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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Thanks. Just did some re aquascaping in the other tank (Mbuna one) today as well. Pretty happy with the layout in this one for now. . .
  2. So shave the stash keep the beard and change your name to Jedediah Yodder
  3. Now that a month or so has passed and the new little plants were starting to get some decent size leaves on them during a WC today I took them out and cut them free and tied them onto wood in the tank. By grouping them together I was able to add some more nice greenery to the tank. So far just adding florish and keeping the lights on 12hr per day has been keeping the plants looking good and helping the new little plants grow well.
  4. Lol yeah man...I just never understood the MLP stuff, but you seem like a pretty good kid and I actually like most the posts you do so I'd put you in the "better than expected" catagory
  5. Better than expected- Dattebayo Seriously. Back on the old forum I saw his "my little pony" avatar and though jeez wtf is up with this guy, took him as a joke then. Now, He's still here and just because he likes MLP I wont judge him Seems like a pretty decent guy. So I'll give Dattebyo a "Better than expected" lol
  6. Just watching this movie right now, and it made me think of this post lol
  7. Ha..now is not the night for me with the shit that is going on tonight here Doc. But sorry, I'll tryin get on topic, let me see.....okay. Better than expected... Better than expected tonight was a movie, Zero Dark Thirty. I didn't expect much, but it was actually pretty damn good.
  8. Zero Dark Thirty. Just watched it about 3 hrs ago, really great movie.
  9. Beard about 2 weeks in now...
  10. Here's what I just finished setting up today for my tropicals. For lights it has dual T12 40w 6500k daylight bulbs, plus a 24" "plant" bulb as well. The hanging incandescent bulb is to mainly just add some heat to the closed off tank. Also have a fan mounted up top to just move a little air around. Mounted a thermometer/hygrometer inside it and the readings before water/heat were added (normal house readings) were Humidity-42% Temp-70F. After adding water and turning everything on it was Humidity-72% Temp-83F. The humidity seems pretty good, it's enough to keep the front glass fogged, but I'm thinking about adding a small submersible heater in a pan of water to bump the humidity up a tad more be I'll give it a couple weeks and see how the trees react to this first.
  11. Jeez man, I dunno why but sometimes bad things like this seem to happen in groups. Sorry to hear about your friend.
  12. Watched both episodes of it tonight. IMO I really liked it, not only because it's good to see him back, but it was actually pretty funny I thought. I'll be watching the rest of the episodes this season.
  13. Tuesday morning my Niece was very upset, "timmy" the red ear slider turtle I bought her back in Feb died. My sister said they found him upside down with all his legs and head limp and hanging out of his shell. My niece obviously was very upset. My sister picked him up and he was completely lifeless, she said she poked his little leg and nothing, he was limp. So she put him in a box and sat him outside behind the house. My Niece went to school and then when her dad got him they were going to burry Timmy in the back yard next to the little Koi pond. My Niece wanted to see him one last time so they opened the lid of the box before they burried him.......Timmy was standing up on all four legs staring at them Needless to say my Niece started crying again, this time tears of joy My sister swears he was dead, she said she shoke him and poked him and no response from him. His head/tail and all four legs were hanging limp. I looked online and actually found where this happened to someone else a few years ago. I guess when he flipped upside down he basically drowned, but because a turtles respritory system is so slow that they are not actually "dead" for some time after drowing. So sounds like when my sister took him out and sat him right side up in the box in the backyard, the water in his lungs must have drained out and he came too. They went and got him a turtle dock to replace the rock that was in his tank plus filled the water higher so that he can right himself if he ever flips upside down again. He's been doing fine now for the past 2 days since this happened. He's a tough little SOB
  14. Drifter

    My Tigers

    Maybe not, never can tell whats gonna happen once the playoffs start. Look at the Tigers last year. We rolled over teams till the playoff then got swept like an old rug lol
  15. Just picked up this beautiful OB as the final fish to round out my Peacock & Hap show tank.
  16. Drifter

    My Tigers

  17. I wish I could offer you help on that uber, but you know as well as I....it takes quitting from within and nothing someone else can offer. I wish you the best and offer my prayers that you can quit bud. Trust me I will tell you this, it's the best thing I ever did for myself in my life. I hope you can do it too bud.
  18. Call me old, but I'm really happy to see Micheal J Fox is coming back to TV. I know a couple people that have parkinson's and I know how it completely wipes out a person, so add on to that the fact I grew up watching MJF in Back to the future and other movies when I was a teen, I'm really glad to see he's actually coming back to Tv now. Hope I'm not the only one...
  19. Uber first off, thanks bud. I am not the strongest person I know when it comes to will power because it took me years to finally quite some of my bad habit for good. I finally was able too though at least for the time being, I'll never say "for good" though because as an addict you never "win" you just deal with. Anyway thanks bud. Far as 230... These BMI charts say for 6'6 and 42 yrs old I 'should" weigh 210-215lbs. IMO that is BS, those BMI charts are way off base if you ask me. I really think at my age and height I should be 230-240lbs IMO. So thats kind'a where I want to be by the end of the year. I think I can do it if I keep at it. like I said ... I got up this morn and walked 1.5 miles, then at 5pm I jogged 1mile, then this evening I walked about .5 mile. And I work out 3-4 tims per week now. So long as I keep at it I think I can be were I want my Dec.
  20. I had this post on the old MW2 site 2 years ago if I remeber correct (mw2 site uhg!) anyway figured its time I started a new one here now..... Started 2/2/12 at 6'6" 400lbs ( ) 2/7/13 was 6'6" 250 lbs last month 8/1/13 was 259 lbs (I slipped on the diet a bit) 9/24/13 I've been walking 3 miles per day, eating only 1000 calories per day, and weight trainging 4 days per week, now today I'm 262lbs. I think some of the weight is from working out now though because I have been strice on the diet and working out so I'm thinking maybe its a bit mass/muscle because I know that few lbs cant be gained weight/fat. (sure specter might "weigh" in on this)? Anyway thats where I am today far as my weight lose/diet. My goal is 230 lbs by Dec 31st. 2013 Which may be a bit low for my height but we'll see.
  21. Pale Rider. Just finished tonight on a cable chan, great movie.
  22. That is just a tear jerker for sure man, wow. Let me ask you this man maybe you can answer. There's times I do see two cops in a car together, most times during the day it seems here in Detroit...but why at times like evening/night DD calls are cops not sent with a partner? Seems most times here in the Detroit areas at night if a cop is called it's a lone officer, and seeing this where officer Bradway lost his life, it just seems if he had a partner/back up that this could have been prevented. I know maybe in Bradways case he was just responding to a DD call and thats the roll of the dice when your a cop, but I do see times here in my area where theres a call and I know the cops HAVE to know what they are responding to (Detroit, you know what I mean) yet only one crusier/cop shows up.
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