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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. Hawick made it into GTA so it mustn't be completely and utterly shite surely.
  2. I can't wait to go home and watch this again .
  3. Nah way, too lazy. Had a gift card with nespresso, went mental with my order.
  4. Oh no, there's room in my life for coffee machine love as well. I have 350 capsules of deliciousness to get through.
  5. Absolutely. Nah I don't, lying isn't nice is it ya jobby?
  6. You said you'd hop on last night and you didn't.
  8. A snow flake fell on my eye and it was beautiful. Battlefield <3
  9. I'd happily donate a fiver towards the World Guiness of Records Rep's travel expenses to Hawick.
  10. Aye we did, stay out of my country. Dylan will be New Scotland's first world record holder.
  11. Hi Dave, I don't know what IFV is, sounds like when you want a clone baby.
  12. Screw the helicopters. I bet you Rich's salary it's easier to fly a real chopper.
  13. I ain't a woman, I can't multi task. If I fall off a building accidentally all I can do is is scream. Yeah Rich, that one.
  14. it is that one Rich. All the other maps are fun. I especially like any map that snipers are completely ineffective on. There's a map where it's snowy on the outskirts but it's all indoor action. Good map.
  15. Chookes

    bf4 tips/help

    I've used the Prompt, I just wasn't sure what comes up. I'm assuming if I'm running Support and someone requests then they show on the minimap with three bullets above their heads? I try to drop one when I spawn but I tend to forget, so used to being selfish in COD .
  16. I keep falling off the buildings .
  17. Dylan, Rich is just jealous because he'll know you'll complete it, become a celebrity and appear on This Morning, his favourite TV programme. He can't handle it man. Remember me when you've made millions, I've always had your back friend.
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