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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Greboth


    We need a fourth option of, 'Do whatever you suggest' You have waaaaay more knowledge than me (and I think most, if not all, of us). It will be a shame to lose what we have done so far, especially your spawn as that is fantastic, but equally we have only scratched the surface. So if you think changing will be a better experience then my vote is for changing too. Edit: I feel unhelpful saying that and I don't mean to put all the responsibility on you Bart. I just don't feel qualified or knowledgable enough about Minecraft to make an informed decision. I could vote based upon your pros and cons but even that would be a flawed decision so I would rather go along with our resident expert.
  2. Sorry, I'm confused now. I thought the whole discussion started because of cross play with the proposed changed happening because of wanting to have cross play. Therefore surely the discussion has to include if we will be able to play the cross play version.
  3. That doesn't work though, the better together update is coming out later this year so playing the latest version now doesn't prove anything. In fact all articles I can find only mention Windows 10 with some specifically highlighting that the only supported devices are Windows 10, Xbox One, Switch etc. This could be Microsofts announcement being rubbish but equally, through Xbox One games only being playable on Windows 10, it could mean that cross play is going to be limited to Windows 10. I'm not saying we shouldn't go back to Vanilla Minecraft in preparation, just to accept that even if we do, we may not see cross play working. Or we go full up to date with better together and stop some people playing together.
  4. Regarding windows 10, it depends how they do it as you need windows 10 for the xbox one cross play. Hopefully it wont require W10 though as I'm still running 7. Edit: Reading around, everywhere specifically says Windows 10 version. So it looks like it will only be W10 that can cross play.
  5. I agree a decision needs to be made quickly as, while in limbo, there is little point mining, building etc. if it is all going to get wiped. A question for Bart and anyone else experienced with minecraft PC; The mods obviously add a lot to the game but, as i understand it, so do the standard updates. So, ignoring cross play for now, how does the modded game stack against the standard up to date game? I can, and will try to, do some reading on it but hands on experience beats reading stuff on the internet. Obviously cross play comes in to it but it doesn't seem worth having an updated version to have cross play if you sacrifice a lot loosing the mods. Or visa versa, if the standard updated games adds a lot that the mods currently do then with cross play on top it becomes and easy choice.
  6. Morning guys! Ah the joys of days off and getting up so late Time to enjoy the sun and wash the car.
  7. For me it came down to keeping the modded map as I think we have done too much to reset again. Then it's a choice between pc only or cross play. For the time being I think pc only. I understand the desire to expand FG but if we currently have no-one to share play with it seems pointless.
  8. The y co-ordinate is your height, so my house is I think y:69 so 69 blocks above bedrock.
  9. For those of us who have settled on a house we could start building it. I have a specific chest in my basement for the railway stuff (rails, carts, redstone etc.). Though I think Bart said it would best to run it around block 15 or something so at some point I will need to bore down 40ish levels.
  10. I have officially moved house now so I'm at x507 z1539 y69
  11. Yeah everything sounds good to me.
  12. I'm back up and running I think.... I haven't really changed anything and I found no problem but the PC has worked fine for the past couple of weeks *touch wood*
  13. I don't blame you, that has been a lot of work already. Now I have almost finished my house, stick some road blocks in a chest and I'll carry it on for a bit.
  14. It was a good night, happy to go through the other raids too if you want. Crota is best raid to begin as, like you said its a longer strike, but that's what makes it the worst raid. If none of the others, I'd run Vault of Glass too as it is still the best raid.
  15. yeah I pressed something, Bart sorted it out in game. Turns out pressing 'o' hides the menu.
  16. Have we lost the crafting mod that tells you how to make everything or is it just a problem my end?
  17. @GazzaGarratt It is the most efficient way to mine in Minecraft, the simplest way to explain it is with this picture, with white being tunnels and grey being rock: https://goo.gl/images/y2l6rk You can therefore see at least one side of every block without having to mine every block. Generally though, stuff is grouped together so your tunnels can be 3 or 4 blocks apart and still have a good chance of finding stuff. You can read a lot more here: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Mining I generally stick to branch mining simply as I find it the easiest to navigate but others may find a different method best.
  18. They get you to other words, in this it just a resource world so we can go to it mine it, destroy everything (except the portal!) as much we want or need without a concern for how it looks thus keeping our current world looking picturesque If no-one has by the time I get home, I'll go to the world and start a strip mine off as it is the easiest and quickest way to harvest materials.
  19. Nice Bart I can't believe the amount of work you have put in to this. Time to get my proper house build (outside of the spawn protection ) and then get to some strip mining. On the subject of mining and resources - the chests in my house are for my stuff but anything in the chests under the house are free for anyone. Loads of coal for torches, pretty good amount of iron if you want to build tools or armour etc.
  20. TBH hard Crota isn't that hard, the only thing that counts against hard for the experience is no res so Pat could end up spending time watching us playing instead.
  21. No then I get to sleep! A normal work day I don't usually get up until 8-8:30 so 6am for O/T is a shock to the system Though I am off work then for the next 2 weeks so lots of gaming all day any day I want
  22. Slightly derailing the thread but you can get the quest on normal from what I remember. Though it would be good to get everyone though normal and hard modes of any/all raids. I think I will bring my titan for this run, bubble bros for life I'll have to check the level of my Helm St14 as I'm sure I have enough 400 helmets lying around to infuse if I need to.
  23. Morning Lee, you're up early for a Saturday! Unfortunately I have 5 hours of work left before the weekend Morning everyone else too.
  24. As you have to do the raid in one sitting for the outbreak prime quest I think we need to start earlier than we have been. As the couple runs we've had have ended due to someone needing to go. On a side note, for the next steps of the quest you need 1 hunter, 1 Warlock and 1 Titan. I've got one of each so I can help anyone out for the strikes but for the code breaker bits I can only use my Warlock or Titan.
  25. Better late than never, I'll be there.
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