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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. Had a good session with Mikey, Jack MUFC and Stretch the Moan last night. I'm not enjoying COD and respawn game modes at all. It's just constant awful spawns, they're so broken in this game. SnD is still a lot of fun, especially with the new party chat feature on PS4.
  2. Horrible news. Some positives in that he was taken to hospital quickly and the specialist sees injuries like this all the time. They're also saying his age and phyical health is on his side too.
  3. PSN Steam #75 Soon to be Independant Scotland
  4. Chookes

    The Ashes

    I'll keep it open incase England make a comeback.
  5. PS3 BF4 or PS4 BF4? Coz there's nothing epic about the PS3 version.
  6. I'll be on Saturday night and Sunday. Going to screw around in SnD.
  7. Sucks man, what the hell is included in the bundle for £700?
  8. Merry Christmas and all that shit. Lots of love, The Grinch x
  9. Good to hear from you Kyle, glad you're doing so well. As previously mentioned, was seeing pictures on Facebook so knew you were doing good. The old and new picture on the car with what I'm assuming is your sister and a grand mum is a brilliant photo.
  10. Maldonado shouldn't be in the sport. Really feel for Di Resta.
  11. Stephen Fry. "You’re awkward. You’re easily embarrassed. You’re sickeningly polite. You’re as British as they come!"
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