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FG September Progress Report

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It's been a pretty busy for month for us all with most people I know of here having lots of home and work life stuff to do. Oh, and Destiny 2 got released :)


Needless to say it's been great seeing so many new faces around and the initial buzz about the place from my view has been great. Thanks for all coming to see the home and contributing where you have done. A decent summary of September could be put as follows:


  • 20 new FG members with many of those writing intro posts
  • 73 FGers signing in alone and checking by to see what's occurring
  • Out of those 60 active FG members (The total number of members who submitted new content, followed something, or reacted to something on the community in the specified time period)
  • 77 people make up the Destiny Clan Roster, Xbox and PC Clan Rosters created
  • First 4 weeks of Destiny obtained nearly all Clan engrams and weekly XP cap. 1 raid and 2 trials engrams only missing across those weeks
  • Brand new FG 7 Days to Die Server (thanks @tronic44)
  • FG Minecraft server gaining a few extra people and community project started
  • 11 names down for the Internal Rocket League Tournament
  • Cards Against Humanity event nights
  • Multiple raid events and starting see some progression through parts of it with most of FG now
  • 1,825 new posts (c.26% increase on previous month, c.178% increase on Sept 2016)


I could go on but above all this it's how everyone feels hear. I've heard directly from some of the new people that they are really happy to be a part of this family. I am too and I hope the regulars feel the same. As Destiny starts to become less grindy, now the real effort and view of this place is on my mind and possibly others.


This place is for ALL games, not just Destiny. We equally have fun talking about other random stuff too. Let that continue and the only way for that to happen is to keep coming here and enjoying what others post and playing together.


Now we're in October, I'd love to see what more we can do. My thoughts? Okay:


  • Help all Destiny clan people to do experience Nightfalls and the Leviathan Raid
  • Expand what other new games we enjoy playing
  • Kick off our FG Rocket League tournament!
  • Progress the Minecraft community Project
  • Get more involved in all games and servers we have
  • Help FG newbies intergrate with the rest of us
  • Start seeing new PPRs (like @Mikepjbell) and see existing ones carry on with the fun thats happening
  • Install some new applications that allow us to make this place greater and more diverse
  • Start a mass FG collection for a Winter giveaway


The last one i ssomething I seen happen when this place first started and one i'm keen to resurrect. The family is epic at helping out others, spending time to support each other when they need it and send gifts to people just because we care. Stay on lookout for a new post about it in the Site Info area. I really hope we can all get involved.


Lastly, thank you. Thank you for being here. For making me laugh, finding interesting things to read, enjoying games together and sharing your opinions. Please keep the FG fight going - as long as you are all here and contributing whenever you can this place will continue to go upwards for all our own personal benefit.


Much Love



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7 minutes ago, phil bottle said:

Good shit Lee you lovely old slag you, we'll be burying this man in a Y shaped coffin.


Seriously though, Lee, we all fucking love you emoji5.pngemoji4.pngemoji106.png


Sent from hell with love.







Not much I can add to this really, you're a fucking machine! Love u big guy.


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