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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. LOL yep totally remember that. You'd stand there for 2 minutes to wait for that 3 second window when it was clear then it was scrambled again. Ahh the good ol days.
  2. Damn straight. Pixelated titties get boring after awhile
  3. Sharknado lol...one of my fishing buddys and I joke about that movie all the time. Back in August when I returned home from vacation and found that tree that had fallen and crushed my shed and damaged my yard (not sure if you remember me posting that) well my buddy came over and we're standing in the yard looking at the damage and I said "Looks like a fuckin Sharknado came through" ...I thought he was gonna die laughing when I said that to him I thought Sharknado and Ghost shark were the worst, but good God this new one you posted takes the cake....Avalance shark WTF
  4. I love that movie. IMO that was one of the last good westerns ever made.
  5. Yeah finding out the difference in speed was the last straw for me. I have been kicking around the idea of switching every since August because they ended up turning one of my favorite channels (SPEED ch) into yet another damn sports channel which really pissed me off because I'm a big gearhead. Now I find out not only does this other provider have a car channel, they also have an outdoor channel and much faster internet speed. So that was the final nail in the coffin there for my old provider.
  6. Ya gotta love those tests, I always score the same on any of them I take lol. This one I just did and its the same as always, dead on... ISTP Introvert(78%) Sensing(1%) Thinking(25%) Perceiving(67)% You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%) You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%) You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%) You have distinctive preference of Perceiving over Judging (67%) Anyway as to original post Dockter. It sounds so much like my own life/feelings I could have wrote that so I understand what you are going through. Dave and Jay gave you some good advice, but one thing I would advice against is IF you and her do break up, don't go looking to get into another relationship right away. The reason I say that is because your at a point in your life where you are having trouble finding and loving yourself for who you are, so how could you love someone else if you are a bit lost yourself? If you guys break up then take a bit of time and try to find out for yourself what you really want to do in life, and what really makes you happy. Then you can start looking for someone to share that life with. Far as the drinking and such, I've always been very upfront about my past so I know all about what your dealing with. First thing is that drinking to feel better because of problems is a very dark and troubled road. What starts as just a one day a week type thing only drinking one night quickly turns to two three, then almost everyday of the week deal. With the introvert personalities we have that is not a good thing because we end up drinking way too much, way too often, alone in a dark room wallowing in our problems. And when that happens theres only three outcomes....Jail, Death, or recovery. So nip that in the bud before you have to seriously deal with one of those three things. As to the job, don't make any sudden decisions yet about that until you have really thought it out and know exactly what you want to do. Last thing you want is to quite then realize you can't find another job or it ends up being a worse job than this one. So think about what really makes you happy in a job and work towards that. You always need money to pay bills so don't get me wrong when I say this, but I have found money is secondary to happiness in work/life. Who cares if you are making tons of money if you dreed getting up to go to a job you hate every morning. Think about what really makes you happy and try to start looking into a change in a field in that direction over time. Evenything each of us does in life is a risk. It does not matter if it is getting married or having kids or simply going out the door in the morning, everything we do in life comes with a risk. But without risk there is no reward. If we decided to not do something simply because we may fail then what would be the point of life? We'd be a bunch of drones living a meaningless pointless unhappy life. Never be afraid to do something simply because you are scared of what "could" happen. Life is just a speck on the timeline for us so you have to try to make your time here meaningful and happy. Don't waste it. Anyway that's just my .02 for what it's worth.
  7. I thought the "Gonna fly now" song was appropriate for this post Let me explain why. I've been with my current cable/internet company for 15 yrs now. I really don't like them, not only does the service kind'a suck but they have issues with pixelating on the signal at times because they try to cover such a big area, plus my internet speed is "okay" but truely sucks for downloading or uploading videos, especially HD videos. Well just today my sister whom had the same company I had decided to switch carriers. Now my nephew emailed me tonight and we got to talking about speeds so I had him to a speed test now with the new company just to see how it compares. Here's his test.... Download- 59.32 Mb/s Upload- 11.07 Mb/s Here's my test.... Download 2.06mbs Upload 0.86mbs Not to mention the company they are went with is cheaper, plus have free motorsports and Outdoor channels (I have none of those now). The speed difference just blew my mind. Needless to say I am going to call them and have them come out and chance carriers next week once I get back from a weekend trip this weekend. I'll be SOOOOO glad to not have to watch that stupid "buffering video" crap on youtube vids soon! So my internet speed is Gonna fly now lol
  8. Managed to get quite a bit done tonight. All three back panels are now carved and textured and have the first coat of drylock on them. Still have to build the two side panels to cover the sides of the tank but those will come after the back is all done that way I can integrate the filter intakes into the corners of the background and side panels to completely hide them all the equipment from view. Couple shots of it mocked up in the tank now Now I'm painting the whole thing black that way I can go back over it with dry-brushing drylok coat again and then start shading and highlighting. The black will stay in the crevasses and add to the 3 dimensional look of it.
