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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. I was 4 then. How can I remember euro 92 if I couldn't even talk or walk at that age?
  2. DAMMIT!! He's baaaaaaccccckkkkkkkkk.
  3. I've amended to what the guy read. Definitely the game at fault.
  4. Games fault - not a reflection on the guys lack of a brain .
  5. His brother. He played for Bayern Munich, Fiorentina, Chelsea (albeit briefly), Ajax and most famously for Rangers <3. Part of the Danish team that won Euro 92. Best player to have played in Scotland in my lifetime, no doubt.
  6. I know you're having a dig at his typo, but your comment doesn't work when his typo is someone almost as famous!
  7. The Pros find these spots. If you watch their scrims you assume that all they do is play against other teams but I watched Clayster and Scumpii in a private match, practising nade spots for SnD. These guys will spend a lot of time trying out stuff, to get one up on their opponents. I should be on tonight. I also have a Specialist tip. You can sacrific one perk to earn your Specialist bonus a few kills earlier. What you do is fill your first two Specialist with perks you want, and a third perk you're not going to use. Then choose and fill your Specialist bonus. Once you've done that, remove the unwanted third perk. Instead of building up to the third perk, you'll now be able to get your 3-5 Specialist perk bonus early. If this confusing, I can post a video of how to do this when I get home.
  8. Everybody in my team can't kill someone with a full clip, with their aim dead on, but the enemy can always kill in two bullets. I'm hearing this a lot, they need to fix it.
  9. Mike Dean bottles an obvious red card for Nastasic. Referee's make some odd decisions at times.
  10. That's what I like about it Kyle. Connection aside, your deaths will be legitimate. Very little bullshit. Just some extra stuff: Bomb plant and defuse is 7.5 seconds, not your standard 5 seconds in SnD. Blitz scoring isn't like multiplayer, there's no limit. Score as much time as you can in two 5 minute halves. My record so far is 14. Have an Incog class at hand at all times, the thermal scope is allowed and used ALOT (SnD especially). Don't be selfish., your K.D means nothing in this game mode (unless you're playing Clan vs Clan TDM of course). You do NOT need three of you to cap your home flag in DOM. And don't all run the same way either. If you're capping with someone else, don't both look the same way. "I'll take front, you take back" If you're interest in watching pros play, visit MLG Official COD on YouTube. I enjoy watching it, not for everyone.
  11. This is my class set ups: Class 1: MTAR with Grip/Muzzle Break Ready up Marathon Agility Steady Aim Focus Dead Silence Class 2 is the same as class 1 but with Tac Resist instead of Steady Aim (I switch to this class if the enemy is tac nade happy). Class 3 is the same as class 1 but with Blast Shield instead of Steady Aim (I switch to this class if the enemy is lethal nade happy). Incog class is MTAR again with... Smoke Ready Up Marathon Dead Silence Incog Focus My AR is Remington with Red Dot/Grip Concussion and Frag Agility Quickdraw Dead Silence Focus I also have a Sniper/MTAR combo for SnD but I'm not happy with it.
  12. I'll do my classes later tonight or tomorrow. Some basic thing tips about Clan vs Clan (this is obviously my opinion, feel free to disagree): The best guns are obvious. There's a reason why there's little variance in what guns the pros use. The Remington is the best AR by a mile, the MTAR/Vector and Bizon are all decent SMGs. Clan vs Clan have decent players, choosing a Honey Badger and go in to a 50/50 gun fight with a Remington and you'll probably lose. Brings me on to my next point... Win your gun fights. For me, this is about using perks/attachments which give me the best chance to win them, before they happen. Focus is a must. If you go up against someone with Focus and you don't have it, your 50/50 gun fight goes in their favour. Remove Silencer, use Muzzle Break. Improves your range. Chances are you're going up against a clan who communicate, having a silencer always helps but may be the reason you didn't win a gun fight. Play smart. There's a spawn delay in DOM and Blitz. Running and gunning can work but just jumping on flags constantly without thought can be a negative. Get a couple of kills and then push the B flag. Be aware of your team-mates. I watched our team yesterday all watching the right hand side of our Warhawk Blitz base. The left side was completely open. You don't always have to jump on the flag. Two scenarios I saw yesterday. Two spawned C and jumped on it. we have B. A third guy spawned between B and C and instead of staying at B and protecting it, he came back to try and help us with C. There's only 4 players. in DOM, the most important flag is B (Strikezone excluded) and quite often you only need one person to retake your home flag. You do not need to send everybody back, effectively taking a flag you're pretty much guaranteed and giving up a defence on B. The second scenario was on B Strikezone. I'm capping B and one of my team-mates comes in the front and tries to jump on the flag, someone comes through the hallway and gets a double on us. The smart play would be for the team-mate to come in to stay off the flag and cover the team-mate capping. It might take a second or two longer to cap the flag but you have a better chance at getting it, and killing the guy trying to defend their flag. Blitz defence. You can not defend in this game mode by camping in a corner waiting for someone to come in and picking them off. It works sometimes but you cap instantly that you've lost the point before you've started shooting at them. There are so many routes in that you need to roam a little more, and rely on your team-mates communication as to where they are coming. Closing doors (on Freight) helps a tonne. Also, if you know someone is rushing in the doorway, lie on the flag. One, they can't cap if you're lying on it and two, they often don't even notice you. They think if they get there then they'll get a cap and teleport and this gives you a chance to get the kill. For offence, be aware of this. Communicate. The one that annoys me the most. If you die, tell a team-mate. We're in a party. If you're not communicating then you may as well be a random and this forum (especially Kylebees) dinnae like randoms. They don't need to be pro call-outs, a simple to your right or left helps a lot! SnD defence. This is a general SnD tip, stay alive on Defence. Stay alive after you've planted the bomb. The enemies either have to plant, or defuse and that gives you a huge advantage. We had a game of SnD yesterday where there was about 15 seconds left on the timer, there was a gun fight near the bomb where the enemy almost killed our guy. Our guy then re-challenges, loses the gun fight and loses the round. The smarter way to play that was not to challenge, backtrack and go find another route to the bomb. The enemy has two choices here. Chase you or plant. This gives you a huge advantage. You don't always need to get the final kill to win a round of SnD. These are all pretty random, may get a discussion going. I have more if anyone wants anything else.
