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Hogwarts Legacy

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I was hyped when I knew they were making this but you always have some skepticism as to whether they can pull off a game that is worthy of wizarding wands and suited for all ages.


That State of Play makes it look very fleshed out, more than i anticipated. The combat looks like its actually fun rather than just very basic too. Excited to explore a large open world, seems to be a game with many stories and side quests to keep you going.


Hopefully the playloop will be rewarding and fun, as we all know there will be one of some kind for a game this big.

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On 8/12/2022 at 6:20 PM, J4MES OX4D said:

Delayed until February 2023




Disappointed, ngl. Fine if you need more time but personally all these companies just seem to be so bad at planning dates its incredible. Ofc, its completely reasonable to push it back if you need more time....I just think communications in gaming these days is just so poor. Its like they randomly drop a date they can never make to keep you interested. Just say we're not confident of a date yet and leave it as that until you are more confident as the Project Manager you can deliver safely on time.


I think this tweet sums it up....just to repeat, delays are FINE. Its the comms that isn't - 2 and abit years out now from the original release date.



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I am a little disappointed but on the plus side I do have quite a few games to play with a few others coming out yet this year so it could well be a blessing in disguise.


Agreed on the comms though, I feel often the industry revolves around hype which in turn generates pre-orders.




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I've never really cared for this franchise, so I'm not bothered by this at all.  Hopefully, they make a decent game.  I will pass.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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6 hours ago, Riff Machine said:

I've never really cared for this franchise, so I'm not bothered by this at all.  Hopefully, they make a decent game.  I will pass.


I've watched the films, but the games don't really spark my interest. 

I just didn't realise until @GazzaGarrattpointed out the extent of the delays.

At this point they are just teasing people that really want to play it. It's year after year these broken promises and a long delay. 

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20 slottable spells sounds good to me. I do think it looks like a cracking game and one of very few single player games i'll make time for next year.

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Lots of very positive feedback so far - not sure if it's my cuppa tea as I'm not a Harry Potter fan but it looks like they've done a very good job. If it scores well then I very well may grab it regardless


Some great environment and detail gameplay


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That looks cool as hell. I'm definitely getting this one as I've loved the movies but its great to see it has its own storyline topped up with great graphics....and that combat in the first video you shared James looks pretty sick, ngl. Lets hope these Quests have good depth to them too as on first looks they seem pretty solid.

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2 hours ago, techno said:

That's even with the hate campaign against it on social media due to its ties to JK Rowling. 

Yep, basically people are boycotting the game who weren't going to get it anyway🤣 There's gonna be people seething on Twitter tonight after this game has reviewed well so I can't wait to see that

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Have they/them actually read what she said? I struggle to even really see how it is offensive…. But I digress. 

I’m excited to play it. Everyone been raving about it that I’ve seen so far. 

I’m avada kedavraing the shit out of everything I can 😂 


edit- So after I typed this I saw a video about a website that will track streamers who play the game on stream so they can be labeled as transphobic and cancelled….

People have too much free time on their hands. 


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The trans community is really up in arms about this game, the other forum I visit they won't stop going on and personally I see the issues they have but just because someone buy's the game does not instantly make them an enemy. It seem's like they want to make enemies for themselves so it's them against the world type of thing which is a bit saft.


The game is reviewing well and I am quite excited for it, finding it difficult to avoid some of the spoilers on social media though, I want to go into the game completely fresh and you have posts, videos etc saying this, that or the other or there is this easter egg if you go here and such. Social media is really crap.


Anyway's, I am excited and I don't think the missus will be able to drag me away from the console when the game turns up 😄




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Yeah GK Rowling is not a friend of minorities, she's also one of those old school middle class feminists who think 99% of men are potential rapists. Can't stand her.


But then i Iove the horror fiction of HP Lovecraft and he was a white suprememacist. I still read his work knowing I despise his political outlook 😅


I'm not getting this game as I'm an old school fantasy nerd and I always found the Harry Potter stuff kind of lame. Game itself looks decent, so maybe in a sale...




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7 hours ago, Jason said:

edit- So after I typed this I saw a video about a website that will track streamers who play the game on stream so they can be labeled as transphobic and cancelled….

People have too much free time on their hands. 

I love how the site is now being used so people can track which streamer is playing the game so they can go watch, follow and even sub to them. Love it when a plan backfires🤣


2 minutes ago, phil bottle said:

Yeah GK Rowling is not a friend of minorities, she's also one of those old school middle class feminists who think 99% of men are potential rapists. Can't stand her.

It's quite a sensational turn of events really - an extremist feminist now being targeted by other extremists wanting to be what she is but is currently who she despises. I do think a lot of it is taken out of proportion especially when you have further clowns like Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe worsening the tensions online but the trans community really don't help themselves with their approach consisting of positioning themselves as the victim but also making outlandish threats. Really not the way to endear to others especially when they wont listen to others and are too busy trying to 'cancel' people who don't share their way of thinking. 


What goes around comes around for poor old JK! 

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I'm not getting dragged into the side stuff from a game perspective. In life, we can't ignore these topical issues and we have to appreciate other people will see the other sides which will be valid in certain individuals to whats been said cos we all should have a voice in this life - as the issue doesn't impact me personally, I see it as that will be for them to discuss and not myself on here. If anyone is against it all, not buying the game will be the best thing you can do. I have got it on pre-order so will sharing the game pros and cons on here for sure.


8 hours ago, Jason said:

I’m excited to play it. Everyone been raving about it that I’ve seen so far. 

I’m avada kedavraing the shit out of everything I can 😂 


I'm pretty sure about 99% of the population is going to do that at the start of the game! 🤣 The combat system looks extremely solid and quests are hopefully deep in content so they'll be enough for us to chew on me thinks.


They've got over 20 spells haven't they? Be interesting to see when they unlock through the game and hopefully some of the best ones will be unlocked early doors to use throughout the content.

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Sarah and I have been watching one of the streamers we sub to play it.  I’ve never seen or read any of the HP stuff EVER, so I’ve no idea about most of it.  As a game, it looks interesting and I may pick it up eventually.  

We’ll probably discuss it on the podcast this week.  Adrian bought it and has been playing all day. 

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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