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Outriders Demo - First Thoughts


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  • GazzaGarratt changed the title to Outriders Demo - First Thoughts

I've updated the topic title so we can use it fro first thoughts regarding the demo 😄


I need to download it this weekend on the PS5 to see what its all about. Initial external reports said it may be better than what was initally thought.

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I’ve downloaded the demo but haven’t tried it out yet.  It’s going to take a lot to give me a reason to buy this day 1.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Ok, first thoughts...


Movement feels way off.  When just slightly pressing the left stick forward, which would be stealthy/slow movement, puts you in an almost power walk.  I was literally flying by the captain in the prologue mission.  Gunplay, cover and skills feel like a weaker version of the Division. Hell, the control scheme is exactly the same as it.  Which isn’t bad, but this needs a lot more polish. 

Lots and lots of graphical and audio glitches.  Some synch issues too but it is a demo after all.  Graphically, it looks really good.


Story so far seems interesting but unless the above control issues are addressed before full release, I’ll wait until a sale. 


*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Chad were you playing it on console or pc? It seems console is having more issues then pc. I have a couple of bugs like the motion blur is horrible at times gives you that wonky feeling at times but I have had the cutscene bug where voices don't line up to what's on screen and also the walking thing is kinda weird as well I had an issue flying past people as well it didn't feel as bad as I'm playing a trickster using the teleport thing but I have the issue so yes needs some love but it's good feed back I think. Story seems good which Is hard to find but I can let you all know more on April 1st I already pre-ordered it months ago. 

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Gave it another go tonight.  It’s just not clicking with me.  For a “new” game, it really feels like something I played 10 years ago.  I really hope this isn’t the final product.  I feel it needs more work. 

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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I ran through today on the devastator and honestly thought it was a blast. Game isn't showing us all the goodies and for a demo it's quite short just to give you a taste. I like the game so far but it's not everyones cup of tea. Reminds me of the days of playing gears just going in balls deep mutilating everything and everyone. Here was my first clip of the game. I think the mods and the endless builds your going to be able to do are going to be great for someone who really enjoys customizing builds and trying certain things out in a shooter game. 

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If I had an XboxX with GP, I would play it.  I refuse to spend $80 on this.  The demo didn’t wow me in any way.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Glad you guys are enjoying it.


I've seen a lot of mixed reviews but seems to be selling well on Steam.


Something about it puts me off and maybe after recently playing Div 2 on PC it looks kind of clunky. 


Look forward to more updates 👍






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7 hours ago, Shucker said:

A few hours in and really liking it so far. I mean... lava spiders... what's not to like?

  • Despite a couple of weird lighting glitches, this game feels very polished and... surprise... launch-ready.
  • Good progression, meaningful loot but not too much where you feel paralyzed about moving on cuz you have so much to sort through and you don't know if it's valuable or not (I'm looking at you, Division). 
  • Modding is cool and has a variety of ways to jazz up your gear without breaking the bank and making you feel like you should save up mats for the Endgame. I like the mods-system so far in these early stages. 
  • Boss fights are tough but not overly punishing. Some good variety so far and I don't usually feel like they're giant bullet sponges because their variety of attacks and tactics keep me on my toes. I've been running at max-World Tier and only had one boss fight where I just gave up banging my head on a wall and dropped down one level.
  • Story is still strong and all of the characters are well-voiced/acted.
  • That being said, I'm still pining for some open-world goodness where I can randomly roam the landscape to jump into some scrapes or do "patrols" or something similar. A little too linear at the moment, but the story and side quests are good so I'm okay with not being derailed from the task at hand. I've only got a main quest and maybe two side quests I could do, and I kinda like it, surprisingly.

Anyway, I think we all know how this will play out. It's good fun and a quality title... but if the Endgame is balls... well, it's likely dead in the water. I don't know what they have planned, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Thanks for this @Shucker , it's intrigiung me and because I get abit FOMO of what i'm missing out I can't deny its on my mind on whether to get it. However, i'm like Chad @Riff Machine  atm because it feels like a lot of money for a game we don't know how endgame will pan out quite yet. The difficulty is that we're all used to gorging content like there's no tomorrow so I have no doubt if you have the willpower the game will be a good experience...until endgame.


I'm also similar to @phil bottle as the gameplay hasn't excited me watching it atm. It must be different playing it to reports though. I've never been a fan of Gears of War titles because of the camera and way the controls felt to move around, it never felt natural. Third person cover-esque games (I know you aint supposed to use cover, but its in there) is more Division 2 as the standard to reach so I just worry can it make the heitghts of that - even Division 2 has struggled with endgame albeit having a great campaign mode.


Crossplay is a great enabler and one that might trigger me over the line. I'm still invested in Destiny 2 because I know i'll always have some things to do in there but when we get the quieter weeks this could be a good filler and that way the game doesn't die straight away. Its not a live service game though, right? You can play offline like Borderlands I heard. That means endgame will suffer surely as endgame really means 'give me stuff to do all the time that changes'?

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Oh, and the only other thing annoying is they could have seen the market window and made the game open for bigger parties. 3 players feels restrictive which means its more targeted for Single Player people imo.

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12 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Oh dear, this is rather amateur


If you've been wondering where your free C drive space has been going, look here.



How very 2013😂


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So i'm seeing really mixed reviews and this is no way near as bad as Anthem's launch whilst still having some key core issues it seems. It actually seems to have a great feel to the game and the unknown right now is whether or not it has that endgame longevity to it.


The first big patch also came with some huge nerfs which upset a lot of people - although, for me, buffs and nerfs are just a part of the course for RPG looter shooters now.


I can't bring myself to buy it still although it totally feels like theres quite a large timesink that is definitely there - and maybe thats the catch for me as I don't want a heavy grinding game at the moment. Its nice that it actually has been commended though in many places so far.

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Yeah, it looks like a decent playthrough @Shucker  which in fairness if you're looking to pick up a game to play, get it done and finish it seems like one that could be worthwhile. @Riff Machine , have you had much fun with it at all?


Also, Datto did what I think was a very well balanced review of the game. Isn't one sided at all but helps you maybe think about your own questions to help understand if you'd like the game or not.




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It’s ok when you’re playing with friends.  But I didn’t have a good time with it at all.  Feels old, unbalanced as hell, gameplay is clunky (though probably better on PC with M/K) and it does nothing revolutionary that hasn’t been done before.  I seriously don’t understand why some sites are giving it the reviews it’s been getting.  But when I see ads for the game on said sites, it all makes sense.   


I finished the campaign and deleted it.  Doubt I’ll return.  

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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