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How the mighty have fallen! Once the biggest High Street shopping chain who dominated the supermarket space whilst moving into other ventures such as mobile and other electronics; now their profits have dropped to 47%. they've been overtaken by ASDA in terms of value and 18 executives have been suspended pending an investigation into false accounting after they published some inflated profit projections that were about £250,000,000 off the mark. 


They were one of the most powerful companies in the country - the Google of shops and nobody could have foreseen even the slightest drop in performance. They made some massive and aggressive expansion strides with smaller stores in locations that put several independent businesses out of business and you could only see them growing and growing further. Now everything seems to be on the ropes :o





They probably need to stop expanding and focus more on their existing business and get a grip back on the market. 

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Yep, a few years ago it seemed like tesco was trying to take over the world...

I haven't really noticed anything from a customer point of view over the past year, we still use tesco... Although we don't always, we just go wherever is most convenient at the time...

What has actually gone wrong?


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What has actually gone wrong?

Probably got a bit too big for their own good whilst other chains improved. I've seen that they still have lots of completed stores they've acquired but haven't actually moved in to and their rapid Express expansions aren't always viable in some areas as they try to compete to heavily with others practically on the doorstep. In a place called Summertown in Oxford; we have a Tesco, Sainsburys, M&S and Co-Op all within a 200 yard space. It's just mental but if Tesco actually moved half a mile up the road near a prime housing area; they could have made a killing instead of trying to drive others into the ground including themselves. Also their product range is getting a bit too mainstream, predictable and lackluster whilst the likes of Aldi and Lidl seem to be coming in with more original goods more ideally priced. 


Tesco need a range refresh and overhaul and need to get their prices competitive again. In the last couple of years; they've taken the market and people for granted and perhaps have been far too cocky and arrogant. Others like Morrisons are even catching up by driving prices down. Christmas is gonna be a crucial time and I think they'll struggle as it's not enough time to dramatically turn the tide. 

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Tesco's been showing cracks for years but have been cooking their books very efficiently to hide it. Now the lid's off the can contains many more worms than were anticipated.

As long as my local Extra doesn't go I'm happy. Brand new store, absolutely massive with tons of parking.


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It's laughable really. They're still making massive profits. It's not like they're going under or losing money.


What's not laughable is that we're supposed to give a shit and that we're suppsoed to panic because they're not making as much profit as they suggested they would. Incredible.


What a stupid world we live in.


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I do agree with what has been ssaid however Tesco plays to my strengths:

Me and my family eat bland boring food

Biggest Tesco store on my front door

I have a Tesco Credit card

Get a shit load of tesco points

Double up vouchers to buy things like...

CoD for free!:D

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