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  1. GazzaGarratt



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  2. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2024 in all areas

  1. Asked this to a few people it’s kind of a hard question to word. What game do you think you were best at during your life? As in skill wise what game do you think was the game you were the best at?. Doesn’t matter age wise just any game any age Ill never be better than how good I was at Halo 3 when I was 15-16
    1 point
  2. GazzaGarratt

    Transformers One

    Was worried when I heard they are starting from the beginning on a new movie series, but I didn't expect this! Love the aesthetic and I think good voices have been chosen so far. Can#t wait to see this.
    1 point
  3. James

    Alien Romulus

    Went to see Alien Romulus at the cinema today. Thought it was excellent! Scared the shit out of my girlfriend though who ended the film literally weeping. Perhaps I’ll take her to something more lighthearted next time.
    1 point
  4. Grabbed the trilogy yesterday on GOG but not sure when I'll be able to start RE2. Can't wait to play that though!
    1 point
  5. Links 2004 and Halo 1. Links 2004 was by XSN Sports and one of the first OG Xbox live esports games they created. I was in top 100 in the world on that game, I could move a 40-50 yard put left or right super quick and just put it, fast forward, down the putt in one and move on to the next hole. Unreal game and should've played it far more at the time when I was 19. Halo 1 on console was insanely good and probably the only time I felt slightly cocky because I used to play with loads of lads at Uni and come first 80% of the time, 2nd the rest. That Pistol was a thing of beauty. I created a player called God (I cringe at the thought of it now) mainly cos of the other lads saying it. Great times, great laughs. I wish I could remember how to play it now! 😭
    1 point
  6. There is a lot of discussion around video games and the preservation of them, it got me thinking of MAG, it was an FPS on the PS3 that had an insane number of players. However they shut it down (maybe prematurely) and it just made me think about games that are no longer playable no matter what you do i.e. emulation or private servers etc. Another that I think of is Wildstar, it was an MMO that to me had a lot of potential but it never quite got the player numbers I don't think. Are there any that you can think of that you look back on fondly?
    1 point
  7. There's defintely a few old OG Xbox titles that I would've loved to go back and play but now can't. I always hope for the real big online games that they can somehow create the world instance to work in an offline mode before shutting off servers. It seems a waste to not be able to play a beautiful game just because it needed online servers. Take Destiny 1. One day, they will turn off servers but I hope that they can leave everything updated as a patch, just essentially not allow players to join online with each other, unless its local hosting for PvP which could work. Probably not worth the hassle or money....
    1 point
  8. Saw a few good things about this and got around to picking it up yesterday evening, excellent little game 🙂
    1 point
  9. J4MES OX4D

    Black Ops 6

    Whole game has literally leaked on YouTube the past week. Not sure how this has happened but every map, mode and gun has been seen that will be available at launch. Looks very much like Cold War 2.0 except the maps seem more simple and bland. It's great that there are so many original ones available but it just looks a bit uninspired. I still might grab it and play for a couple of weeks but the franchise feels so tired and the games are all a continuation rather than something entirely new these days.
    1 point
  10. MrBiron

    Black Ops 6

    Dude launching himself out of the water like a dolphin at one point is funny 🤣
    1 point
  11. I tried the beta, was good, plus it's free, decent game but with some strange monetisation...
    1 point
  12. MAG was a pretty decent and highly ambitious title but its reliance on needing 250 players a server whilst the game was competing massively with Modern Warfare 2 was just asking way too much. Bad Company 2 and Black Ops really added insult to injury and then Battlefield 3 finished it off almost. There is quite a few games that you can't get (legitimately) anymore which are bloody iconic - No One Lives Forever, Project IGI, Black and White and Battlefield 2142 are just a few. Games like the OG GTA trilogy have also been replaced with the Defective Edition and ones like The Sims 1+2 have been placed with the newer releases. I also think overwriting CSGO and Overwatch were terrible decisions especially the latter which completely replaced a legendary game for a hugely inferior sequel built purely on greed and silly decisions. A full legacy version of CSGO should've been left behind but now all traces of it have been removed essentially minus a watered-down backdoor version. Thank god for emulation!
    1 point
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