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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. He was my favourite wrestler. I tombstoned my brother in front of my parents and was then promptly grounded for a week .
  2. That's what he wants you to think and then he'll chokeslam you as you sleep.
  3. In my opinion, The Undertaker would easily be UFC world champion if he could be bothered.
  4. "Oh, and I forgot to mention, this camo was for my 4 year old kid. So yeah it should be free because it's good to help the kids and that." I have a new slogan for Christmas, I think it'll work. "A kid is not just for Christmas, but for getting sympathy votes and free shit because you're a dumbass."
  5. This is the PS4 capture thread, not my awesome Xmas jumper thread. Stop spamming you asshole.
  6. I knew that would end up in that f**king thread .
  7. This explains why Scotland are so shite, every single one of them is being bought off for a packet of crisps.
  8. I has to work Friday .
  9. I ain't got a clue, my wife bought it for me. But I can guarantee some asshole will have yanked my carrot by the end of the night.
  10. "I ordered the 'Mean Dog' camo and a picture of this came through the post that said "Thank you for purchase - Infinity Ward". This is unacceptable, I'd like a free camo please."
  11. So my work Christmas night out is this Thursday (yes Thursday, unbelievable). My Christmas outfit for this year is magnificent. Behold: The carrot nose and scarf is "3D", I'm cooler than John Wayne, Batman and Dylan all rolled in to one.
  12. It's worse than theater. No idea why it goes to Facebook. It's not great. I went on a PSN thread and one guy (like me) was really confused by it and was getting slaughtered for being a troll. I read all 6 pages, I'm still confused as fuck. I don't think you can come off your games app or it resets the timer (or something). My head hurts.
  13. The double points is hilarious. Red Bull's dominance seems to be hurting the sport if the higher ups are resorting to double points in one race. No race should be worth more points than the other. Fuck my principles though, if it might help someone beat Vettel then I'm up for it. Either that or second place might end up 100 points behind Vettel by the end of the season rather than 75 .
  14. I'm still not sure where I've lost my stuff, here's a wee clip of what the quality is like (it uploads to Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1379644132287633&l=3460385735846647526
  15. It's bullshit. I just played a game with Tam, got an alright killcam so I click Share. The last available clip is 40 odd seconds long and from yesterday. I've played 3 games tonight, why amn't I getting my last 15 minutes?
  16. Doesn't look like her at all, deffo Lohan.
  17. It just shows that stupidity can pay. No idea why Tam ain't rich.
  18. The guy who bought the picture of an xbox will like this.
  19. The first one was good fun. The TV series is brilliant, the movie was not far off. Looking forward to this, haven't seen a good comedy in a while.
  20. Yeah I turned it off cal, not there. It seems to record randomly. Dave, I have a PC.
  21. Has anyone figured out how this works yet? I know how to upload and trim but I don't know what it's saving. I had my best game of SnD (14-3) and there was one round I wanted to upload. I went to Upload Video Clip and the last 14 minutes available to me was half an hour ago. I then went in to another game and it records my 50 seconds from getting in to that lobby. So half an hour of gameplay isn't there at all. When my game finished, I left the lobby and clicked Share. Is there anything else I was meant to do?
  22. The assholes that play this game can suck my freakishly small balls.
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