  9. No harm done Dangle. Them TPS reports probably have you at wits end....you did get the memo about the TPS reports right?
  10. Takes courage to share things like that with people. I am really tied up at the moment and want to reply to ya but can't dedicate the amount of time it desrves right now, so I'll post again later this evening when I have some free time to really sit down and reply properly.
  11. Honestly there was nothing my family could have done for me, they tried till they were blue in the face. In my 20's I use to drink a fifth and half of Vodka almost daily, I couldn't hold a job, I wouldn't come home at night, the only job I could hold was a bouncer at a bar and that was just because I could drink when working and liked to fight, I hung out with low lifes and people that were the bottom of the barrel, I stole from the people I loved, I was the kind of person I have since come to despise. My family did everything they could to reach me. They helped financially, they helped emotionally, they helped physically by picking me up when I was in a bad part of town or bailing me out of jail and giving me a place to stay, they tried talking to me, reasoning with me, getting mad at me, crying and showing how I hurt them, even getting me help in the form of a grief counseler at one point. Pretty much they did everything humanly possible to get me to turn my life around. Yep that is exactly what I am saying. My family did everything yet I would not change till I was ready. It's the same thing with smoking, drinking or drugs. The only person that can make a change is that person themselves by wanting to change. I think at some point in every persons life they finally are ready to make that change it's just that some people wait too long and lose the opportunity to do so and those are the ones people view as a lost cause. I use to view them as a lost cause as well, but now I view them as people that just simply have not reached that point of wanting to change within. Something needs to happen within for someone to make a change, it's not something that anyone but that person themselves can initiate either. You can try to change someones mind but they won't honestly change till they change their heart. And you can't change someones heart, that's something that has to come from within.
  12. I think your missing the point of what I said and the meaning of that quote to be honest. I'm not saying to help her or the kids out financially or even to have any relationship at all with her right now. All I am saying by that quote ...is to not "hate" her. As unlikely as it may seem to you, people can change. At one point in my life I was a drunken low life that would steal and con his family to get what I wanted. Now I am probably one of the most honest straight forward guys that would do anything for my family and give a stranger the shirt off my back if he was in trouble. The likelyhood of me changing 20 years ago was not very probable, but one day I just finally grew up and realized I needed to be a man and grow up and change, and I did. If my family would have just gave up and hated me then who knows if I ever would have made that change. So the point I was trying to make with that quote/my previous post is not to tell you to help her or even talk to her if you don't want too... but all I am saying is to don't hate her and completely shut the door on any future chance of reconciliation because even though the chance of her changing may be slim, there is still a chance she may one of these days. People can surprise you when you least expect it, I'm living proof. So all I'm saying is don't shut that door completely is all. Just leave it open a crack just in case.
  13. Absolute classic here. . . .
  14. Haven't seen it yet. The first one was kind'a funny though so I'll have to check this one out.
  15. That is a hard place to be for you. I know you said you hate her, but we only have one family and even though we may not approve of or even like some of them at times, they are family and I could never actually "hate" my family. Tommy touched on the one thing I was going to say as well, and that is you can't help people that don;t want help. I hate to quote a movie in a serious discussion like this, but there is actually one of my favorite quotes in a movie I dearly love (A River runs through it) where the Dad whom is a Rev says the following during a sermon which I believe to be very true when it comes to family... Pretty much sums up my feelings when it comes to issues like this. Don't give her money, don't make things easy for her to countinue the life she has chosen, but don't hate her either because she is family, and there is always a chance that someone may change at some point in their lives. Just my .02
  16. The majority of people I was friends with on FB were kind'a of friends but yet not close friends. Such as people I actually see maybe once a year to fish with, or people I talk to on the phone but have not actually meet in person. Prime examples of the attention seeking I was talking about are the pics of food/drinks, to me that's just goofy as hell to post that because everyone eats and drinks so it's not like it is something special. Now if it was a close friend and they were throwing a party and posted a pic of a huge spread of food on a table then I can see that, but to post a pic of a sandwich your about to eat? wtf lol. Another one was a friend of mine that I have fished with and spent time with on numerous occasions. We've fished together probably 6-8 times over the years and he lives in Canada so we were friends on FB to stay in touch. But once or so per week he'll post some stupid stuff like the other day he posted a picture of his feet with his running shoes on and said "Getting ready for a run".....Ummmm okay, and??? He feels that is important enough that I want to sit and read that he's getting ready to go for a jog? There's just so much stuff like that on FB now a days where people seem to think friends need to know every little thing that goes on in their lives and it's just such a waste of time. It's the same thing with the happy/sad things that you mentioned IMO. Don't take that the wrong way, but to me if someone has some big issues then sure I'd like to know about it and maybe try to help cheer them up, but if someone is just posting that they are having a happy day or a sad day....that just seems goofy to me because we all have happy/sad days so just seems odd that people think that's something they have to share is all. I dunno to each their own I guess. We're all different and some people enjoy knowing every little thing about other people I guess. Me, I'm not uncaring, I do want to know how my friends are, but I just don't feel like I need to know every little thing a friend is doing at any givin time is all.
