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Being mindful of what you eat


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Man, I hate getting old. For the first time in my life i'm having to far more conscious on how much food, more specifically rubbish sugary food, than ever before. I've never had to do this ever in my life and it is the most boring thing for me to do. I eat because I have to. Don't get me wrong I love good food but it isn't what I think about everyday.


Are any of you people having to get a routine going and is there any techniques I can use on how to get rid of the temptation for chocolate and sweets or even just anything unhealthy at random times through the day? I have to get my weight down, i'm not heavy by any stretch but this is the heaviest i've ever been and the unfittest also.


Any decent easy healthy food thoughts wouldn't go a miss either.

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Intermittent fasting has made me feel much better. I don’t eat until 11-noon depending on when I went to sleep and I do not eat past 7pm.

Black coffee in the morning.

I’m a fat piece of shit now so this past month I’ve felt much better.

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If you feel the need to snack, get something from the fruit bowl. Eat foods that slowly release your energy through out the day.


Drink more water, I like to add a slice of lemon and lime to mine. 


Don't add additional sugar to anything. I don't add it to drinks or breakfast, unless it's already in the product, avoid adding extra. I do eat porridge for breakfast mostly, not the ready made microwavable crap, use actual oats and stick em in a pan. 


I'm not healthy in the slightest, I eat too much junk sonetimes, I don't have a gym body but my weigh never seems to go above 10st. I'm a sucker for biscuits but generally I don't really eat chocolate in the form of chocolate bars, they get too sickly. 


I just had a glass of milk and 3 slices of Brioche Chocolate Chip bread.


Also you could do anything like going out walking, takes your mind of thinking about eating junk. 


Why are you feeling the need to change? 

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I mostly eat vegan now and have done for the last year. I do still eat meat but mostly only when it's the best quality meat. I've felt better this last year than i have in the last 10 years, i jump out of bed with no issues (even after a few drinks) I also take vitamin supplements in the mornings to make sure i'm not missing out on anything like iron. I've found it easy to substitute certain foods for others, instead of eat mince meat, i eat soya mince. I get so much protein from that.


The thing about meat, red meat especially, is that it's a massive contributor towards heart disease. So i figured why not just pretty much cut that out. 


If i snack then i snack on things like nuts or will even just make peanut butter on toast, much better than chocolate and crisps. Although i still eat that stuff, just not very regularly. 


M&S have started doing vegan meals, they're actually surprisingly cheap and at the end of the day they're normally on a discount price. I picked up two pizzas, dirty fires and cauliflower pop corn, for £6 yesterday. It was fucking lovely.


Image result for m&s plant kitchen

Image result for m&s plant kitchen

Image result for m&s plant kitchen dirty fries



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The local Greggs now sells more vegan sausage rolls than propah sausage rolls. Sign of the times in Hackney. I like how more ppl are looking at what they eat. Local McDonald's is still as packed as ever though, maybe they've gone vegan too lol, wouldn't know, don't touch McShite.
I should watch what I eat, having had bowel problems in the past, but I'm a cunt on the bacon sandwiches still.

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17 hours ago, The3rdWalker said:

Intermittent fasting has made me feel much better. I don’t eat until 11-noon depending on when I went to sleep and I do not eat past 7pm.

Black coffee in the morning.

I’m a fat piece of shit now so this past month I’ve felt much better.

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I'm atm totally opposite. Eat a slice of seed sensations toast at 8am, by 10am I need to eat my lunch. Cut down to one brown batch (roll for you non-Coventry dickheads) with ham or turkey, crisps and go ahead biscuits. Maybe a yoghurt too. Then it's starve til 5.30/6 for dinner.


I just get hungry AF about 8/9/10. I have ate chocolate all my life, love sweet stuff like donuts etc but I know it can't be as much as it was. My metabolism has completely changed.

16 hours ago, Spacedeck said:

If you feel the need to snack, get something from the fruit bowl. Eat foods that slowly release your energy through out the day.


Drink more water, I like to add a slice of lemon and lime to mine. 


Don't add additional sugar to anything. I don't add it to drinks or breakfast, unless it's already in the product, avoid adding extra. I do eat porridge for breakfast mostly, not the ready made microwavable crap, use actual oats and stick em in a pan. 


