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  1. phil bottle

    phil bottle


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  2. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2017 in all areas

  1. GazzaGarratt

    Star Citizen

    This is the major reason I want my PC. Phil, that ship upgrade looks incredible. I like the multi-function choice you went for too. Dabble in abit of everything you do I like it alot.
    2 points
  2. At this point, I'd prefer to go back to D1 with a DLC. Via the FG App
    2 points
  3. It's pretty much judgement week for Destiny 2 as players will have to decide whether they commit to the upcoming 'expansion' and the game with a long term view, or simply to get out now and not spend another penny and likely never play it again. I played the game for a solid two weeks and had a reasonable time but once I finished the campaign along with completing many other elements such as the adventures; I didn't feel motivated to play it again. Bungie also released a load of generic patch notes of alleged improvements and detailed a brief about the games future in a PR move to try and assure users their medicore game can be salvaged post-DLC once again. A few media domains such as Gamespot even mooted that the DLC wasn't even very good whilst others said it would unlikely improve the core game as the offering wasn't substantial enough. For me; I cannot see myself returning. The focus of Destiny 2's improvements seem to surround loot but for me the problem with the game is more regarding the overly-casual and repetitive nature plus lack of an engrossing narrative. The Curse of Osiris will likely add nothing apart from a few new locations to the current game plus a story strand that will probably go over people's heads. Earning loot is supposed to be the hook that keeps people playing Destiny 2 but irrespective of any changes that Bungie make; earning loot was not satisfying for me in the slightest because the lack of a difficulty and soulless combat just made everything simple and underwhelming. Nobody ever starts COD campaigns on recruit difficulty and no matter how many enemies you faced in D2; your status was never under threat. Even if you did die; there was no real consequence and you were always guranteed spoonfed loot that would slightly bolster your power. Even on the more high-end events that took a shedload of ammo rather than skill; earning higher tier loot just never felt like it was well earned. The story which is coming from the same studio (in name only) that created the Halo brand which has been huge for 15 years thanks to its characters, writing and development plus quality games. We actually got a 'story' in this game but even so; everything seemed so mediocre with only some fine humour from Cayde and Failsafe being memorable. I intertwined the story through as many adventures and events as possible to drag it out so I wasn't lumbered with stacks of meaningless 'side' quests by the end. Even in doing that I found myself doing the same thing over and over against the same enemies over and over. I did a campaign mission on Titan and the very next and only two adventures available were in exactly the same locations! Nobody would play the same Halo mission 3 times in a row on the easiest difficulty and that's exactly how this game felt. Although my desire was almost extinguished last month to care about the future of the game; I was still interested in seeing what Bungie could do to improve things along with the DLC. It already didn't sit well with me that they'd gone two steps backwards after finishing strongly with the original game and a part of me questioned whether they deliberately ommitted aspects which they would then conveniantly add before the DLC to reel people into supporting the game long term with a 'game-changing' update. After the XP scaling drama of last week where Bungie played the usual PR card of 'we are unhappy with this....even though we created it and are just unhappy because we got caught out' plus this seemingly overwhelming patch of generic notes; I just can't see them ever drastically improving the game and I'm not willing to pay up to find out. They just don't deserve my money by virtue of how poor the core game has been IMO. I was hoping to play Destiny 2 for a good two years rather than two weeks and already many players have departed. I was reading that the game lost nearly 80% of players in under two months which didn't bode well for the PC release and I'm now one of those that have felt too underwhelmed to continue. There is also nothing unique about Destiny 2 - it's a 'social' shooter with heavily restricted and dated online elements and very bland features made by a company who are a shell of their former selves and backed by a very smart publisher who are experts in marketing and brand development. It doesn't do anything that Borderlands, Warframe and The Crew don't do. Bungie's name, their engine and wonderful art team is what makes this game look and feel fantastic but everything else is a complete and utter mess. What is everyone elses thoughts on the upcoming material and is it enough to keep you engaged or will you simply walk away?
    1 point
  4. I miss combat record for HC matches.
    1 point
  5. How fast time flies as you get older ...... in that case, 2017....nada
    1 point
  6. This is how I feel at the moment....I never thought I would play CoD in preference to Destiny! I doubt I’ll buy this DLC but if the next DLC is a major improvement I may jump back in again
    1 point
  7. They should have created a DLC for the original game. It's fucking weak man. At least I felt like I had some attachment to the original.
    1 point
  8. (Stupid) people don't seem to realise that most of the supermarket Black Friday TV's have been created for the purpose of that event. They end up spending a couple hundred on a big but absolutely shit 30hz TV and the retailers and manufacturers still walk away with a huge margin. Retailers obtain development plans for low production cost TV's and approach fringe manufactuers to produce them months beforehand. They build a set that costs about £30, ships them to the shops landed at £80 and the shop then sells them at a 250% profit whilst the customer thinks they are getting a steal paying £200 for a 42 inch TV made by a company called Defuct or something If they actually spent fifty quid more they could probably get a decent 32 made by a real company like Samsung. It's also good way for retailers to shift shit and still make a decent return. Most of the deals are just an illusion anyway and retailers usually bump up the price a month before so they can give items more attractive 'discounts' when actually the item has been cheaper plenty of times before. People just don't do their homework and deserve to get burned.
    1 point
  9. Keeper scores against AC Milan in the last minute for the teams first ever point and to end a run of 14 straight defeats
    1 point
  10. NCA-Paendrag


