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  1. phil bottle

    phil bottle


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  2. Sennex



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  3. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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  4. Baabcat



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2017 in all areas

  1. "hey guys, Bungie here. We're adding back a load of features that were in Destiny but we took out of Destiny 2 for no fucking reason whatsoever. We REALLY hope you'll be happy with how much we're adding to the game even though it should have been there at launch. Enjoy! Bungie out."
    2 points
  2. Sennex

    Assassin's Creed: Origins

    Pretty sure we played totally different games. Espicially with your reference to Shadow of War. You didnt' pay attention to the Lore of the Medjay either if you don't understand why the side missions are popping up. The game definitely explains it. To each their own
    2 points
  3. Group of death in England terminology is getting drawn against the likes of Costa Rica and Iceland these days.
    1 point
  4. Baabcat


    Same here, it was much better being able to go to HQ without leaving the lobby. Irritating fix
    1 point
  5. Baabcat

    The Status of Destiny 2

    And you wouldn’t have thought it was that hard to do would you, at least add control in its own list ffs
    1 point
  6. World Cup draw tomorrow, still can't believe they let Russia host the tournament, I'm pre-ordering the pop corn for all the great fighting I mean football to watch this summer.
    1 point
  7. Tbh Bart, I actually expected your view to be the most favoured. I'm trying to be objective on what happened over the last few days. It was a good reaction. They had no choice. Its not a publicity stunt for DLC. In reality, its very bad publicly to cancel a live stream just for a blog post. But it wasn't written in a 'hey, look at me guys I'm awesome' way. It is very serious and to the point. Before this, the game and communication was poor. After this, my view is its on the right track. The real dealbreaker is the next move. I want to see a detailed status update / blog in c. 2 weeks. Otherwise, they clearly haven't learned. Oh, gary/bob. My view on armour upgrades is that its their answer to bounties. I like the idea of every having a challenge. Isn't that what CoD has had for years and works?
    1 point
  8. They have been shamed so often in the past its not even funny. They don't care. They have been voted worst company of the year, 4 times at this point? More? Keep in mind, their stock is down $3.... thats it And its trading at $106 which is up from $12 where it was trading for the longest time. The vocal minority is all we are here EDIT: EA stock is trading at $105.72, Up $0.22 for the day LOLZ
    1 point
  9. That doesn't really make sense, you can leave the starting area in about 3 hours. Everything you griped about could have been remedied/ learned/ explained easily in that same amount of time. Did you skip the cut scenes? Maybe play with the volume muted? Not read anything on screen? To put it in terms of Witcher 3, you made it as far as the initial dream sequence in the game, Raced Ciri to the sparring area, turned off the game and then compared it to a totally different game. I'm not trying to change your mind or anything, I just don't want others to come along, read what you posted and miss out on a game that is honestly better than any other RPG I have played since Witcher 3.
    1 point
  10. It's great PR to butter people up prior to the first 'expansion' but I can't see it being signifcant enough to keep me interested. I see a lot of 'better, improved and changed' points but I doubt it will translate to anything substantial. Certainly wont bolster the mediocre foundation that is already in place. This could be a good get out of jail for Bungie as a few people will likely overlook the games damning faults now and see these updates and DLC as the second coming of christ with their wallets and pants zippers wide open.
    1 point
  11. NCA-Paendrag


    Couldn't agree more.
    1 point
  12. phil bottle

    Morning FG!

    Yep, a snowflake fell on a track, so the underground has shut down🤣 Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. I see very little to get hyped about before trying it out but in not hopeful. Also how long have they had this to fall back on? The other thing I got from the video I watched, PvP is terrible but add ranked but still no gamemode choice option ? Really ? Yup that's listening bungie. Someone also commented how they'd be happy to purchase vault space ffs. AAA titles really have sunk to new lows.
    1 point
  14. techno


    I preferred it pre-patch log in pick up shit leave, I don't need everyone else in there waving at me and loot boxes falling all around. It's COD get gun shoot people in face.
    1 point
  15. Skull and Bones Beta sign up is live. Also, looking out for Sea of Thieves..
    1 point
  16. phil bottle

    Xbox one x

    Moral of the story? PC Master Race
    1 point
  17. phil bottle

    Star Citizen

    I haven't used my joystick since the days of Jet Set Willy, but that's another story
    1 point
  18. The developer is sooo laid back Very pleasing that they're still working on this and have lots more goodies for us as time moves on.
    1 point
  19. J4MES OX4D


    Activision clearly wants as many players as possible to see each other opening supply drops so they will be enticed to buy them too.
    1 point
  20. Baabcat

    The Status of Destiny 2

    The masterclass system sounds like it will add some depth, but nothing really done on armour. Problem with armour is there's three basic sets, and other than cosmetic differences there's no real reason to grind for them. Would have liked to see a bit more of an extensive change in this respect, but at least they are addressing some of the issues
    1 point
  21. Bungie has quite a ways to go before I say they are back on their game an I am optimistic of Destiny's future. However, this update to me is a great start. The masterclass system I will be diving into as soon as possible as this will give the advanced player a bit more of a grind/ something to work for. All of the different armor on sale at all times is a huge positive. Private matches need to happen in Crucible, so hopefully that is very early 2018. Three of coins, to be fair I never used in D1 because the gear was pretty easy to get but it's great to put it back into Destiny 2. All of the shit in D1 should have been here at launch. Good patch, but can they keep it up?
    1 point
  22. Wayne Rooney scores from inside his own half against West Ham once again! Everton have had a bad season so far but West Ham are really in deep shit especially with Moyes in the crows nest.
    1 point
  23. If you've never played Assassins Creed - go buy Black Flag. It's seriously in my top5 games of all time. AC2, AC3, Unity, Brotherhood aren't even in my top50, as a comparison
    1 point
  24. As Doom VFR is released this Friday, what better way to celebrate than a Doom VFR special! Please join us from 4pm GMT, for what i can only imagine will be a load of laugh's and screams. As always everyone and anyone is welcome to join us either on Twitch or at the studios, if you do feel like popping down then shoot me a PM and we'll arrange it. Thank you to all who continue to support us!
    1 point
  25. phil bottle

    DayZ latest news

    Fucking DayZ. Awesome DayZ. Yep, so the bastards have decided that they won't be dropping the beta on us before the end of the year. When I get on a PC I'll add the full dev blog but it was kind if a bad news good news situation. While it's annoying, they've sweetened it by telling us that helicopters will now be added to the beta, and that is a game changer for me. DayZ is nothing without helicopters and what the standalone has been crying out for. I hope I read it right🤣 Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
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