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BO3 beta


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I'm praying that Treyarch do an open beta on PC because I don't want to lay down £40 just to try it. I could get a refund but Valve are pissed off with me enough after the amount of ones I've got so far. I don't want to be £40 out of pocket especially with MGS V out next month. I may have to give it a miss if they don't open it to all like they did with the PS4 version today.


If you're reading Phil, Joe, Jordie and co; are you pre-ordering the game? 

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So if we decide to start a Forever Gaming MLG squad can I volunteer my services as the SnD god? Unflappable under pressure and the best guy to overcome all odds and bring the win home for the squad? :D

I have an example for my resume!

Awesome clutch dude [emoji108]

I finally had a bash at the Beta last night. To be fair i was pleasantly suprised that the game played pretty well. I had zero expectations for this version after hating AW and Ghosts. Everything flowed well and played just like a good CoD should. Yes there was lag and yes there is some op specialist streaks etc etc. But this is CoD and if you want to enjoy the game then you have to accept some of the bullshit that comes with it.

Not a day one purchase for me. But i think i will be getting it for sure, i just think games like Destiny and Battlefront will just have more appeal to them.

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Surprising to say but had a good time playing search last night with stretch,dids,Lee,rod,chippee and finally matt enough to say that it's a worthwhile purchase for me for nights like that it had thst destiny fun feel to it.

Earlier playing I was raging so took a break that for me will be my saviour from the cod bullshit, when it's played right and the connection doesn't suck this game can be fun.

I also want to see if hc mode plays like blops2.

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I must say playing this beta has made me realise how much I took for granted the 6 man parties we used to be in - that and the fact I used to be good at call of duty [emoji23]

It has been pretty fun playing the beta; not going to get the game but was fun to give it a go.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Kia Ora. 

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Hitboxes for me atm are completely screwed. Any upper chest/head shots are very hit and miss as to whether they register as a hit which means i am losing out on many 1v1 engagements. Whilst not as bad as the video that i posted on page 4 of this thread, they are in a very similar vein :angry:


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Really enjoyed this game! Can't wait for it's release. I know there has been a lot of issues but i'd rather we have those issues now and not have them at a later date.


It's been so good to have full parties again, it's been far too long!



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If you're reading Phil, Joe, Jordie and co; are you pre-ordering the game? 


For some reason I had it in my head I was getting PC access without pre-ordering but I think I confused myself with the Doom beta access. Silly boy :rolleyes:


I've been practicing Blops2 with KB&M in anticipation (I've always used my controller in the past but I'm determined to wean myself off it).


So yeah, hope they make it open access on PC too because if I pre-order it will be to take advantage of an offer a week before release, or something like that.


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For some reason I had it in my head I was getting PC access without pre-ordering but I think I confused myself with the Doom beta access. Silly boy :rolleyes:


I've been practicing Blops2 with KB&M in anticipation (I've always used my controller in the past but I'm determined to wean myself off it).


So yeah, hope they make it open access on PC too because if I pre-order it will be to take advantage of an offer a week before release, or something like that.

Good stuff Phil! I'm going to try with the controller as it did well for me on AW especially with full aim-assist. I'll also see how I fair with M+K but I think it'll be easier for me with my 360 pad with all the wall running and jumping bollocks. I still may take the plunge and pre-order before it starts as I've got a bit of money put aside but I will feel a doughnut if it goes open the very next day :lol:

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Beta over now. Pretty impressed so far, seems like it could be quite solid if they use some of the Beta feedback/data to improve the game (m8, scythe etc etc..)

Good few games to round it off last night where i never knew how effective the combat knife could be. Especially in S&D!

Looking forward to picking this up at some point. But it'll be more around xmas noob time i reckon

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After last night I'm on the fence again. I generally have two outcomes in fights: shred the hell out of my opponents (which sometimes is due to quite a few bullets going in to them) or I get killed before I can even ADS unless I really get the jump on them. The connection seems very black or white, you either have a huge advantage or a huge disadvantage, there's nothing in between. It's obviously quite hard to balance this with millions of connections all over the world all trying to play but I've put this on the back burner for now. I'll buy it if it proves popular but I'm in no rush after last night.


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After last night I'm on the fence again. I generally have two outcomes in fights: shred the hell out of my opponents (which sometimes is due to quite a few bullets going in to them) or I get killed before I can even ADS unless I really get the jump on them. The connection seems very black or white, you either have a huge advantage or a huge disadvantage, there's nothing in between. It's obviously quite hard to balance this with millions of connections all over the world all trying to play but I've put this on the back burner for now. I'll buy it if it proves popular but I'm in no rush after last night.

This had been my experience with CoD for the past several years. I feel like it's pointless. Whether I'm doing good or bad, it doesn't matter, it's not indicative or my skill, or lack of, only the connection. Fuck that.




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The connection and hit detection was definitely something I have an issue with, as you all heard when we were playing. I hate how one game you can tear through the team and go 30-4 and the next it's 4-15 because bullets just don't connect. If they sort that out and it's a balanced game, I might think about picking it up at some point. It has been an issue for a very long time, as much as I ranted about MW2 connection when I played it, I didn't have issues with shooting 10 bullets and then dying to two out of the blue. 


I don't know if these so called dedicated servers are any good or not. 


I might try the PC beta if they open it up, which I imagine they will or else they won't have enough players in there! 

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I can't see any reason I won't pick it up tbh destiny will probably be my goto game but I need something else I can just throw in and this fits the bill. I don't have ps3 anymore so at least I will have 1 cod game for next gen.

Last games I played were on tdm and that connection seemed really stable as Chris said it may have been because there were more people playing.

They do need to do some fixing there's at least half a dozen things that need immediate attention before Nov 6th that I can think of outside connection.

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