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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Listening to this, and bringing back SO many memories of my twenties....
  2. I'm not much for blondes so I noticed brunettes, who is the last one is that Kate Beckensail?
  3. I've caught bits and pieces of it over the years but not paying too much attention to it. From what I can tell I don't think any of us can say 100% for sure guilty or not. All I know is that the Italian justice system is making a mockery of itself with how this is being handled. First someone is guilty and goes to prison, then let go and said to be innocent, then they say guilty again and want them to go back to prison
  4. The problem with Justin Beiber is just what I said earlier (chlid star syndrome). It's another case of the blame falling mostly on the parents IMO. When a child gains fame at such an early age as he did then he has niether the maturity nor the wisdom/experience of life to be able to handle the burdens that fame and great wealth bring with it. When you are just a kid you do not have the tools to handle fame and fortune. It is then the parents job to help guide him in the right direction and help him still be able to experience an enjoyable childhood before he becomes an adult. His parents did not do that though. His mom seems like a whack job and his dad seems like a total loser. Worse yet his dad was actually in the car stopping traffic so he could race, as well as provided him with some of the drugs. To me his parents are not only not doing their job as parents, but even worse yet, they seem to only be in the picture to use Justin as a cash cow. It's really sad when you stop and look at what is really going on. I have never cared for Justin but truth be told I actually feel sorry for the kid because he really has a very slim chance if someone responsible does not step in and do something. If someone does not step in and talk some sense into his head and make him realize money does not mean you are above the law then he is headed either for death or prison. Not a very good outlook if things do not change for him.
  5. Exactly. That is just a testiment to how far society has fallen these days. People today are more concerned in what goes on with Bieber, or the Kardashians, or any of these other famous people than being concerned with things that actually mean something anymore.
  6. He's a textbook example of chlid star syndrome. That kid is headed for a big disaster soon.
  7. Here in the states there is no muzzle law on any breed of dog. There are leash laws, which I agree with because then that puts you as the responsible party for your animal as it should be, but there are no muzzle laws here and we do not have an over abundance of attacks here. I just don't agree with pander to the lowest common denominator because it makes no sense to do so to me.
  8. Getting long now. I usually shave it by spring but I think this year I will keep it and let it just grow. . .
  9. That's fine everyone is entitled to their own beliefs & opinions. I do personally feel it is unreasonable though and I would think most dog owners would feel the same way. Because putting a muzzle on a dog is just a bad thing in the eyes of dog owners. It's not fair to the dog and makes the owner feel bad as well. IMO punishing/profiling/constraining/or treating any group of people, breed of dog, or what have you, based solely on the actions of the very small minority that have done something bad is just plain wrong. Just how I feel about it is all.
  10. I've had this guy in quarantine for the past 6 weeks or so. He was originally going to go in the 7ft 265g but since that tank is delayed I hated to keep this big 6" guy in such a small holding tank for so long (10g) so I decided since he had been in quarantine for 6 weeks he was clean and illness free so it was time to give him a new home in my 55g all male peacock/hap show tank upstairs and just find another OB for the 265g once it is up and running.
  11. Anyone else see " A Place Beyond The Pines"? I saw it late last night on one of the cable movie channels. It almost seemed like it was going to be a good movie, until they started "intertwining" people/plot. I didn't care for how they did it. Almost seemed like three Mini-movies rather than one movie to me.
  12. I do not agree one bit with that reasoning. ANY breed of dog can be potentially damgerous if it is mistreated or not trained properly. So saying that a dog should be muzzeled because it is potentially dangerous is simply an overreaction blanket law. Blaming a breed of dog is no different than blaming a young child for being a problem child when in fact the blame lies 100% on the parents for not teaching the child right from wrong or showing them any discipline. Same with dogs, saying a breed of dogs is potentially dangerous is misguided blame. Even what could be considered a "non dangerous" breed could kill someone. It is all about how the animal is raised, it has nothing to do with the breed.
