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Calling all FGers

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Afternoon and Evening FGers,


Right, apologies for potential long post here but I know the best thing to do is not bottle up what i'm thinking.


So this little community of ours seems to have a pretty decent home imo and we have lots of bigger and better amazingly beautiful things but let's face it....


We need to inject the life back into FG!


Ok, so I've been taking some time to read through some old shit and clearly there's one thing that stands out - this is an AMAZING AWESOME FAMILY COMMUNITY. Clearly, we need to get some people back into this place to keep that community alive but also branch out to new people....so let's make FG great again!!!


I'm uber-positive, but I'm realist underneath as I know I can't do this without each and every one of you. Tell everyone what you think are problems are, what we should do to kick some energy around here, what other shizzle we need to unlock or go hunting for. Anything and everything should be posted here and posted NOW.


This place is all of ours. Not one single person. FG is all of us. I've read it in the many thousands of posts since 2013. We're all adults here (well, kinda :P) so i'm asking really nicely - shout up, tell us all how you feel. I'm totally up for making huge strides into Destiny 2. Let's get our clan out there and doing lots of fun stuff and doing what we do best; more raids, strikes, crucible, smashing all the planets together. We can get our asses together and make inroads on Rainbow, Overwatch....fuck it, even the new CoD for some old reunion shiz so we can try knife the crap out of each other.


I know there's a number of you guys who have helped with stuff lately, you know who you are, and you're legends for doing it - we're on our way to getting the social side a little more active and also a big update of the main forum board we're on to boost some awesomeness. I've even got some special surprises i'm working on which I can share soon enough ;). Hopefully with a bit of more input on here we can get us all back to what we all do best, making our FG great again!


So lets hear you people, what do you want this place to be? What do you think we should do next? If you like something and want more of it, tell us!


Love always

Giggles Lee

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We should make more of an effort to join game chat and spread our joy/misery.  We can't attract new people of we don't talk. But not to that retard widowmaker last night. <---- not salty.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Lee sorry saw this yesterday but was in an all day meeting so never got chance to respond


I think D2 will give this place a shot in the arm as there will be loads of new info to post , but problem will be were to discuss it. 


Whatsapp has effectively killed this place as a discussion forum. People will say it's just for banter but there's a lot more that goes in that could go here but doesn't. 


And maybe thats just evolution, need for a web forum killed off by easier to access app. 


I appreciate your your efforts for trying to breathe life into this place. Not sure it will work though , look at the response to this thread :


Lee makes call to arms on forum

Everyone just carries on calling each other c*nts on whatsapp. 


Whatsapp is crap compared to what this place used to be. But no idea how we turn back that tide 

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6 minutes ago, Baabcat said:

Lee sorry saw this yesterday but was in an all day meeting so never got chance to respond


I think D2 will give this place a shot in the arm as there will be loads of new info to post , but problem will be were to discuss it. 


Whatsapp has effectively killed this place as a discussion forum. People will say it's just for banter but there's a lot more that goes in that could go here but doesn't. 


And maybe thats just evolution, need for a web forum killed off by easier to access app. 


I appreciate your your efforts for trying to breathe life into this place. Not sure it will work though , look at the response to this thread :


Lee makes call to arms on forum

Everyone just carries on calling each other c*nts on whatsapp. 


Whatsapp is crap compared to what this place used to be. But no idea how we turn back that tide 


See, that's the type of stuff I wanted. Honest feedback. Thanks Bob. We can't fix shit if we don't be open about stuff.


I agree about Whatsapp. That's why I'm putting more time into finding an alternative and even better app than what we've already got.


The good thing is I won't let this place die ever. Never. I don't believe any of you guys will either. Even if its a select few of us then thats cool but I am super pumped about Destiny 2 and what that could do for us.


I won't delete Whatsapp but I'm ready to come out of the chat. This place is the best place I've ever been with the family that anybody could wish for. Abandoning this place is just not on my agenda.

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Lee, what you're doing is amazing. The amount of work you're putting into this is honestly insane, i hope we can get back to the old days. 


Like Bob said Whatsapp is fully killing this place and like he also says, it's not just for banter. Forums are where we grew as a family, we moved from our old forum because we didn't like the way it was run and didn't like the none family feel to it. When people join here, i want them to feel they are joining a family, they're joining people who eventually they'll be able to call great mates. 


I've met a lot of you in real life and that has all come from this forum. Lets pick this place back up and get it back to what it used to be.


Lets not forget where we came from.


Love you all :769_heart:



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As we talked about last night dude, I totally agree that we need to push the forum use rather than whatsapp. I'm of the same opinion that whatsapp has killed the traffic here and I'm just as guilty as everybody else.


