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    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2018 in all areas

  1. J4MES OX4D


    Pretty funny stuff
    3 points
  2. Well, where to start? First off thanks to all who attended, it was a fantastic night and one to remember for sure. Was ace to finally meet @LordBaguette as well. Thanks for all the gifts, you guys spoil me way too much and Kyla says thanks for the gifts too. Thanks also for tidying up in the morning, sorry I missed you all but I didn't even surface until after 12. Feeling like arseholes would be an understatement. Apologies for the drunk chicks, it seemed like a good idea at the time but as some of you will know, it backfired a bit. @Stretch616 hiding on the balcony from a girl who just wouldn't take no for an answer was a bit funny and Naereet getting abuse from the drunkest one because he tried it on with all of them, right after she was denied by all of us was also quite funny. Poor Tad got it too because he also refused her advances but luckily he shook it off. Thanks once again for everything, here's to the next one!
    2 points
  3. The amount of improvements this game has made was mind blowing.
    2 points
  4. I played through both assault and strike. Both were fun to rip around in. I also like that you can match make EVERYTHING. Most normal enemies aren’t bullet sponges anymore and headshots actually do major damage and/or kill enemies out right. I forgot got how much fun I had with this game. Glad to be rocking this again.
    2 points
  5. If DC were to stop live action movies, and do major productions of animated movies, i think they could give Marvel some real competition
    2 points
  6. ChaosGladiator

    Blitz mode!

    Blitz mode is now live in Fortnite Battle Royale. Don't have too much info on this yet as I've not tried it, but from what I understand, the storms move faster and there's more loot. Does this mean we all get Scar's now?
    1 point
  7. Sennex

    Batman White Knight!

    Sweet! I really need to find #1 and #2 so I can actually read them. 3 - 6 is waiting patiently on my nightstand
    1 point
  8. Event Title: Go Gadget Go Event Author: tronic44 Calendar: Overwatch Calendar Event Date: 03/19/2018 08:00 PM to 03/19/2018 11:00 PM Let’s us OW! Go Gadget Go N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
    1 point
  9. We are. It's great. It's always my favourite when it's acknowledged that Batman is super fucked up. The two are Harley's are a neat idea as well.
    1 point
  10. tronic44


    Great intro dude and welcome to our little corner of the internet. Joining the forum normally comes with a warning but as you already know Diddums, we can forgo that Hope you enjoy your stay and looking forward to getting some games in at some point
    1 point
  11. GazzaGarratt

    Burnout Paradise

    Burnout has hit top spot in the UK for the first time in 13 years. I didn't expect the demand to be that high tbh.
    1 point
  12. I’d go with this as well...and double XP? Hell yeah!
    1 point
  13. This is great I have a ton of videos to upload by the way as well
    1 point
  14. Imgine 2XP in there! I had a 20k xp game earlier. Sure it was a couple challenge xo in there but still.
    1 point
  15. Ok, I'll moderate my criticism. Shipment Dom can be fun when you hit the right lobby. Had a 62 kill game with an Ultra Kill (8 rapid kills) . Highest killstreak reward I had unlocked was Paratroopers but they went ham combined with an artillery barrage. TDM and KC not so much. Mayhem!
    1 point
  16. I did. Well, not top 3 though. 3 of us had an artillery barrage and they covered the whole map and then some.
    1 point
  17. Run requisitions and the top 3 score streaks on Dom, it’s epic fun
    1 point
  18. Just finishing our KFC We managed to get to 6am. Not sure how but we did. All of the alcohol drank. All of the songs sang. One hell of a night. Time to find all of the pictures from last night/day. P.S. Sleep needed for days.
    1 point
  19. I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT FOR THIS FILM! HYPE OVERLOAD!! Really REALLY excited about it. I also think Captain Marvel has the Soul Stone and that's why we haven't seen her or it yet.
    1 point
  20. I like it...great for tension release...only here for a week at the moment...it’s not in rotation so leave it alone if you don’t like it....just enjoy a bit of carnage...imagine it as HC!!!
    1 point
  21. Oh my poor head. Hope the survivors are tucking into bacon butties. Very nice to meet Tom and Chris face to face[emoji106]
    1 point
  22. SamuthNBS


