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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. I think it was Adam who posted that. I remember thinking it was the only time he's ever been funny.
  2. ^ He missed the obvious fact that gym users require at least one pair of brown shoes. Other than that, good tips.
  3. Spectre/Dr Diamond will be able to help you out. Spectre can help with diet while Dr Diamond can advise on how to take a gay ass photo of yourself 10 weeks in to your transformation. I'm currently trying to diet. I've cut out fizzy drink and I've also stopped snacking after my dinner. Doing OK so far.
  4. One of my first few threads... Subject title: Crap with Stun/Flash Grenade (Gameplay inc.) Memories!
  5. The one time I went to the gym I listened to Fascination on repeat. 13 months later I finally got round to cancelling my membership. Money well spent.
  6. That's the gayest drunk post from Euan. I also miss Diddums, Tam, Stretch, Plumbers, Dylan, Kyla. Not tronic44 though.
  7. I even put "colourful" collage in my post .
  8. Holy shit, my post went right over both your heads. Whooooooosh FFS .
  9. Giant . I think the technical term for Dylan is "mini-midget".
  10. Dylan, don't listen to the old man. He doesn't know what he's talking about. We're educated. They didn't have collages before the war so he's jealous. Community collage or whatever colourful collage you're part of Dylan will have you set for life buddy.
  11. Reina Moreno Albiol Mata Navas Martinez Torres That isn't easy.
  12. That's copied and pasted . Proof reading is for people who can assed.
  13. Seriously? 1. Loosing You never use this word so please spell "losing" correctly from now on. You mean you are LOSING the war, not LOOSING you idiot! 2. Loosing Slang. The act of using ojects (most of the time, fingers) to loosen the vagina for easier entry with "bigger things". "I had give her the shocker""Why? "That tight ass pussy needed some loosing before I get in them skins"
  14. I didn't offend that ginger. He has no soul and you can't offend someone without souls.
  15. I genuinely won't be there, I'm in Florida then. I'll be sorely missed. By Kyla.
  16. Last year had a good bar. And Dylan.
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