  17. I actually started a couple months ago doing what you suggested Mike, not getting feeds from certain people in my status feeds line. The problem with that though is if I stopped getting updates from all the people that post stupid shit then I'd just have a blank page lol. Seriously, people no matter how good a person will at some point and time post some stupid thing just for attention, and when you have 50-100 "friends" then even if that person only posts some attention seeking crap once or twice per week then spread out over 50-100 people then your still just bombarded by it all day with it. If people would just use it as a means to stay in touch or to share things worth sharing then it would be good. What gets me though is the constant BS that is always posted such as someone posting a picture of a beer and saying "mmmmmm beeeeer" or a picture of a cup of coffee in the morning and saying "I need coffee"....WTF? do these people think others need to know that you need coffe or that you are eating a meal, uhg. It just got to the point where I felt like I was doing nothing but wasting my time sorting through all the garbage on there so I decided to kick it out of my daily online checks. You are right though that age does have a bit to do with it. Those of us that are middle age like certain things. To me and probably others my age there's something to be said for sitting down on the front porch with a coffee and reading the newspaper, or sitting down at the end of the day to watch the 11 O'clock news to see what is going on with the world. Younger peope are use to the instant gratification of twitter feeds and social media to get their news and other info. Not that one way is better than the other, just a difference in the way we each go about it I guess. So anyway I have dropkicked FB to the curb for now, maybe even for good I think. Also cutting way back on visiting internet forums. I still am coming here and to my fishing forums I run, but even these I won't be on daily anymore. Just deciding to spend some time enjoying real life more rather than online life
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5pryCS1Q5U
  19. Not Out of context....but I think this warrants repeating still.... lol JsinOwl : (09 October 2013 - 09:16 AM) Amolokina - Kill the bitch! (If you haven't already)
  20. I saw it but that was just too easy
  21. Absolute awesome scene, prob my fav to date in any movie
  22. Ya know, I actually not only left this thread the other day without looking back, but the site as well. Not that this thread made me leave, but I'm kind'a in the midst of "thinning down" all my internet and social media stuff is all. Because I am sick of this "tech life" and don't care to keep feeding it. Anyway... today I had computer issues and after coming back here I started talkin to Dave, then seeing you actually had the respect to not even Not reply after I posted Dangle, and the fact you didn't reply after what I said to you, that really made me actually respect you a bit more to be honest....I feel the need to come back here and apologize to you. I still don't like what you said, but ya know we all think/feel different about stuff so I wont hold that against you and hope you wont hold anything against me
  23. Been a bit since I updated this, but here is my latest. I'm sick of people that just "need": attention. And social media just feeds these attention whores IMO. So here is a copy&paste from what I just posted on my facebook account 2 mins ago., because I'm tired of social media, people that feel the need to tell me WTF they just ate or drank, or that "they need coffee" in the morning, and all that bullshit. I could care less that you are eating a pancake, or drinking a coffee, or the picture of your damn dinner you are about to eat. Just tired of all the attention seekers and plastic people is all so I just signed off of facebook for good. Just me and my opinion........
  24. A day fishing sounds great bud, I wish
  25. I think I'm good now bud. Trust me I could tell ya some shit that would blow your mind if ya wanted lol, as to why it took so long to get back ..... Like after 10 hrs of reformatting how I was BANNED from my own rod building website because I entered the wrong password 6 times in a row. Yet my Host company told me it must be my ISP that was the issue where I could not log on,,,till I figured it out myself WTF was going on! I wanted to reach through the phone and kill that guy lol Then these issues with my sound card which Dave tried big time to help with...yet finally it was some stupid shit, now I'm good Just uhg ..... what a day.
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