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  1. phil bottle

    phil bottle


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  2. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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  3. Sennex



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. GazzaGarratt


    Dax's school is closed, Yara's is open. It's really frustrating if you haven't got the childcare. I appreciate many parts of England have had way more snow and its justified. Plus I know how much I was a kid and loved a 'snow day' but here, that's not even really any snow so he can't enjoy it anyway. There needs to be better consistent answers when you close schools due to the severe impact it can have on many families.
    2 points
  3. Looks like it's going to be Battlefield V set in WWII How original. I haven't played a WW2 themed game for many weeks..
    2 points
  4. techno

    Battlefield 2018

    Bf1 was such a disappointment after bf4 that I was hoping for a more modern battlefield game, from Vietnam war onwards. However if it generates enough content and more importantly it plays well then the setting may not be as important.
    1 point
  5. J4MES OX4D

    Battlefield 2018

    The problem with a WW2 version of Battlefield is that BF1 felt like a WW2 game anyway albeit being set in WW1. A combination of fluid mechanics from the Frostbite engine along with very arcadey gunplay could see a WW2 variant feel exactly the same as that. I would've expected it to be called Battlefield 2 for brand consistency and if it was to be BF5; it would be assumed to be a modern day BF3/4 style game or something even futuristic which would be no different to Battlefront 2 anyway. Even when playing BF1 I could see recycled assets from the original Battlefiront game despite the huge timeline and fantasy disparity between the two games. I bet the first complaint from the Battlefield community with BF5 would be 'it feels like BF1 DLC' or something to that tune. I would've taken Bad Company 3, modern Battlefield 5 or even a sequel to Battlefield 2142 than another WW2 game.
    1 point
  6. phil bottle

    Sea of Thieves

    By the way, SoT has crossplay activated so you can play on console or PC, and in the same game.
    1 point
  7. I had to survive nearly 2 decades of underachievement as a Spurs fan, so petulant Arsenal fans are a bit of a joke, but as we like to say We sang it in France We sang it in Spain We sang in the sun And we sang in the rain They tried to stop us but you know what it did There's nothing I love more than being a yid.
    1 point
  8. phil bottle

    Battlefield 2018

    The Battlefield franchise is another kettle of fish entirely. Really wanted another Bad Company. I'd also have preferred a futuristic one over WW2.
    1 point
  9. phil bottle

    Sea of Thieves

    Sea Of Thieves is live again this weekend for another test. Available until Sunday morning (10am UK time) I'll probably stream it today or tonight. Free access via Xbox Insider if you have an Xbox log in: https://www.seaofthieves.com/insider
    1 point
  10. Plumbers Crack


    What annoys us is that you get the scenario where the kids are off because the school is closed so mum drags them into town and moans when the shops are on skeleton staff levels because the staff can't all get in.....it's why your bloody kids are off school, dummy!!!
    1 point
  11. tronic44

    Battlefield 2018

    I can say, hand on heart, that I’ve no idea how this one is going to turn out I’ll be gutted if they go to WW2, although the campaign might be quite good....not as good as the last one though Im guessing they’ll include zombies also?
    1 point
  12. I still play from time to time. Had a couple sessions this week.
    1 point
  13. I'll pick this game up again when we get the super deluxe edition with all the DLC and when Bungie have finally got their shit together and made it the game it should have been.
    1 point
  14. It has taken me quite a while to come to terms with Spotify and the “not owning it” idea but I use it literally every day now and haven’t brought a CD in over a year. My son upgraded his ‘Premium Personal ‘ package to ‘Premium Family’ for an extra fiver a month and now me and Mrs P are Spoty all over!
    1 point
  15. Another clip for ya @tronic44 Had another Fury with the Combat shotgun but didn't bother recording it.
    1 point
  16. Say what you want about Arsenal; at least they're consistent
    1 point
  17. phil bottle


    London's had a couple of days of snow in the end. I don't mind snow it's just this bitter wind that's annoying. With schools closed and a lot of people from work living outside London the office has been half empty. So I'm taking Friday off[emoji4] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Prodi-Cal_Son

    Happy Birthdays!

    Ah jaysus I love you lads. I'm sorry I'm so shit
    1 point
  19. 2/10 - surprised Joe gave it such a high score
    1 point
  20. Yeah despite our best efforts looks like FA cup could be a goer. Let's see how it goes, we have to fight against VAR in addition to the team opposite🤣
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Sennex

    Forum Montage Time!

    I found a video of Lee on a trumpet! Thank you go Pro!
    1 point
  23. MrBiron

    Battlefield 2018

    1 point
  24. J4MES OX4D

    Battlefield 2018

    I've just starting playing Bad Company 2 again and I forgot how incredible this game was and still is. It had a tough time back in the day coming out when MW2 was thriving but BC2 was amazing for its time with stunning environments and sounds . Visually, it still holds up today easily and although the story was pretty woeful and cutscenes hijacked the gameplay a bit too much; it's still the best BF game for me and one of the best shooters of all time. Still looks incredible for a game from 2010! We don't get FPS games like this no more really.
    1 point
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