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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. It was a good night and the raid isn’t as complicated as I thought. All the guides obviously tell you all the roles but for the most part you only need to focus on your own so it’s simpler. Plus not being challenge mode also helps massively. Still it’s a fun raid and one I’d run again.
  2. I think it depends on what you consider the 'main' story to be - returning Grogu / Baby yoda to his kind is his quest but there is obviously the wider story too of the Mandalorians, trying to find and reunite a fractured race and helping restore Mandalor (this is seen through Mando donating Beskar to help out in the first series and Bo Katan in the second) which circularly references back to Moff Gideon as the bearer of the dark saber which also ties in Mando because of Moff Gideons research and experiments with Grogu/Baby Yoda seen in Ep4. Sure the Grogu/Baby yoda plot doesn't move that fast but there are plenty of other story arcs being progressed alongside it. Though as I said earlier, I do wonder how much is just fan service and how much will tie in to the story; are they just going to keep references Boba Fett or will he play a part? Will Ahsoka turn up again? Either against Thrawn as mentioned last week? or maybe in the Moff Gideon/Dark Daber storyline as Ahsoka does have a loose connection to it through Sabine Wren, will Thrawn feature more heavily now? maybe as Gideon's superior?
  3. I’ll take the sixth spot if you don’t find someone else. I’m just conscious I’m underlevelled which could hurt the attempt. I’m 1244/1245 at the moment and will be on the grind tonight so should gain a few more levels.
  4. I did a bit of testing to decide on which car to use but no idea which strategy to go for. So going to be interesting how things pan out over the course of the race.
  5. Loved Ep5 and having a live action Ahsoka is great. Rosaria Dawson nailed the role and got her expressions and little actions down. Plus some nice nods Yoda and Vader.
  6. Interesting combinations like the 1969 Fiat 500 round the Nordeschlieffe? 😆 I do like Kyoto though only ever done it in gr3 and gr4 so going to be fun learning it in much faster gr1’s.
  7. Ahhhh think I was missing the underscore but all done now 🙂
  8. It doesn’t seem that long ago since we did gr3 at lago maggiore. Still is a good track so I don’t mind. I don’t think I have the mazda so will have buy it ready.
  9. Reminds of Apocolyptica in showing how classical and metal can mix nicely Though for piano covers, I think this is better than the original song and the original for reference
  10. Yup, it shouldn’t matter which launcher you use.
  11. Afternoon all, Speaking with a few people who are whitelisted on the sever but new to modded Minecraft, I have updated the server to run FTB Academy. From the mod page; https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ftb-academy The biggest problem people have when they first start playing modded Minecraft is that there's no clear choice for which modpack to play. Learning the mods requires scouring online wikis and guides, and watching videos. FTB Academy aims to fix that problem. It is designed especially for people that have never played with mods. The modpack has over 300 quests to walk you through each step of the progression of the most common mods, and nearly 100 pages of Guides to give a more in-depth explanation for what needs it, so you don't have to go searching through wikis. Players will spawn in a school structure, where they will follow quests and in-world images to learn modded concepts like automation, technology, and magic. Once this tutorial area has been completed (only takes 5-10 minutes), you will be teleported to the Overworld to begin playing properly. I've had a quick look through in single player and the in game guide looks pretty comprehensive so should be good for teaching people the basics. For anyone more experience, with the exception of the guide and quest book, the game isn't changed so can be played as a regular mod pack. Server Details: Address: FGBeyond.minecraft-crafting.pro IP: Setting up modded MC I think that covers everything but any questions on setting up the modpack or anything in game feel free to ask. @Plumbers Crack @BO7H B4RRELS @datfroggieguy @craftofboredom @Spacedeck @Misneach_ - Tagged everyone whitelisted @Emma - I whitelisted you the other day but it doesn't like your username so guessing it's wrong somehow. If you want to join let me know and I'll whitelist your correct username.
  12. Oh damn! When I saw the event I thought it was the GP circuit not the full Nordschlieffe... Nordeschleife... Nordschleife... Green Hell. Definitely some practice required then as I kinda know my way round but really not that well.