  13. We Bought A Zoo (Matt Damon). ...it was actually much better than I expeceted it to be.
  14. Exactly. Bad/dangerous dogs are all due to how they were raised by their owners. Leash laws are fine for any dog, but laws that say a pit bull or any dog has to be muzzeled is just due to poor knowledge of animals by city law makers.
  15. Careful they can lock you up for that Glad to hear you are applying for a job.
  16. Cats are great pets, and you don't have to freeze your ass off taking them outside to shit in the middle of winter like you do with a dog. I have owned many in my life and have a few right now so lets whatch the stupid comments shall we. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if I said I run over dogs would you.
  17. Dobermans are a great dog for both home safety as well as a great family pet. I had one for 9 yrs when I was a kid and he was very protective, yet a big lovable baby to the family.
  18. This is a 3D background I just finished for the local cichlid club I am a part of for one of their auction's this weekend. Biggest hurdle with a 55g 3D background is that you only have 12" front to back depth so you don't want to cut that room down much more than you have too. So I got around that issue by making this one as thin as I could and just cut deeper into the foam as well as doing a bit darker shading in the crevices to give it the illusion of even more depth than it actually is. Worked out well as it has a nice 3D look to it yet 75% of it only takes 1" depth and the other 25% only takes 2" of tank depth. I also wanted to make it so the winner was not stuck with only being able to use a certain type of filter, such as a canister, because not everyone uses canisters. So the upper right 15" or so is rounded and thinner depth than the the rest so that a HOB filter such as a bio-wheel style can fit right over the background without any headaches.
  19. I'm late but yep.....that was the nastiest thing I have seen in year. There's a vid of it now. If this don't turn your stomach I dunnom what will https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-UXmfs2vHo I love anderson, but with his age now. This is gonna be hard to comeback from IMO.
  20. Well spent about 6+ hours scraping silicone today and about 1/3 the way there already. I wish I could do more tonight but my arms/shoulders are killing me right now. It's bad enough having to reach down into the tank scraping to begin with, but factor in that I have had a messed up rotator cuff in my shoulder for the past 5 yrs and that makes it really bad. A good start at least though. Forward progress none the less.
  21. No water damage. It was contanted to just the office area and I have a 700gph pump that I put in the tank to get the water out so I was able to drain the tank in about 25 mins so since the water was just running down the stand and not an actualy glass blow out I was able to avoid a flood. Area rug got soaked but that will dry so no damage at all.
  22. Well I told myself I was not going to go back down and mess with it tonight, but my personality is the type that there's just no way I can rest or sleep knowing I have a problem like not knowing if I am gonna be able to save the background waiting for me in the morning. So I went back down and spent the last couple hours working on it till about 3am. Needed to use something sharp and flexible to get behind the background without doing much damage to it so pretty much used these. Most the damage was to my hands, but that's okay as long as the background is safe lol And after 2+hrs of lifting heavy rocks, scooping sand, cutting, prying, sawing and cutting my hands to pieces........BAZINGA! Empty tank again. And all five pieces of the background are safe and undamaged in the other room now. There is obviously a TON of scraping silicone to be done now. And once all the silicone from the background is scraped off then I will have to remove all the silicone from the seals in the tank, then decide if I am going to tackle sealing it myself or hire someone. Even though it was two steps back earlier tonight, at least now it's a step forward with being able to save the background and get all the stuff out of the tank without damage. Silicone scraping party at Steve's tomorrow your all invited ....it's BYORB (bring your own razor blade)
  23. here's a few pics from the FUN night tonight..... Starting to fill the tank up..... . Getting there (yippie!)... . Aftermath and carnage... . And here's what the complete disheartening feeling of watching almost exactly a year's worth of hard work, sweat and money literally go right down the drain looks like... I had leak tested it a few months ago but for some reason right as it was 98% full tonight it started leaking from the lower RF corner But hey on the good side, thing's couldn't possibly get any worse!
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