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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. Thought she was older. Sad news, RIP.
  2. Anytime I bet on arsenal, they get their assholes ripped open.
  3. Whiskys pansy? You're clueless ya racist.
  4. In my defence, last time he phoned me I already had my cock out. He hasn't Face Timed me since .
  5. Dude, my eyes were set on the middle of the bowl. Unfortunately, I laughed, vibrated and I don't think a single drop found it's way in to the toilet. It was a good thing I was bare foot otherwise my socks would have got wet.
  6. I enjoy a Tom Collins. Great cocktail, very refreshing. Whisky Sour is a joke. If you're calling it "whisky" sour then you're referring to the Scottish whisky. These should not be enjoyed in a cocktail. They are enjoyed with either water (not my taste), ice (my taste) or straight (if there isn't any ice). Just finished a bottle of the following recently: I had to google Old Fashioned. Whisky based cocktails should be forbidden. Bourbon on the other hand tastes much better in a cocktail.
  7. I can do it perfectly well when Diddums isn't on the phone. He made me laugh and I vibrated and it just went everywhere. I don't believe it's my fault. Diddums' owes me tile cleaner.
  8. yeah well the c*nt made me pee on my wall this time.
  9. I liked that movie. I hate that fucking drink.
  10. Seriously? They taste like shit. Milk is for cereal, not for cocktails. Plus it's racist. It was bought for me 5 times tonight. I finished one I think. Wish I hadn't. What's wrong with a sex on the beach. Everyone else is weird.
  11. Thanks for the link, Moses.
  12. What the hell you wearing on your feet Chris? The picture is a little blurry so it may be that but it looks like you've mugged a biblical character and stolen his camel skin loafers.
  13. Not the best Where's Wally attempt but I found Diddums. What do I win?
  14. Me too . I thought it was a drunken post I forgot about.
  15. Rich is a woman. He cries from mildly spiced chicken. Playing a man's game isn't for him. If you're going for a pyjama party afterward, to paint your nails and talk about boys then he'll join you for that.
  16. Buckfast > Earl Grey. That'll hurt your feelings, you bunch of stereotypical bastards.
  17. Disagree about Valencia's challenge being a red card. Yellow at most. The Schweinsteiger red card was a joke. I don't think either of his tackles were close to a yellow. Yellow cards get thrown around far too easily. Fellaini is so poor. Kagawa is a far superior football. Agree about Buttner, played well.
  18. Welbeck played well, made a mess of his 1 on 1. His disallowed goal was NEVER a high boot. Goal should have stood.
  19. What a header by Vidic. Man Utd playing well. Atletico beating Barcelona.
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