  13. It's just my "theory" but I reckon they've taken it out to stop people constantly ADSing round corners. It's so annoying in this game, it seems like some people just move around the map ADSing constantly. I like the perk, it's probably a good thing it's been removed. Makes the ARs a little trickier to use. As far as I'm aware, there is no SCUF for the PS4 yet. I'd assume some play claw. Doesn't anyone want to me go through a couple class set ups and some tips on game modes for Clan vs Clan?
  14. Complexity won a game of Blitz Freight 49-4 . Ghosts broadcaster mode is such an improvement.
  15. I was going to give you a warning for a laugh but didn't want to fuck it up .
  16. You used to need a party for 4, the recent update fixed this thankfully.
  17. OpTic have been pretty decent since they went down 0-3 in the league. They are 5 - 3 since then and two of those losses have been against Curse LV and they were close (except for SnD). They were brilliant games. They lost a Blitz in overtime, they lost a DOM by one point. They also lost a 25 point lead with 4 minutes to go as well in another DOM. Small mistakes but they're coming together. And I'm really enjoying their communication. Clayster looks like he'd be a douchebag if you saw videos of him all hyped up in games but he's actually brilliant for OpTic. He's calm, support and has great communication. I'm a scump fan so here's one side of a scrim against Curse LV, if anyone is interested:
  18. A second tip, if you're planning to play this, have one of your characters dedicated to Clan vs Clan. Changing Classes for this is a pain in the arse and easy to make a mistake. This is something I do anyway (I have a character solely for SnD).
  19. So they put in Clan vs Clan, great, but it just seems Infinity Ward can't implement ANYTHING without it being half-assed, lazy and having an inkling of common sense. 3 issues I've already seen: 1. They don't give you a full game of DOM, they give you one-side. How is that meant to mirror Competitive play? That's just stupid. You SHOULD get a chance on both sides. 2. Join-in progress is on. Seriously? I just joined a game where we're down in DOM 3-50. And people leave constantly because there's no punishment for leaving. I haven't played one game without someone leaving after 1 minute. 3. The most stupid thing BY FAR, is not giving you a menu where you can amend your classes, you have to do in the lobby. This doesn't sound like the worst thing ever, but if your class includes any banned item (and there are a lot) then you can't use it and you have to use a default class. There's no warning, no informational message that there's restricted perks, guns, equipment and attachments, NONE. If you don't know the eSports restrictions before you start then there's a good chance you won't be able to use one of your own classes (as IEDs are banned, 99% of randoms are having to use default class). Here's some basic info for you, if you want to know more, just ask. Restricted stuff... Guns MSBS All Marksman Rifles Riot Shield Attachments Tracker Sight Grenade Launcher Burst Fire/Single Fire Rapid Fire Perks Recon Gambler Ping Amplify Stalker Dead Eye Danger Close Strike Package Specialist only, no Support or Assault. Game modes are Blitz, Domination and Search and Destory. Maps are limited to Strikezone, Octane, Freight, Sovereign, Warhawk. Some maps play more than one game mode, i.e., Freight can be used for all 3 game modes, Strikezone is only used for Domination. Games are 4v4, you don't have to be in a clan to play or have a full team of 4 (although is freaking helps, F U randoms!). Blitz and Domination have a 5 second spawn delay after each death. Search and Destory is first to 6 rounds, alternating between Defence and Attack. My biggest tip, USE DEAD SILENCE. It has been patched, and you're more silent than ever. You sound like an elephant to your enemies without this perk. The game modes are often quieter as there's less people to kill and with people in spawn delays, you're footsteps can give you away constantly. If anyone has any questions or wants to know some basic class set ups then give us a shout.
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