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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2018 in all areas

  1. Weapon charms is just stupid. Who really cares about that? Interrested in the new smg, but obviously not gonna pay for it. I like that you no longer have to go to HQ to get contracts and challenges.
    4 points
  2. So 5 months in and Sledgehammer seem to have moved towards the cash grab behaviour people suspected they might do from the start. The new event on the face of it is a pretty good free update, new fun mosh pit , reskin of Shipment, weapon charm cosmetics , and 2 new guns. But that last one hides a sting in the tail , actually getting hold of the new guns is pretty hard. You basically can get lucky through supply drops or can buy them with credits largely earned from duplicates in supply drops. But Sledgehammer have tweaked the economy to make it harder to earn supply drops and therefore credits, to push you towards buying extra supply drops or credits in order to get the guns. First real cash grab and it’s pretty obvious. The beginning of the end !
    2 points
  3. Below article about Brigitte release date update and new cosmetic items. Her legendary skins are pretty sweet Also Sombra nerf Any time Sombra’s hack is interrupted by damage, hacking will go on cooldown for 2 seconds. With this change, Sombra will have to be more careful about choosing when and who to hack instead of just holding down the button and waiting for people to miss and/or reload etc. There is currently a 0.1s window of time at the end of the hack where it cannot be canceled via line of sight or other effects (such as Tracer’s recall, Zarya bubbles, etc). This exists so it doesn’t constantly get broken by very small line of sight blockers such as light posts and signs, etc. https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/gaming/934245/Overwatch-Brigitte-release-date-UPDATE-new-skins
    2 points
  4. 20 million have played it but only 20 still play. Fair play to them for keeping at it and trying to actually turn it into a playable game.
    2 points
  5. I don’t understand how companies are still making all these stupid decisions, it’s all pretty simple. Less EA, more Blizzard 👍 Fortuantley I only really play zombies and private parties on cod, it just hasn’t had the draw like other cod games have. Although it’s been the best for years, but they might as well have been nothing to beat the other games were so shite.
    2 points
  6. tronic44

    Sea of Thieves

    The gaming community sucks doesn’t it, take a long hard look at yourself FG
    2 points
  7. tronic44

    Sea of Thieves

    Must fight the urge to not get it tonight!
    2 points
  8. I downloaded it at midnight last night do I'll be on this evening with a mate. I'll be in Discord and might stream it. Only 19gb weirdly. Their website suggested it would be 60gb so I'd cleared a couple of games off the ssd in anticipation. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  9. Greboth


    All I read in all of that was Forza, cars and photography and I think I'm in love Welcome to the forum mate
    2 points
  10. ChaosGladiator


    Welcome to the forums. As Rich said above me, we usually give fair warning about some people on here, you already have the misfortune of knowing Diddums so I'll instead warn you about Euan, although I haven't seen him around for a while... Anyways, hope you enjoy your stay with our little comunity!
    2 points
  11. Some pics for people that weren't there [emoji4]
    2 points
  12. Thought it would be good to get some quick basic tips to help people starting out. A few people have given me the following so far: You can shoot other ships through waves – it sounds like the bottom of the ships are the most successful and dangerous target to focus on. Stock up on supplies whenever you can(bananas/wood planks/cannon balls) The more treasure on your ship, the riskier you are playing(pirates will be pirates) If you are returning treasure, people wait at outposts to steal it. So, if you see a ship or blue smoke in the water at an outpost, someone is there. prepare to fight or go to another one Cannon balls arch down and when moving, they arch behind you, practice is all you can do
    1 point
  13. Ragonster

    Sea of Thieves

    I could be on tomorrow and on the weekend Cypergk on Xbox
    1 point
  14. phil bottle

    Sea of Thieves

    Too true, I had some right old fun in the beta with folks like that but I managed to hold my own and dish a bit out myself
    1 point
  15. GazzaGarratt

    Sea of Thieves

    Seconded! If you're going to play tonight it sounds like a lot of players about at outposts killing regardless if you have bounty or not.
    1 point
  16. Nice Tom, @Stretch616 just said last night about she'll be nerfed soon. I think it's a decent improvement to how she plays. @tronic44, i was thinking the same Rich as I lke playing shieldy, in your face players. Reaper is an undervalued pick right now imo. His high DPS and ability to stay alive for long periods due to the way he can ghost away is pretty valuable on capture point maps.
    1 point
  17. GazzaGarratt

    Sea of Thieves

    I like these developers already. In the current days of huge day one patches, they released their own 'Day One Patch'. Which is just exactly that and nothing more. Lol.
    1 point
  18. If this is true I feel like I need to give this game another go. Loved most of the game, totally hated spending 100 rounds on killing low level bad guys, was exactly why I quit
    1 point
  19. I’ve been using it deliberately to target some challanges I hadn’t done, went from 6 gunslinger kills to 100 in the space of about 6 games. Bang and Concussed will be next up.
    1 point
  20. ChaosGladiator

    Blitz mode!

    So the amount of materils gathered has increased a lot in this mode. Had a couple games of it last night and it's pretty hectic, kinda like 20v20, but not as clusterfucky. Zone is a pain in the ass, but if you keep an eye on it and move quickly and don't take too long looting you should be alright.
    1 point
  21. Nic pics, glad you all had a good time!
    1 point
  22. GazzaGarratt

    Sea of Thieves

    FYI, the more I see of this game the more I believe it should turn into one of our main games. Any info yo have please feel free to put it here or start new threads. Whilst there's no clan function yet, we could get a reasonable size crew available at any point to grab 3 other people and hit the seas. The crossplay on this I think will really suit it which I haven't seen done well before.
    1 point
  23. Ragonster

    Sea of Thieves

    Hey there guys Ill be getting this game with my gamepass on the Xbox and would love to join some crew
    1 point
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