I'm not healthy in the slightest, I eat too much junk sonetimes, I don't have a gym body but my weigh never seems to go above 10st. I'm a sucker for biscuits but generally I don't really eat chocolate in the form of chocolate bars, they get too sickly. 


I just had a glass of milk and 3 slices of Brioche Chocolate Chip bread.


Also you could do anything like going out walking, takes your mind of thinking about eating junk. 


Why are you feeling the need to change? 

I've not had fitness for 2 years (uaed to play football for 1 hour training and a game on sundays). I've now gone up one size in jeans and I couldn't fit in my Xmas suit. My belly is massive but it looks just slightly larger than it used to. The key trigger was 2 senior managers at work I get on with completely separately saying "you're packing it abit aren't you Lee?" Heart sank. Just know I have to get back on playing cos I hate fitness too but I can't eat like I used to. Not too uber healthy but need to be abit more mindful, you know?


Fruits is a good way to go, cheers. I'm also told though you shouldn't eat too many sweet fruit as it has too much natural sugars. Ffs. I hate bitter shit.

5 hours ago, phil bottle said:

The local Greggs now sells more vegan sausage rolls than propah sausage rolls. Sign of the times in Hackney. I like how more ppl are looking at what they eat. Local McDonald's is still as packed as ever though, maybe they've gone vegan too lol, wouldn't know, don't touch McShite.
I should watch what I eat, having had bowel problems in the past, but I'm a cunt on the bacon sandwiches still.

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It is good when you take a step back in the world, we should all be a little more conscious. It's just that's it's boring as hell for me 😂

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20 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said:

What’s the fries made from Rich?

I didn’t actually look at what the sauce was made from which is annoying as I need a bechamel sauce for my lasagne. I didn’t make a butternut squash and beetroot sauce a year or so ago but can’t remember how I did it.


Found the package! Although not sure which parts make up the sauce.



They’ve been getting backlash as they’ve been putting its not suitable for people with allergies as its made in a factory that contains dairy. At least they’re putting that, people are never happy.



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20 hours ago, phil bottle said:

The local Greggs now sells more vegan sausage rolls than propah sausage rolls. Sign of the times in Hackney. I like how more ppl are looking at what they eat. Local McDonald's is still as packed as ever though, maybe they've gone vegan too lol, wouldn't know, don't touch McShite.
I should watch what I eat, having had bowel problems in the past, but I'm a cunt on the bacon sandwiches still.

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I’m not going to lie, I miss bacon sandwiches, I miss the smell more than anything. And when I do have one, it’s normally fucking incredible 😄 Think I only had two last year 😧 even I’m slightly horrified by that number 😄



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1 hour ago, Spacedeck said:

@GazzaGarratt How's the healthy eating quest going so far mate? 

I'm doing my best to eat the following in 9-5 Mon-Fri:

  • 1 slice of seed sensations toast
  • 1 wholemeal batch with ham, with sundries tomato thin thinbite crisps and a yoghurt (ideally the 10 cal strawberry Jelly that's awesome)

When I get home I have dinner straight away which is smaller portions than normal but its whatever we usually cook as it's never too bad. Stuff like spicy rice and chicken knives or mash, peas, chicken and gravy. I may have an odd chocolate bar through the week but I'm trying hard not to.


My struggle is I'm seriously hungry AF between 11 and 5. If I could be flat out at work, rather than just busy, I wouldn't mind but any moment I get to myself, I just wanna eat. They say drink more but I drink Tea by the bucket load which is apparently 100 calories each cup due to the milk. If I could try and just drink maybe 3 a day, that would be amazing...just dont want to give it all up and feel unhappy. A few calories shouldn't make that much difference.


Also, I'm now doing footy 8 til 9 on a Weds night with my old footy mates. Great laugh, hard work and much needed. One more run a week would be ideal too but one step at a time :D


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If your feeling hungry, sounds obvious but it's could be your body telling you your not eating enough, one slice of toast for breakfast? Maybe you should substitute with a decent protein source should help you feel full for longer and should be better than processed carbs.

