Mike I have never seen that video before but I gotta say wow. What a great video. I actually just saved it to my bookmarks. And honestly that describes me and the way I have lived my life for the past 8 years to a tee. There's one line in there where he says -
“If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you'll spend your life completely wasting your time. You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living, that is to go on doing things you don't like doing, which is stupid. Better to have a short life, doing what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way."
That's something I have been saying to my family and friends for the past 8 years. Some of them understand me and some don't. For the first 15 years of my adult working life (from age 19 till age 34) I did "What we are supposed to do" which was to have a career. I did not come from a rich family and I was just getting out of high school about the time a lot of you guys here were just being born so back then there were less people that went to college than in this current day and age. So not going to college I went into the learned trades field and I became a welder/fabricator. I did that for about 15 years and then about eight years ago when I lost my job welding I was bringing home close to $500 per week, which for a single guy without a college degree in 2005 was pretty decent money. When I lost my job I could have pretty easily went to another place and got the same type of job because I was an experienced certified TIG welder and that is a trade that is always in demand, but I decided not to do so.
I ended up taking about six months off of doing anything and went up to my cabin on the river and spent some time there just fishing and thinking about life and what I wanted to do. When I came home I had made the decision that I was tired of spending 50% of my life doing something that I did not "want" to do, getting up at a time I did not want to get up at, taking orders from someone I did not even like (I hated my old boss) and simply was just tired of throwing away half the time in my life in exchange for money. So what I did was I decided since my true love in life, the one thing I loved to do more than anything else in life was to fly fish and to enjoy everything to do with fishing and the outdoors, then I would take something that I enjoyed doing (building custom fly rods) and turn that into a business so I could do something that was related to something I loved. So that's what I did and have been doing for the past eight years.
The real trade off there was giving up a steady income and not making money the goal in my life. Because back then I worked so I would get that paycheck on Thursday. Now the past eight years I really live pretty much month to month. Rarely do I have more than a few hundred "extra" bucks in the bank after I pay the bills each month. I don't have any real insurance if I get sick, I have something called "care credit" which is basically a credit card used just for doctors which I pay for entirely myself like you would a credit card. Yet I'm happier now doing this than I ever was when I was making good money as a welder. Because I enjoy what I am doing
There's times when I actually work longer hours now than when I punched a clock, perfect example was today. It' Sunday, yet I worked on rods from 1pm till 11pm today so that's a good 10hrs of work today. But it's different when you enjoy what your doing. While working today I had on some fishing videos, had on a couple movies, watched "Deck the halls" to get into the Christmas spirit since that is coming up, and just did my work while enjoying movies and shows. So I built rods for 10 hours but can I say I really "worked"...I dunno, you be the judge.
This lifestyle is not for everyone though. I'm single, no kids, not looking for a wife and not looking to have a family of my own, don't care much for fancy namebrand stuff or any of the other high dollar items or such. I call those kind of people "plastic people" and that's just not me. But I understand people that want wives and families or big houses and all have to do careers they may not enjoy, that's just not me though.
Like I said I don't have the money I use to have, but that's fine with me. As long as my bills are paid each month and I have the few things I enjoy like my immediate family, my aquariums, and being able to go fishing when I want then to me that's all I need to have an enjoyable life. Money is something that is man made and is the cause of a lot of pain and suffering IMHO.
Just my .02