  13. I missed the first episodes of this but caught up over the weekend. I have to say they have maintained the quality of the first season and it continues to be great. I do wonder how people who haven’t watched other SW extended universe find the show as they’re doing a good job tying it in to other SW shows. Though I also do wonder if some of it is just fan service though like the introduction of Bo-Katan in ep3 and her saying for Mando to seek out Ahsoka Tano. I’m just holding out for a live action Sabine Wren too as she would fit nicey in this show. Plus her Beskar armour would be quite the contrast to Mando’s 😆
  14. It was some great racing last night and I think the closest finish we've had in any race so far.....just a shame I was on the wrong end of close finish 😞 Race 1 round Alsace village, I hopped on a little after 8 to get some practice in and Mike soon joined. I reasonably quickly got down to the 1:54's and wasn't doing much improving passed that. Harold then Kiwi joined giving us enough for a race. Some more practice later I'd squeezed my time in down to a 1:53.6 with Kiwi in the low 54's I memory serves. We moved on to actual qualifying and Kiwi smashed it out the park with a 1:53.4 or so which I couldn't match though managed to hit my PB of a 53.6 meaning I lined up second. The times were close though so there was a chance over the 10 lap race to get the better of Kiwi. At the race start Mike managed to jump me ( and maybe Kiwi too? ) but it didn't take long for me to get passed and be on Kiwi's rear bumper. This went on for a few laps and, I think, lap 4 I made a mistake going through turn 3 costing me a couple of seconds. Still there was enough laps to maybe claw back the time but Kiwi had been driving fast and clean so it was probably going to take a mistake. I stuck in as many fast laps as I could, getting down to the fastest lap on lap 9 of a 1:52.882 while desperately trying to close the gap. Coincidentally, on lap 9 Kiwi made a mistake in the hairpin near the end of the lap meaning it was going to be a last lap shootout for the win. Kiwi again drove fast and clean meaning while he couldn't shake me I also couldn't get close enough to try a move. I think the biggest gap between us was about 2.5 seconds after I made a mistake but ended up crossing the line only 0.5 apart. Race 2 - For race 2 we decided to do a MX5's round Tskuba as a quick race round a short track. Not really paying attention, I set the track up and as going in to it I didn't know what class the MX5 was so I left it unlocked. A few practice laps in and a few little things adding up it eventually dawned on me - my MX5 was tuned. My MX5 was N300 while everyone elses was N100 🤣 A little messing around in the menus' soon sorted that out. Quali was close and I thought Kiwi had the pole until the very last lap where I sneaked in a faster time. I massively cocked up the start but, similar to race 1, was soon on Kiwi's tail with the help of the slipsteam down the back straight. I think it was around lap 6 or 7 that I eventually go passed Kiwi round the last corner. After that it was mostly just trying to keep ahead of Kiwi and not let him get the slipstream to get passed me. I don't really know why, maybe down to line?, but Kiwi wasn't catching me on the straight like I was to him so ended up crossing the line for the win.
  15. Damn, I wanted the easy win too 😢 When sounds like there will be 4 or 5 of us then so I’ll see you gentlemen tonight.
  16. At this rate it’ll be an easy win for me 🤣 I guess Lee wasn’t going to make it due to Destiny but don’t know about the rest. Maybe we miss this week if no-one else is going to make it.
  17. I think the only time you were catching me was when you didn’t brake 😆 I tried desperately to drive anything that wasn’t that damn TT but I relativey easily got the TT in to mid-low 28’s but was on the edge trying to get other cars even in to the 28’s. So I succumbed and drove the TT 😞 It was certainly an interesting start to the race, the first lap was a little tentative but lap 2 I almost equalled my quali time then lap 2 and 3 were quicker managing to get the fastest lap with a 1:27.5. I could see some of the carnage going in my mirror so between my pb’s and lee playing wreckfest I was about 6 seconds ahead. Trying to push for even faster lap times lead to a couple mistakes on lap 5 and 6 bringing my lead down 4.5-5 seconds at one point. After that, I decided to take things a little slower as I could do 1:28’s without risking going off. Over the last few laps I managed to pull the lead out to just over 8 seconds though I think Kiwi may have made a mistake or 2 as gap did seem to jump up a couple times. PSN issues were a pain but still a good race at a tricky circuit. @phil bottle 10 laps always seems a decent amount and not too long by the time we’ve done practice and quali. Longer race(s) would be good though I think these would have to be agreed a little more in advance to give people time to practise so that at 9pm we could go straight in to a quick quali then a longer race. Edit: Maybe the longer race could be run a week behind. So when a good gr3/gr4 combo comes up in race C this week we actually race is next week. Maybe with double the laps and tyres/fuel set to half what Race C was. That way it should guarantee at least 1 stop being required.
  18. I don't know how much I can comment TBH, I learned photoshop as a hobby along side my degree so it's possible to learn it to a reasonable level as a hobby. Though I've never used it professionally to be able to comment on that side. Though I can say, I'm aware that I do have gaps in my knowledge due to learning through tutorials and things which may not exist had I learned it formally. I don't know if it is an issue but something to consider if your ultimate aim is to use it professionally. Photoshop is a fantastic program and certainly has it's uses for design and editing existing photos/images/logo's etc but I know most logo work will be carried out in Illustrator simply as it's a vector based program v photoshop being raster based. The biggest tip I think for anyone starting out would be learn the keyboard shortcuts - there's a LOT of them but knowing them makes your workflow easier. Some of them are pretty simple to learn, B for brush, T for Type etc. some not so much but still make sense like G being for bucket fill (it's because it's on the same tool as gradient fill) though some make no sense like V for move or O for dodge/burn/sponge tool. On the subject of shortcuts, shift+shortcut key will rotate through the different options of the same tool (so g to select gradient fill, shift g to change to bucket fill, shift g again will take you back to gradient fill).
