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  3. I'm finally done with this game. It's probably the longest I've played one of the new CODs for. After jumping on and playing Afghan for the millionth time I realised I just can't be bothered with this game any more. I definitely don't want to play any of the OG MW2 maps again. I'm absolutely sick to death of them.
  4. As it's coming to Game Pass then I'll be getting this on Xbox. No point in buying it on PS5. I just hope it's a return to form for Treyarch.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Cod will never return to it's glory years things have moved on unfortunately, I'd be surprised if it's anything but another reskin of what we've had over the last couple of years, same engine, seasons, monetisation etc.
  7. If I was a Man U fan I'd probably want Ten Hags to stay, but either way, them ensuring Chelscum are out of Europa League cracks me up. Although think they're in the other euro cup, is it the conference?
  8. It's all good, they're preparing new ways to needlessly and annoyingly kill you via the environment from what i understand, plus trench foot I believe. But yeah there's other maps available to play for free so I hope they don't really charge 30 quid, I bought the original game for 15 sovs on day one lol
  9. I enjoyed CoD best on Xbox 360 so it'll be like returning to an old friend 🤪
  10. Was in a work clan from MW2 through to BLOPS2. Started by four of us and we just used our first name initial letter, we were DJPA or DPJA, can't remember which. Great days, best CoDs.
  11. Imagine hearing this in 1954, absolutely mind blowing for it's time.
  12. Hmmmm @Lusethall depends on tge game but any way 1v1 me. i like the idea but definitely prefer old titles would be better.
  13. This post need's deleting, if you wanted a thread on 2000's games, go and make one instead of hijacking mine!! 😁
  14. I am a big fan of the originals, I just never got round to picking this up. That said if anyone fancies playing it through on co-op I am very much up for that 🙂
  15. I am not really too bothered about clans, feels a bit childish if anything just to encourage competitveness and let's be honest any clan with @slamminbones is going to end up last 😜 I would probably be more open to Lee's sort of suggestion, maybe picking some older games and having more, I want to say retro but just games of yesteryear. The likes of older battlefield games or maybe an older halo game, minecraft etc.
  16. Confirmed for Game Pass day one. This may seem a good deal initially for the consumer but the loss of retail sales could see more aggressive monetisation in play down the line. Also people likely aren't going to keep rolling monthly subscriptions just to play this long term. It may get an early spike at the crippling detriment of other games on the pass but it will never be as viable as it would be just plain selling the game. They could sell 5m copies through their store at $70 a pop making a tidy $350m gross on digital alone or they could have 8m people playing via the pass and if they game gets a cut of $2 per install then it'll net just $16m. The volume of users will also detract from other games and cut-potential so they will throw their other products available on the pass under the bus for a period. Definitely one last throw of the dice of desperation for Microsoft and a borderline nuclear option for the pass. Either way, it's not going to make the revenues needed to claw back their disastrous takeover and the pass isn't going to get anywhere near the quantity of players needed to justify its existence from a business and conceptual standpoint. It's a lose lose situation for MS and their partners alike but it could be a short term win for a minority who just want to play the game for a few weeks or experience the campaign.
  17. Last week
  18. Yeah, I checked them out. Too old I think, and I am not generally a survival game fan. Think Ill stick to the tv show 😄
  19. If you haven't picked up Streets of Rage 4 before, then this is an absolute great month to get it! Superb game, even more so if you loved the classics back on the Mega Drive.
  20. I agree with @GazzaGarratt it's hard to pick, the insane amount of games to choose from. I agree Tomb Raider was great as well. Metal Gear Solid was something else at the time. Honourable mentions to Tenchu and the original Grand Theft Auto as well. Goldeneye, Medal of honour and Age of Empires 2, like J4MES and Phil mentioned also. Now I know this is slightly further ahead, but on the year 2000 alone we had. Tony Hawks 2, Hitman 1 and the first Splinter Cell! Splinter cells graphics blew everything out of the water at the time. I remember it so well. It was incredible.
  21. I disagree I like there is no sbmm, every game is different and it actually forces you to get better, there is lobby balancing which is fine. A cod killer? Obviously people will make that distinction though I don't see it as it's just different and as blame truth said he doesn't want to see cod game mechanics added as they are not needed. As for the game, I'm 6+hours in and really having fun with it using different set ups etc to complete challenges and unlock stuff. The fact people actually play the objective is a welcome bonus too. If it gets enough content and they sort out the few issues some are having it's worth every penny it cost.
  22. I think the kicker for me is if the new map comes with new items, accessories or in-game activities you can get involved with. A new map is nice to explore new scenery for a game or two, but if we are doing the same without being able to develop maybe perhaps base building in greater detail, new people will struggle to get involved like they already do today. As you say Phil, its just another skin that people will want to add mods to it.
  23. YES! That was a great game too. This made me think of Super Saturday at the London Olympics. Some great scenes whilst watching this unfold through the whole day. Can't believe the whole event was 12 years ago 🤯
  24. Norway beating Brazil in 98’. Last time we’ve even had a half decent tournament…
  25. 🎮 Kick off the week with an epic night of virtual football fun! 🕣 Event Start Time: 8:00 PM 🔥 First Come, First Serve Positions, so secure your spot early! Must have Latest Edition of EA Sports FC.
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