiny is just a big bounty grind now for levels to be able to do GMs etc which is boring as F. Trust me I never thought I’d actually say that. 
    Recycled shit does tend to be the “go to” now which is a shame but it is what it is. 

  9. 12 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:



    The extra Ammo and molotov saved me a few times but that is really up to you.


    You can fly a direct path with the Helo and parachute down so the chances of ambush are reduced. It worked for me but that doesn't mean it will for you or anyone else. I also had a UAV that I used once the extraction was in bound to know how clear the extraction zone was. I think I had vary favorable conditions however. 


    The gun really isn't that great. Don't expect too much. It's probably the one that took the longest to get to gold. Even worse than the M16



    I agree with this. The guns good but it’s not the best in the game, it’s more the journey you went through to get it 😂

    I helped my son get it last week, was fun, I killed the chemist grabbed the gun but died in the zone. My son didn’t have a mask or anything so told him not to risk it, our third was already dead. He looted up nearby till he had some survivability. I pinged where my body was and the gun was nearby. He managed to run in as the enemies had backed off 15mins later, grab the gun and extract all by himself with me watching his back. It was so rewarding for him to clutch up, he’s only 10 bless him. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Riff Machine said:

    I just finished this tonight and man, that was fucking fun!  does it do anything revolutionary to improve the standard FPS formula?  Nope.  But, it was a blast from beginning to end.  Set your controller down without pausing and leave it.  After a few moments, the main gun "Kenny" will chastise and lecture you on not pausing and say things like "who the fuck does that anyway?"


    I'd chalk this one up as my top xbox game of the year.  So much so, that I may do another run through just to finish up some achievements.  Awesome game!

    I’ve been seeing clips of this game on TT etc. looks funny as fuck. It even got to the point where I was considering buying an Xbox to play it 😂.

    I saw a clip in game where you had to shoot a kid but the gun wouldn’t let you and sent you on a guilt trip 😂😂 or when you don’t shoot when your being shot at he screams at you for o smash every button and do something 😂😂



  11. Just now, IRaMPaGe said:


    @TigerBurge  Wants it for sure, I think we all will do eventually.

    I think once you have passed it on and more people have it the better. 


    Mostly timezones and catching the peoples. 

    Thanks for the speedy confirmation, also @cyberninja2601 as well for his fast reply. 

    @TigerBurge add me on PS and when we’re on at the same time I can drop it for you 

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