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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. The fact that Di Resta doesn't have a drive but Maldonado effectively gets a promotion to Lotus shows everything that's wrong with world class sport. Money talks, even if you're a talentless scumbag.
  2. So vanquish have dropped their previous roster? Phizzurp is the biggest c*nt in competitive COD, pardon my Scottish. I like Ricky, good move. Smart player, good attitude. Optic will be massively strong in SnD.
  3. Ok it's on and I'm ready to partyyyyyy. Well not really as I have to work until 2. I have found a flaw with my great jumper, it's making me sweat on the train.
  4. Karma is a douche, but at least he ain't boring . I watched their win with Ricky, they played well. They miss Rambo. If you're quiet then you need someone to be giving you directions. At the moment, they have neither that or a hype man. I haven't heard much about their "coach". He's a former Halo pro, not heard anything about him since he was announced.
  5. I like Ricky. But I want to see OpTic win again and I think they'll have a better opportunity to do so with Clayster. I think they need a hype man. Nadeshot and BigT are quiet at the best of times. Aches - TeePee - Crimsix - Scumpii would have been a sweet team. Although they picked up someone just as good in Scumpii in Karma (love watching both of them but love the Ginga Ninja).
  6. First movie I've been excited to see since The Dark Knight Rises.
  7. Rumours was that coL wanted Scumpy, HECS reacted by making a roster change and JKap was the obvious choice (I don't think he'll be as effective on Ghosts as he was BO2). Killa joined Curse, replacing Stainville. That's 3 of the original COD Champs reunited in Kills, Parasite and Miracles. I hope OpTic pick up Clayster.
  8. Unexpected, the strongest get stronger:
  9. This is tams greatest troll. Dylan's Facebook says he's 7.
  10. The quality is OK. What you can do is make the video public (I have a secondary Facebook for these videos) and you can use a program to rip them from Facebook and you can reupload them to YouTube. I've had 3 or 4 montage worth clips that I've lost so far, which sucks. I'm going to test a theory next time I'm on. Every clip I've lost always seems to be the first time in that session that I hit the Share button. If I try again later that night, it seems to record my last game/clip. So as soon as I go on next time, I'll record one clip and hopefully subsequent records will be there. I'll update if this works or helps. Probably not playing again until just before Christmas though.
  11. I didn't kill him, IW have richochet in HC so I died.
  12. Yeah I'm in HC, look again, my teammate spawns directly in front of me .
  13. It's a small clip of mine, I'll try and fix it. EDIT: Try now.
  14. I'll let you invest in Euan Bucks as well. They could be next dollar in my opinion.
  15. FU IW: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1380396085545771
  16. This feature is still definitely broken. I played a game of SnD on Siege where I got a Missile Strike from a Care Package and got 5 kills with it, and then a knife kill for the easiest ace ever. I hit the Share button and there's an 11 minute video from 45 minutes ago. Fuck this. PS4 forums are full of smug c*nts as well, not even acknowleding that some people are having issues.
  17. That's fine man, I'll invite you. I've lost a little motivation on the game so I've been screwing around in SnD (sniping on Offence and Ninja Defusing on Defence) so if you're alright with that then great. Still playing other game modes but SnD been a little more relaxing lately.
  18. Will it make me a millionaire? Some guy threw away an old drive with 7,500 bitcoins he was given in 2009 .
  19. I saw that story on Facebook, I had so much sympathy for him! I'll have to show it to my wife but then she might have the idea to purposely take me to extra shops in the hope I jump.
  20. There's not many on ps4 Matt. I've been solo the majority of the time. Not playing much myself just because of the time of the year.
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