Well I told myself I was not going to go back down and mess with it tonight, but my personality is the type that there's just no way I can rest or sleep knowing I have a problem like not knowing if I am gonna be able to save the background waiting for me in the morning. So I went back down and spent the last couple hours working on it till about 3am. Needed to use something sharp and flexible to get behind the background without doing much damage to it so pretty much used these. Most the damage was to my hands, but that's okay as long as the background is safe lol And after 2+hrs of lifting heavy rocks, scooping sand, cutting, prying, sawing and cutting my hands to pieces........BAZINGA! Empty tank again. And all five pieces of the background are safe and undamaged in the other room now. There is obviously a TON of scraping silicone to be done now. And once all the silicone from the background is scraped off then I will have to remove all the silicone from the seals in the tank, then decide if I am going to tackle sealing it myself or hire someone. Even though it was two steps back earlier tonight, at least now it's a step forward with being able to save the background and get all the stuff out of the tank without damage. Silicone scraping party at Steve's tomorrow your all invited ....it's BYORB (bring your own razor blade)