I'm certainly going to make more of an effort to be posting more and contributing. It makes more of a homely place for any new people to come to rather than a tumbleweed forum.  You never know, I might even make that PPR sometime soon 😂


@GazzaGarratt - Good on you for making a stand and reminding us all why we're all friends in the 1st place.

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I think the biggest issue is that there really hasn't been "that game" we all play a lot. Think D2 will bring some people back or being more active. The new CoD has potential but let's face it. They will fuck it up someway. 

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Let's face it, we will never gonna get back to were it was before. A few key members missing and back in the day everyone was playing COD and we all had something to talk about. 

D2 will probably bring the core people back again, but for the ones that don't play Destiny it will be status quo.

And I really don't think the new COD will do anything as it will most likely be dead after a couple months.

My problem is that I only play games that no one else play aside from HZD, and then have no one to discuss games I play with.  I think that's why the PPR's don't get alot of traffic anymore as people feel they don't know what to write/respond. At least that' what my problem is. I want to post and discuss in other peopkles PPR but don't have anything to say but feel that when people post updates they deserve feedback.

And whatsapp is a big issue regarding forum traffic.




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I'm all for bringing the forum back to its full glory.  I'd love to see it be what it once was.  I miss it.  I'm going to try to get back on here more often.  Lee, you're the man.  You've held things together while everyone else has strayed.  Nice job.  




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Right well I've ditched the Whatsapp group, because I'll be fucked if I let Lee's outstanding efforts go to waste. I must admit I've lost interest in the forum lately which I'm sure has been fairly obvious, but that's because it became more of a job than a pleasure. Lee's since taken over and has done more good work here in the time he's been an admin that I did in my entire time as founder.


With that in mind, I'm taking this opportunity to make it official that Lee is now the head of the ranch. I'm still here, I'm still an admin, but I think Lee needs more recognition for his efforts. I'll assist where I can and cover the hosting bill, but this is Lee's baby now. Obviously I'm always here for Lee should he need to call someone a cunt or pick my very limited knowledge of web design. 


I'll start a new thread with some ideas in a moment.


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9 minutes ago, Diddums said:

Right well I've ditched the Whatsapp group, because I'll be fucked if I let Lee's outstanding efforts go to waste. I must admit I've lost interest in the forum lately which I'm sure has been fairly obvious, but that's because it became more of a job than a pleasure. Lee's since taken over and has done more good work here in the time he's been an admin that I did in my entire time as founder.


With that in mind, I'm taking this opportunity to make it official that Lee is now the head of the ranch. I'm still here, I'm still an admin, but I think Lee needs more recognition for his efforts. I'll assist where I can and cover the hosting bill, but this is Lee's baby now. Obviously I'm always here for Lee should he need to call someone a cunt or pick my very limited knowledge of web design. 


I'll start a new thread with some ideas in a moment.

You cunt 

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Dave you've been amazing with this place, just setting it up must have been an incredible amount of effort. You have given us all a home here and i think we've forgotten how lucky we are to have this place, i shall forever be thankful my good friend.





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Whatsapp has been discussed already so not point me rehashing that.


Small forums always suffer the catch 22 of people need to post for their to be activity except because there isn't any activity people don't post.  Ultimately I think all you can do is keep posting and the people who want to be here will be around and will post and activity will (hopefully) lead to more activity.  I do agree with @NCA-Paendrag that there hasn't been that one game to bring everyone together.  I do feel since CoD's demise the whole gaming community has fragmented - there are people who I played CoD with every day for several years back in the day who I haven't played with in probably over 2 years now.  Maybe it is just CoD being crap or just me getting old but to use a common phrase it just seems so much of gaming is toxic.  I think, like a few in here, that Destiny 2 will restore some of what has been lost though - it is a very communial game so depends on but also can help build a community.  I think most know I came over from OCUK and with the launch of D2 it opens up the possibility of some more crossing over or even with the clan features in D2.


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Whatsapp is so much easier for me to communicate with people as I have zero time to really spend on the forum with the little one.

That's about the only reason I don't frequent like i have in the past, and I haven't been gaming much.

Via the FG App


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The only thing missing for me is the likes of Jason and Bart.
Would be nice to see olive branches and bringing them both back into the fold.
They left - in my eyes - because of a stagnant forum and their efforts/issues weren't being met head on at the time. What happened is open to interpretation I know...
Personally I miss them both from here.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


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1 minute ago, phil bottle said:

The only thing missing for me is the likes of Jason and Bart.
Would be nice to see olive branches and bringing them both back into the fold.
They left - in my eyes - because of a stagnant forum and their efforts/issues weren't being met head on at the time. What happened is open to interpretation I know...
Personally I miss them both from here.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


Bart's back

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