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  1. Mikepjbell



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  2. Baabcat



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  3. GazzaGarratt



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  4. tronic44



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2018 in all areas

  1. Mikepjbell


    Yep, that game, that game which had so many problems at release, but turned out to be an insanely good racing game. Does anyone still own a copy and would anyone be interested in getting a few races organised with me? I absolutely loved the racing arcade/sim feel of the game and the graphics were outstanding. I still have a copy and I'm sure it's cheap as hell to buy now too. Anyone interested?
    3 points
  2. Baabcat

    CoD Bragging rights

    Sorry don't know how to post photos, so here is a video photo, 2 epic FFA games against terrible players, just the scoreboards, includes a 19 kill win margin I won the next 4 as well, but not by as much as someone decent joined.
    2 points
  3. PM me the log in details Rich, I only have FG YouTube. The streaming software with Nvidia GPUs is pretty sweet. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. G_dub52


    I still have it! I have not played in a very long time so will be a bit rusty but I'm happy to try and beat some times or join a few races
    2 points
  5. techno


    I have it installed so im down for anything that's gonna end up being a bit of a laugh.
    2 points
  6. tronic44


    Hell yeah! Really enjoyed the game and think we could make some pretty funny racing videos. I do have a feeling that this'll turn into GTA races
    2 points
  7. Let me clarify. I enjoyed the story whilst I appreciate it followed a basic hero saves the world storyline. It is morethe lore and the world it is set in that I love. Bungie has or hasn't on purpose let lots of teasers about things in the Destiny universe and its one of the first worlds in a game I've felt I want to always know more about. As I say, whether they do it accidentally on purpose not to tell too much, who knows. But for me it leaves me with a feeling of wanting to know more. It keeps me interested.
    1 point
  8. So I actually hated the story. There was nothing at stake here. We lost our powers 5 minutes in, we get them back 5 minutes later....... WTF? Oh No! Zavala, Cayde, and Ikora are fighting the cabal in the city but they have no powers!!!!!!!! Oh No Here is touching dialogue about them dying!!!!! Oh wait, no one died, so who cares. The entire story had zero consequences, but it was presented as if the world would end. If they had killed even one of the vanguard Trio, then my view would be different. We spent how many years working towards gathering shit for the Factions, where were they? Dead Orbit supposedly has a fleet..... Did I miss a cut scene? New Monarchy has wanted to dump the speaker for years.... Why didn't they seize this opportunity? I don't even know what FWC stands for other than fighting.... Which they didn't fucking do.
    1 point
  9. I think your natural optimism has kept you going on it Lee. I just don't see how they can pull it out of the fire now, but I genuinely hope they do.
    1 point
  10. GazzaGarratt


    I'll be in to play this again. It hasn't received enough playtime because of the launch. I think I had an FG club set up too which we could invite people to.
    1 point
  11. I like that dude. Shows what we can do as far as team comp is concerned. I honestly believe our issues are due to frustration and patience rather than mechanical skill or comp. 1 team wipe and we all go to shit. When you watch the pros that exactly how you do it. You fully commit to a fight as a 6 stack and you either win or lose. But don't lose heart we just go and try again. If you get picked out 1 by 1 over a period of 30 secs or so then we weren't grouped up properly in the first place. We tend to get frustrated and "try" something when just a simple wait for 5 secs in spawn and do nothing would be a much better option. Sometimes the best solution is a deep breath, scratch your nuts and go again with the team. Communication is key too. Our call outs are getting much better but we have to stop shouting as much so we can make sure all the call outs are heard I think if we (in our current forrm) tried gamebattles we'd get our arses handed to us 😂😂 With this said, going to this level of co-ordination does seem to take a lot of the fun out of things so we need to make sure we're making time to have some games where the try hard panties are well and truly off 👍
    1 point
  12. Mikepjbell


    Calendar event posted - let me know if it's convenient!
    1 point
  13. Mikepjbell


    Hi All, Let's get a little community going on this - I used to love this game and it's so cheap to buy now as well.
    1 point
  14. Dr Diamond

    H&M Hoodie Advert

    Lol, im assuming thats tongue in cheek. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. Mikepjbell


    About 7 of us so far, looking good
    1 point
  16. crispymorgan


    £6.64 at music magpie Via the FG App
    1 point
  17. Just to give you guys an update on our Twitch achievements.... Great work so far!
    1 point
  18. Mikepjbell


    That's 3 of us plus probably @GazzaGarratt, looking good so far! I'll maybe get something booked in the calendar for this weekend
    1 point
  19. phil bottle


    Great game, still have it installed. I know Lee has it too, I've been trying to beat his and Rich's times. Count me in[emoji106] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Breed whatever colour sheep and dye one of them black using ink sacs from killing squid. You might need to dye the sheep white first (I can't remember) if so you can do that with bone meal. I can't remember what bee's I have but feel free to take any from my base/storage if you want more bees.
    1 point
  21. They should make porn a sport. I'd pay to watch that. Wait no I wouldn't, what am I saying.
    1 point
  22. So far the only advice we have is "stack ults" and "play less". Via the FG App
    1 point
  23. techno

    The Overwatch League

    It's not a sport.
    1 point
  24. getting better at overwatch seems like a pipe dream at the moment
    1 point
  25. Plumbers Crack


    He’s been cut.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-42644321 YouTube has cut business ties with Logan Paul, the hugely popular vlogger who posted a video showing the body of an apparent suicide victim in Japan. Paul's channels were removed from YouTube's Google Preferred programme, where brands sell ads on the top 5% of the platform's content creators. YouTube also said it had put on hold original projects with the US vlogger. Paul posted the video with a man's body on 31 December, triggering widespread criticism. [see link for rest of article which is back story]
    1 point
  26. GazzaGarratt

    Ready made or DIY?

    All things ordered for PC. Awaiting Video Card as its out of stock and due back in on my birthday 18th Jan. May wait for a good deal on a keyboard and mouse. Any specific or special wires I need to get?
    1 point
  27. Lolz. Mike & Chris. Like the idea you're trying their Mike. Few tweaks needed to my name as I main D.Va just abobe Reinhardt, then Tracer. Re: last night. I listened for the majority of the night rather than playing. I noticed a few things as I'm sure others did. Putting it bluntly mid-way through some already tilted. But equally for all of us to play well as a team it needs 5/6 playing extremely well. If 1/2 of us just feel abit off (it is okay btw as we're not pros [emoji12] well, stretch is!) we can easily lose. We are in that middle 2500 upwards ground that consistency is key. Also, I think people just need to call out where enemies are more often. Just short, concise and clear callouts. Worth a try.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
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