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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Done! Sent from my WAS-LX1A using Tapatalk
    2 points
  2. The holiday season is upon us and I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas! Hope everyone gets everything they want and have a great time with family, friends and lots of good food. I am going to my sisters house and my dad. Celebrating Christmas with them for the first time actually. My mom and dad split up when I was three and can only remember one christmas with him. Lost contact growing up and reconnected after my eldest brother died. Looking forward to it!
    1 point
  3. TigerBurge

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome buddy
    1 point
  4. tronic44

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome dude, hope you enjoy your stay around these ends. Feel free to add me and we’ll get some games in at some point.
    1 point
  5. The Division is a great game. That being said I think it needs a sequel, they appear to have learned a ton of things from the last few updates, and from watching what happens with games like Destiny 2. If they do end up with a sequel, I really hope they change the Dark Zone area's. It is the only aspect of the game I don't find enjoyable and have completely ignored.
    1 point
  6. An end of year report from the DayZ team. Video below my brief ramble Now, of all the people entitled to be cynical about this game, I think I have the right to make my own report. I played the DayZ mod back in the summer of 2012, on a work laptop. Other than Civ, I hadn't really played any PC games for quite a while. I had to buy Arma 2 to access the 'free' mod. I fucking loved it. I cannot overstate this. The way the game drew you in right form the first moment you spawned on the beach. I've never before or since found a game quite like it. Though EFT has elements that elicit similar feelings, there's nothing quite like that DayZ mod back in 2012 and 2013. Well, people clamoured for a standalone version. The mod was buggy as hell, my first death was from falling a few feet off a ladder, and yeah, everyone demanded a standalone game, with it's own team, rather that relying on a couple of modders. So, we got what we asked for. Dean got the go ahead from Bohemia to begin working on DayZ, separate from Arma. But this wasn't enough, already after a few months people were demanding to play the version of DayZ they were working on. Dean and co were kind of noobs here and provided dates to try and placate people. They didn't meet dates and the hate starting to generate was pretty mental. When they finally released an early access version of the game I think it was a bad decision and under duress. Diddums might remember the DayZ forum in this times, fucking mental people on there with a ridiculous sense of entitlement. So they released aversion of the game, on a engine that couldn't cope. It was a bastardised version of the Arma 3 engine. What happened next? Dean left and after a period of time Bohemia bit the bullet and they decided to switch to a new engine. Dean leaving the game's development was ultimately the best thing to do, he was a good modder but not a great lead developer. Then massive decision to switch to a brand new engine came alost too late, might still be too late, we'll see. But, as the video says, I think 2018 will finally be the year of DayZ.
    1 point
  7. GazzaGarratt

    Who's still playing?

    Maybe so but I'd argue that it isn't as bad as everyone is saying. We all dismiss games far too quickly these days.
    1 point
  8. MrBiron

    Who's still playing?

    They haven't for me. This game is just a shell of what Destiny is.
    1 point
  9. I have no motivation to log on anymore. No worries though as there are loads of other wonderful games out there. Such a shame Bungie managed to destroy the series after Destiny 1 was what it was. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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