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1 hour ago, techno said:

If your feeling hungry, sounds obvious but it's could be your body telling you your not eating enough, one slice of toast for breakfast? Maybe you should substitute with a decent protein source should help you feel full for longer and should be better than processed carbs.


Try porridge, the real stuff made in a saucepan, not the instant crap. Flahavens (?) Irish Jumbo Oats are terrific. Add blueberries or similar as well. All good stuff 😄👍


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I have ham and eggs most mornings, after I've been working a while, usually between 10.30am and 11am. I cycle to work so I've no problem with that. Impossible for me to eat before that time for some reason.

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3 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said:


Try porridge, the real stuff made in a saucepan, not the instant crap. Flahavens (?) Irish Jumbo Oats are terrific. Add blueberries or similar as well. All good stuff 😄👍


Really like them oats! Currently I'm on a huge bag of Mornflake oats because they was on sale 😂. I usually add a teaspoon of jam to mine. If I don't eat porridge, I have weetabix with sliced banana. 

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@GazzaGarratt Get yourself one of these below, buy bags of different frozen fruit and some big pots of alpro yogurt or other low calorie yogurts and mix yourself one of them to have during the day. You don’t need to put much yogurt in each one, it’s just to smooth it out.




When we feel hungry we should eat, the only problem is that we’ve created a way to be able to eat too much too quickly so we scoff it down before our body realised we’re full. Chopsticks are good for combatting that, you’ll realise your full before finishing your plate.


I’d try and cut out the bread all together or at least only have it once a day. Brown and seeded bread is better than white but it’s still bread. Make a wrap instead and pack it out with shiz like couscous and don’t be afraid to stick some spice in there. Spicey food help raise your metabolism, so helps burn off calories.



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9 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said:


Try porridge, the real stuff made in a saucepan, not the instant crap. Flahavens (?) Irish Jumbo Oats are terrific. Add blueberries or similar as well. All good stuff 😄👍

This, or overnight oats are really good too.


Whats your goal Leigh, be more healthy or just lose weight?

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Here you go Lee...let the oats presoak for an hour or overnight then takes about 10 minutes on the job... this has some sultanas in the bottom of the bowl then pour porridge over the top...keeps you going a long time [emoji106]IMG_20190227_070750.jpeg

Via the FG App


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I ate porridge for a week straight after we ran out of food whilst trekking for 4 weeks in the Himalayas. I can't even look at the stuff anymore let alone eat it, the day the sugar ran out was the worst. Couldn't even hide the taste :lol:



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Thanks Dave. I really struggle with the idea of real oats in the morning. I can have those packets from Quaker Oats but I know it comes with sugar. I dont think that's all that bad though, I mean it's still an oats base to it, just with a nicer flavour.


@Dan94, it's a little of losing weight but also toning up too. My footy has come at a welcome time although I'm struggling for energy reserves some days. I really dont want a radical diet. I still want to eat most things I enjoy as this isn't forced on me, but I know I need to do it due to age and metabolism changes plus mentally I really expect this will give me extra boost in the long run.

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I'm working on losing a bunch of weight at the moment.  Gave up drinking for lent, and decided what the hell might as well get in good shape.  I'm keeping diet pretty simple.  Drink lots of water throughout the day as it helps you feel full.  I generally eat the same food as I did before, I just cut the size of my helpings in half.  Focusing on eating way more protien and way less carbs.  That's about it.  I'm running almost everyday so I've started losing weight pretty quickly.  If you put in the time to exercise, you're naturally going to be smarter with what you eat because you don't want to waste your good efforts.  Exercise, lots of water, more protien, less carbs.  Working pretty good so far.

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On 3/22/2019 at 10:45 PM, McNasty said:

Exercise, lots of water, more protien, less carbs.  Working pretty good so far.

A woman at work has hot water instead of tea. My brain really struggles to compute that but maybe I should try it. Fair play for doing daily exercise, I find this only comes with getting into a rhythm for me.

2 hours ago, techno said:

I pretty much lost half a stone in 2 weeks by cutting my processed foods and carb intake...it took a little hit this weekend but I'll be back on it from today. 

With the weather improving I'll start racking up the miles walking. 

Yeah, last weekend wont have helped any of us! 😂

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