    That HQ crap is pissing me off! Don't know how many times I have pressed on that button instead of public match! And that you can't go to HQ to pick up orders and contracts between matches is just stupid.
    1 point
  11. phil bottle

    Star Citizen

    They occasionally do free weekends and allow folk to install have a try out, I'll keep my eye open on that for you[emoji106] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. BO7H B4RRELS

    Star Citizen

    That's awesome. I want to check this game out so bad. Via the FG App
    1 point
  13. phil bottle

    Star Citizen

    I had a play about with my new ship at 2am in the morning and I'm very happy. In theory I need another person as it has a turret weapon in addition to the main weapons and I can't be in two places at once. May hire an AI co pilot [emoji41] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. BO7H B4RRELS

    Star Citizen

    Very cool Phil. Via the FG App
    1 point
  15. Plumbers Crack

    Star Citizen

    Phil, I can see 2018 is just gonna pass you by!!
    1 point
  16. phil bottle

    Star Citizen

    I got so hyped waiting for the Beta to drop, I had a look at ships. There's a last chance to change ship before the Beta drops and it's something I have been thinking about for a while. My Origin 300i was a nice little dogfighter, small and fast, but no room for much else. I've upgraded to a ship that has multi purpose, in that it can fight, can take passengers and also store cargo. I could have waited for full release and bought it in game, with in game money, but I had the option to part-exchange and just upgrade my ship, and not wait until full release, and I'm not holding my breath that long. I went for the Cutlass Black (which is actually currently undergoing an update and will look slightly differently according to what I have read). This is how it looks now https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/drake-cutlass/Cutlass-Black
    1 point
  17. J4MES OX4D

    Star Citizen

    Have fun with Phil's joystick
    1 point
  18. J4MES OX4D

    Star Citizen

    1 point
  19. phil bottle

    Star Citizen

    Yeah man that would be sweet as[emoji16] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. tronic44

    Star Citizen

    Might have to pop up yours at some point and we'll make some SC videos!
    1 point
  21. phil bottle

    Star Citizen

    Very excited right now. 3.0 is getting tested by various waves of lucky backers who get to test for bugs on the PTU before going to the live universe. 5 waves of testers and I'm Wave 3. Following the final wav it will be relweased to all players. Awesome times, I'm actually thinking of upgrading my ship, and the good thing about the testing process is that I get to try them all out.
    1 point
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