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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. You told me where to go so I went, you didn’t expect me to actually be looking where I was going did you? 😂 I think the funniest of this server was running over the bear. Watching as the bear gets flung up in the air, getting back up just to be hit by whomever was driving the second car. It was perfect comedy timing by accident. Hopefully the map will have loaded by tonight so we can start getting all that juicy XP.
  2. Agree Phil, there’s quite a leap in performance though the 3000 series doesn’t suddenly make older cards rubbish. I’d love a 3000 series card but I think realistically I’ll be looking at skipping a generation to a 4000. I do find it funny all the headlines of how much faster these cards are than 2000 series with seemingly no-one pointing out some of that is down to the 2000 series not being a great step up in rasterisation over 1000 series. But the 2000 series was a new card design and it seem nvidia have knock the design iteration out the park with these cards. Now to wait and see what team red bring to the fight.
  3. What is the pathing of the zombies like? Could we make a base like a tower defence game so the zombies will have to walk past a number of traps rather than a single row?
  4. Our current base was shit but I grew to quite like it in the end and with the traps and everything it was quite good on horde night. Though in reality I'm not all that fussed either way about resetting. Though I would say that if we reset, we don't again for a while so we can see how far we can push it 🙂 I guess I'll get my pick out again for all that oil shale and coal 😄 Though may I request that we have a map without a giant gorge in the middle of it 🤣 8 sounds good though Rich, gives me some time to do some Alyx before 7dtd 🙂
  5. Hmmmm 😞 ok... @GazzaGarratt how much is in the FGFGF? 😂 Racing was fun last night, we all picked very different cars which made things interesting. I think we need a rematch now Lee has had some more practice and maybe Phil won’t try an impossible one stop.
  6. I have the £500, any chance you can lend me the additional £57k?
  7. Nice one Phil, I do like Maggiore so I'll join you for some racing 🙂
  8. The P2 is basically a rebranded Super Flower PSU and has good reviews. So sounds like a good PSU to go for.
  9. A good night on this last night with 6 of us on for horde night. With so many of us on meaning so many zombies, I really thought the base was a goner. But it survived thanks to @tronic44rebuilding and strengthening the walls of the base, @Diddumsand @phil bottle being an ecological disaster by turning all the trees in to spikes, @GazzaGarrattmaking turrets and powered traps for our moat and @craftofboredom making all of the molotov’s and ammo. All while I took a leaf out of @Plumbers Crack book and spent my time digging holes for things. The question is though, are we keeping this base now that it’s proven it can survive a horde night with the right defenses?
  10. Ouch Phil, I tend to avoid Monza full stop as T1 is usually a massacre but outside your own mistakes it sounds like a clean race. A couple good races though should see you get your 100 points back so I’m sure you can in to C soon 🙂 I’m half and half about trying gt sport again to get some practice in and the feel of the cars in preparation for our races. I’m also equally thinking I’ll just go on blind, what’s the worst that could happen. I think I need to check @JBR-Kiwi times to see how fast he is to know if I need practice 😄
  11. With a Ryzen 3950x and RTX3080 system you'll be pushing high 600W's, maybe in to the low 700W's under maximum load. It's rare to ever load CPU and GPU to 100% simultaneously at the same time though so peak power draw is likely to be lower. So from that respect, you'd be fine running an 850W PSU though it doesn't leave much headroom for future upgrades and you wouldn't be in the peak efficiency as typically these are around 50-60% load (you can usually find the efficiency graphs from the manufacturer).
  12. It can be annoying when real life gets in the way of playing games. Hopefully the course is something useful/interesting at least. The real question though is, can we use Emma’s new blue hair as a distraction on horde night? As the last horde night did not go very well at all. The base is still standing but there’s more holes in it than swiss cheese. I’m not sure about Friday as I might be helping my brother in law to move some furniture. That shouldn’t take all evening anyway and I should be on Sunday.
  13. Assetto Corsa is on sale on Steam at the moment. Well worth it if you like your sim racing. Save 75% on Assetto Corsa on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Assetto Corsa v1.16 introduces the new "Laguna Seca" laser-scanned track, 7 new cars among which...
  14. Oh yes! I loved the first season so really am looking forward to this 😄
  15. Since when? 😆 It's not occured to me before but I'm surprised you've not joined in on 7dtd Dave. I think you should join us....one of us, one of us, one of us
  16. I do like brown sauce but mosty on a cheese sandwich or cheese on toast. For fried breakfasts or bacon sarnies, tomato sauce all the way.
  17. Hi Emma, welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your stay. I believe you have already joined our 7 days to die server. I posted the details to our modded Minecraft server in Anna’s / CraftofBoredom’s introduction thread if you want to join.
  18. I’m guessing the weekend or the start of next week is when I’ll be back on so crack on without me 🙂
  19. I think some of it is just rumours though some info is from leaks though they were correct about a lot of the 3000 series and some is from speculation due to the power of the next gen consoles which are amd powered. I’m hopeful but amd do have a habit of shooting themselves on the foot with gpu’s so we shall see.
  20. @Plumbers Crack I can't remember what size power supply ended up in your PC but apparently the 3070 will be a 220W card. Your CPU is probably 100W or so at a guess so even a 600-650W should be enough though always worth checking these things. Didd's is correct about testing your card but also worth waiting a little too as AMD will be releasing their new cards soon (next month I think). @DiddumsI wouldn't be so sure about AMD's comupence. We're still a while out of their launch but current rumours say AMD won't compete with the halo 3090 but will against the rest of the 3000 series cards and, knowing AMD, be cheaper for it. Unless you need a GPU right now, today, I can't think of a good reason to not wait a month or so to see what the red team release.
  21. So the 12 pin is a single cable rather than 2. Though I’m not really sure what the benefits of 1x12 pin is over 2x6pin. According to a leak the pricing will be 3060 - $400 3070 - $600 3080 - $800 3090 - $1400 😰 So looks like nVidia are continuing their crazy pricing. Which is a shame as I think it’ll price a lot of people out if the market and even out of the market for second hand 20 series cards as they’re not like to drop much either.
  22. Sounds like it is going quite well, I look forward to seeing how the base has progressed when I get back on. Though I think I might maintain my record of avoiding horde nights 😆
  23. I haven’t really played GT properly in a while but It’s racing so of course I’m game 😄
  24. A little later than planned but here you go @craftofboredom I have whitelisted you too, so you can join the server whenever you want. Setting up modded Minecraft using Multi MC (and other details: Out server details: And finally, some guides I wrote on modded Minecraft. A little out of date but most still apply and can help you get set up. Any questions just ask 🙂
  25. New round of fermi cards, hopefully not as they were silly hot. Though 12 pin is less than most cards these days being 14 or 16 pin.
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