  19. Urgh! I wish they’d release an update as seems almost every track the TT or RCZ is one of fastest,if not thefastest, car to use. Sounds like I need to get on early and put in some practise then. Laguna Seca reminds me of Goodwood on the sense of very little or no kerbs for run off so need to be precise. Shame you’re not going to make it mate, hopefully see you back next week. Regarding the online races, are you doing sport races or general online races on lobbies? Random onlone lobbies in any racing game can be hit and miss. If you do the sport races and can get your safety rating as high as possible then they’re generally alright except the occasional asshole. If you ever want to check your exact DR or SR you can check your rating by searching your psn then clicking your name followed by some numbers to see your history. The first number your DR, the second is your SR Stats | Gran Turismo Sport | kudosprime.com WWW.KUDOSPRIME.COM
  20. You're definitely not alone in that. They used to be pretty decent at getting it correct then there was an update, earlier this year I think, that messed them all up and it was a common problem of penalties being given to the victims. It was around this when I stopped doing the sport races as even in S safety rating lobbies you still go people doing that. It has been improved since it was its worst but still seems worse than it was originally.
  21. Nice one Kiwi! Probably a good job you were out front though as some of the sport races, especially places like Bathurst, can be horrible. If you can set 2:04's there is only one answer, we'll have to re-run Gr.3 Bathurst next week 😄
  22. The first race was always going to be the hardest, going over the mountain section of Bathurst you have to be accurate else you'll lose time stick it in a wall. Practice went alright and managed to get my times down to around mid 2:04's but I knew there was more time available. Stupidly I forgot to set a qualifying sessions up with the lobby so straight to the race. No worries, it uses practice times as quali times so we're all good - nope! Guess who left it as the default so I think it goes in the order people joined the lobby and putting Kiwi last. Not that it slowed him down as I'm pretty sure he was up to 2nd after the 1st corner. So for me at this point it was just a case of out pacing Kiwi who I think made a mistake on lap 1. After that it was mostly a case of hotlapping for me and I managed to get my time down to low 2:03's which is more respectable. Final positions; Race 2, Goodwood. We decided that as the official race was a single car that we would also run a single car. Being the Goodwood circuit, I suggesting running Jaguar E types as, I think, the only racing that takes place on the circuit is historic. Being an old car, I thought I'd go full h shifter manual which was a mistake as my heel and toe is not up to snuff. Still I qualified second, not too far behind Kiwi so I thought I'd have a chance in the race but nope. Taking a fast right hander, clipped the inside kerb throwing my on to 2 wheels and I thought I was holding the slide reasonable well until the car got back on 4 wheels and instantly snapped round on me. Thankfully there's plenty of grass run off as Lee, Mike and Harold all followed me off in form or another 😆 Well there went my chance of a win unless Kiwi has a massive off....which he didn't. After that though I had a pretty clean race and climbed up to third and only a few seconds behind Mike. I think I set the fastest lap of the race on the last lap too so could have had Mike with another lap or 2 but that's racing. Final positions; Having a second race with lower class N cars and on smaller tracks definitely provides some fun and unexpected results.
  23. I’d still say join Gary, it’s all for fun and while do race there is still the occasional contact and accidents so I wouldn’t worry about it. In my defence, I got up on 2 wheels and as soon as the car got back on all 4 it just snaps and spins me. All you lot just clean drove off the circuit 😆 I saved the replay so will record it from all the angles as it was funny and post it with the proper results and my write up tonight.
  24. For clarification, I wasn’t saying people shouldn’t be frustrated. I was sort of playing a devils advocate and countering the overall negativity to this news. To know you’re going to piss off a lot of your customers and then doing it anyway because it’s the right thing to do - well that deserves some credit. That said, CDPR have monumentally screwed up this launch. Things like this can ruin a company but hopefully that won’t happen here. Though it wouldn’t surprise me to see some heads roll as apparently the employees didn’t know of the delay either until the press release. Which is probably some of the cause of the problem as I’m going to guess that would include whoever ruins CDPR’s social media pages.
  25. As someone who has kept an eye on this game but not been wrapped in the hype and excitement. I’m finding all the rage at this being delayed again quite funny. I get it is a shame and people’s annoyance but equally CDPR have to be happy with the product they’re selling. In this age of ‘but we can patch it’ I think it’s commendable that they’ve taken the choice to delay than launchinh a buggy broken game and patching it days/weeks later.
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