    I know Diddums from another life on another forum Thanks for the welcome everyone! On my youtube channel I mainly play Assassin's Creed, starting with the first and working my way through the whole series with the intention of cutting out the dull bits and showing as much of the story and highlights as possible as I love the story but the gameplay on the older ones has not aged well, and I hate recommending people start playing halfway through a series as they won't understand the over-arching story of the whole thing, so I made some videos to explain it. It's taken a couple of years so far as I get distracted a lot by work! Outside of youtube I have recently been playing a lot of Bomber Crew and In To The Breach - things I can play in my hotel rooms while watching TV and eating dinner, rather than games that require my full attention. I've also just started playing helldivers with my girlfriend in local coop, as we completed Gauntlet recently. We drink when we die, and tend to get through half a bottle of rum a night that way. She always ends up forcing me to play Trivial Pursuit or Tricky Towers on her PS4 by the end of the night which I can't recommend as quality games unless your aim is to get very drunk. When alone at home rather than in a hotel I tend to play Forza 7, GearCity, Automation, Civ, Warhammer Total War or Everspace although I've recently started playing Aurora as well, despite never entirely understanding what I'm supposed to do. I also used to be a teacher in a 6th form college and one of the first things I did was install Live For Speed on several of our video editing Macs, network them, get them working with the PS controllers we had in the cupboard and spent several lessons schooling the kids in Formula BMWs. Easy pickings, really, but quite fun nonetheless. I'm totally broke due to how much I drive around for work (and some stupid car-based decisions that Diddums knows all about) so I own very few new games and as such have fallen behind on the COD series and other AAA titles (until they appear in a humble monthly) and similarly my online multiplayer activity has died a death, being relegated to playing coop with my girlfriend (my ex had a stonking PC but my new girlfriend has to use split screen which has limited us) or the occasional LAN party in Salisbury - never knew how close to reality some of our games about killing russians would end up being. I've played through and completed Guild Wars 2 twice but otherwise avoid MMORPGs due to money and time restraints. I periodically spend a few weeks obsessing over War Thunder or World of Warships but haven't touched either for about a year. I still rate them as some of the best online multiplayer games available, especially the lower tiers and especially for free. I own a slightly broken X360, a WiiU, a "video editing" laptop and a "video editing" PC that are both good enough to play anything I want, although do struggle a bit with my Oculus DK2 with the settings turned up. Any more questions do let me know, I'm not afraid to share intimate details of my hobbies/life - sometimes too much so! I'm hoping at some point soon I can get back in to online multiplayer - especially if I persuade my other half to download Steam again - and it seems like a good idea to find a like-minded group of people to be abused by in a variety of games rather than jumping in with a load of randoms. Outside of gaming I do cars, photography, videography, a bit of music - the usual 'creative' shit really, although I am not myself creative, merely able to closely recreate other peoples' creativity. I work in TV for a variety of live broadcasters, currently donig the FA Cup for the BBC so I go to one or two matches a week and set up all the video fibre/copper paths and support the editor etc. so I can't claim to have a boring life but it does mean I'm hard to pin down for specific days as my work schedule often changes on the whim of a penalty kicker, especially if the new VAR system is involved (not just because it's shite but also because it takes almost an extra day to get the bloody thing set up and working). I've rambled enough, hopefully I've given you all an idea of who I am and I hope to get to know you all better in the future!
    1 point
  23. So what marvel likes to do is fire up an event, spin off new titles, if they pan out, they hen change the other lines to match it. If it doesn't then they retcon it, or say it happened in an alternate universe. For that reason its actually really hard to say how many times they have done it (DC just retcons everything to say all of it has always happened which is kind of lame, kind of cool). Off the top of my head 2015 with Secret Wars 2 Marvel Legacy in 2017 Marvel Civil war was a reboot event of sorts, but it was odd. (I have no idea if Civil War 2 was supposed to be) One of the things they like to do is reboot individual lines, or a group of lines. Which also muddies the waters on counting a grand total of times
    1 point
  24. I dunno, accidentally killing your partner and father of your kids is pretty much a life sentence. Hey mom, where's daddy? Well son, the thing about daddy is, I'm a moron. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. I'm rather hoping that as a clan we jump back on this game. Maybe a little naive but, here's to hoping. The thing I most enjoyed was the time we spent trying to do the raid and crubical matches, and just generally messing around with the likes of @Diddums @Amnotright @GazzaGarratt @Misneach_ and everyone else. I felt we had more fun with Destiny 2 than we do with the likes of Overwatch. It was less intense and generally very funny and my hope is that as a community we can give it another go in the next couple of months. It's good to be sweaty try-hard on Overwatch and by all means Overwatch is a brilliant, brilliant game. I just think we need to also balance it out with silly shit in games like Destiny 2. It's fun when we all work as a team to try and beat a game, and fail absolutely fucking miserably, but in doing so nearly piss ourselves laughing. I'm going to get back on this game. Around Feb / March there will be more content and I think more fun to be had as a clan, if we're up for it.
    1 point
  26. I don't think you understand how much it's killing me to have a few days off and not be able to play them.
    0 points
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