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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. That sounds like an auto generated structure so you should be fine to loot it. It is always definative but if there isn't a bed, torches etc then pretty good clues it isn't someones.
  2. @GazzaGarratt Oh yeah, there was a forever gaming file but that went with the change of server. The names have changed but the instructioms should still work with putting the files in the folders I said. I'm out most of the day but if you haven't sorted it out by tonight I can talk you through it. Haha yup @crispymorgan I can imagine it is quite noticable, especially having better draw distances/lighting etc.
  3. Since when has the server had an afk timer?
  4. Everything you need should be in this post: If I'm remembering this correctly you need to download the forge, the JSTR Modded and the Mod files. Follow the instructions in Bart's post regarding installation, unzip the files and then JSTR Modded files go in "resource packs" and Mods go in to the "Mods" folder of your Minecraft install.
  5. Get it built and get playing on it!
  6. Greboth

    PC Tower

    Kb and mouse isn't about being amazing it is just about being on equal footing. A mouse is so much more accurate so you will suffer badly. Just look at widowmaker, useless on console but useful on pc.
  7. Only if you can also get him to sign up to the forum too
  8. I know you can breed them, things just haven't fallen right to do so for me. I will have to look in to the energy collector and condenser though, they sound useful.
  9. I seem to get a lot of cows around my house (use warp island). They aren't always there but seems when they are there are loads. The other is ask Tommy, I gave him all I had but I'm not sure if he used them all.
  10. It's for good reason I don't own a mirror
  11. Morning fuckers! Have a good Friday all.
  12. Thanks for the offer but need to plan out some more of my build before I know where I want the rail line to be.
  13. The more I think about it, the more I think it would best to have the hub on the surface and the rails dropping down to L12 then splitting off to each destination. As it will save having to climb / drop 6 levels and it wont take any more resources to do it this way. @Plumbers Crack Which direction are you coming in to the hub from? so I can orientate the hub the right way round.
  14. A husk is basically a desert zombie so you're fine killing them. I don't know how it got in to spawn though.
  15. If you aim for; x: -364, z: -19, y: 70. We will have to do some amending at the hub as not everyone can come through the same point but it will get us all in the right area. I'll get to building a station / main hub when I'm next on.
  16. No way was I walking up to your corner so put some in the spawn chest for you.
  17. Is this right? How about the plcement of the main station?
  18. If we're going to use spawn as the central hub we can dig towards spawn but need to decide exactly where the central hub is going to be to if we are all going to meet up. I also assume all the rails will meet up underground and we will have steps / ladder to the surface? or are we planning for the rails to come to the surface at the central hub? I have a few ideas on design of the central hub though which I can build a mock in creative later to show you. I can screenshot Dynmap when I'm home and start mapping out everyone's houses and rough rail directions.
  19. Surely 3 x 2 is all we need? As the 3 blocks could be rail, empty, rail with the empty in the middle having torches periodically to stop mobs spawning. Unless you need more room for the rails then guess 5 wide would be needed. Sorry if I'm being dumb here but thinking about it, I suppose we should dig it properly from the beginning.
  20. Greboth

    Server Rules

    I didn't know about beetroot but good to know. If we have to keep it under 15 then I think I'll stick to cows and chickens due to them dropping feathers and leather which is useful for other things as well as getting the meat for food.
  21. Greboth

    Server Rules

    Ducks? Do you mean chickens? or is there ducks and I've never seen them? I mostly seem to have cows and chickens but its always possible to get them all with a bit of work. Though I don't have any carrots for pigs yet.
  22. Greboth

    PC Tower

    I suppose it depends on what games you plan to play on PC. Something like Minecraft or Xbox games through Windows 10 then a controller would be fine. Where it becomes a problem is if we moved to OW or R6 (or similar) on PC then I think it would start to become a problem. No problem mate, if/when you get round to it I'm sure we can come up with a good spec for you too. All this talk of PC's though is giving me the upgrade itch even though my PC is fine for what I need it for
  23. After telling Bart I didn't need the interdiction torches I have now decided they would be a good idea so need to lots and lots of shinies I think we need to look at Dynmap, map everyones houses and find a central-ish location for the main station. Or I suppose we could just build it near spawn as it would all roughly work out in the end anyway.
  24. Road network suggests above ground rather than underground but no reason once we have the basic in place the rails couldn't be widened to have one each way to places. I think for rail to pass it only needs to be 2 high 1 wide however, the powered redstone rails need to be places and require in places to be 2 down from the rail, so the rail couldn't be at bedrock as we couldn't put the redstone underneath.
  25. Greboth

    Server Rules

    Can I get some clarification on what counts as a big animal farm? I'm thinking of one with around 20 animals (4 or 5 pigs, cows, chicken, sheep) which I presume doesn't count as too big as you get more than 20 naturally in an area at one time. I just thought I'd check before going ahead with building and finding the animals.
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