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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. For TDM, Flood Zone is the worst map by far. I like all the other maps. My favourite though is the one that starts as a sunny day but then a storm rolls in. It looks amazing.
  2. Chookes

    bf4 tips/help

    I'm thinking of buying it as well. This game has brought my enthusiasm for gaming back. This is a good thread. I've only really played TDM so a lot hasn't been relevant to me, yet. When I need ammo, I press R1 and move to the Need Ammo request, does it just flash the ammo thing about my head and make a call out?
  3. Blitz is being ruined by spawn camping at the moment. Good game mode in theory, works surprisingly well in competitive. COD community ruin something else.
  4. Is Ground War unpopular because it's a mix of game modes? I thought Heavy Duty was similar in terms of game modes played?
  5. Have you been sniped on the gamemode apart from a headshot?
  6. It's only a marginal health gain, it takes one extra bullet to kill than in regular Core.
  7. The lack of sleep reduces the number of cells in your brain. I think you'll be fine.
  8. I couldn't do this purely because I take longer than 10 minutes to do number twosies.
  9. I don't think either of you will regret it.
  10. Wtf is a ghost ring? Are you on ps4 by the way?
  11. The first LMG I like, the U-100 or something. I haven't used much so far.
  12. Battlefield feels like a breath of fresh air. There's just less crap to annoy you although it's a lot tougher. I just find it so much more rewarding. The guns have proper recoil, the TTK gives you a chance in a gun fight even if the guy has the jump on you and it overall looks spectacular. My pros: Looks incredible. Maps are great. You can demolish anything. Less camping. Guns have more recoil, takes much more skill to get a kill. Snipers are tough to use, makes getting a kill feel amazing. Conquest is mental (a good mental). You can use vehicles. No killstreaks. No UAVs. Gun variety is incredible, so many guns and attachments to unlock. Promotes proper team work - one should be a medic, one support etc... You can choose where you respawn (in DOM anyway). Battlelog (like Elite) has proper Stats and more functionality. My cons: There's no party system, joining team mates isn't as simple as COD. It's quite confusing and almost overwhelming (although plenty on here can help explain it to you). You can only Aim/Shoot with R2/L2, I can't play claw on BF4 properly. Regarding the party system, as the PS4 has Party Chat available it makes it much easier to just Join Session and let your team mate be aware of how you're getting on. I sometimes joined Chris but would be on the opposite team but it wasn't an issue as I was still able to talk to him.
  13. Not got a clue, just wanted to make square head feel inferior.
  14. The scorestreaks back to killstreaks was such a backward step. KC is horrid now. The community between Battlefield and COD is chalk and cheese. Battlefield has people constantly moving and I feel it rewards those who move. You can't hide in a bush with a silenced thermal sniper and get killed by being shot in the knee. If you want to camp in Battlefield and get a kill, you have to have an element of skill. A sniper OHK is difficult, the guns have huge amounts of recoil, the silencers take range off making sitting in the back a disadvantage. It's the complete opposite to COD. There's no real benefit to playing like a douche. You can't camp for killstreaks is the main reason for this IMO. If you die, who cares. I've always wondered what the original COD4 was like at release. Did people run around and just have fun? Have the douches always been there or is the game catering more and more to them? If I had the option, I'd get rid of killstreaks, reduce gun damage and increase recoil. If you want to get kills, get better. Improve your aim, improve your map awareness and improve your positions. I would reward people who played the objective as much as I can.
  15. killstreaks were removed completely? Discuss.
  16. Happy New Year Steve, good to hear from you.
  17. I got it, sent you a friend request Jsyn. Stretch is getting it tonight. Gamertag: nWo_Chookes
  18. I'd highly recommend using Ping, or including it in your Specialist package. For anyone who doesn't know, the perk works a little like a motion sensor. When you kill an enemy, your minimap gives you a small sweep of the area you're in, highlighting enemies like a UAV does. Really good perk.
  19. Yeah, was good. I'll be back on for Ghosts/Battlefield in a couple of hours.
  20. Euan does not remember this.
  21. Just saying but the splash back from a urinal is much more obvious in a kilt than if you're wearing trousers. Carry on.
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