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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. I "think" crippledviper has them, might be wrong though. Can you not suggest the Trittons?
  2. You can get a PS4 and a lot of steak for $1,000.
  3. Nice addition to the game in my opinion, they don't happen that often so I quite like them. Wish Soverign had something that benefitted your team.
  4. Helicopter now removed from the bar (in one big piece). 9 bodies confirmed to be removed from the Clutha bar which is confusing. Are they the 9 that have already been confirmed? Are there 9 more? There are still two families with two people unaccounted for. Sad.
  5. Faulty receiver box? Faulty cable? Also, I thought the USB was used for your mic?
  6. I know Tam and Sean have the console but their headsets will use the optical output, rather than the component cable. How have you got it connected?
  7. There were two families who had someone in the pub, they haven't been able to reach them yet. I expect the fatality count to rise.
  8. Nice try Sean but I don't have any - my wife has both of mine.
  9. Solitaire. Ruining office productivity for years.
  10. 8 confirmed dead. Rumours are there are more.
  11. They're assuming it was aiming for the Clyde river, which it missed by a mere 30 odd meters. The fuel tank on that thing saved lives, an explosion and would anyone have survived? BBC still reporting 3 dead, not sure where Sky is getting 6. Area still covered in ambulances, fire engines and police.
  12. I do not understand how you make homeless people illegal. It's a choice. I know you're concentrating on manufacturing and how percentage of Americans working are down but what's the overall employment figures looking like? Off the top if my head I remember reading the UK's manufacturing was down but our employment was going back up (although slowly).
  13. Read the thread title and immediately thought it was something to do with Scotland and a nice day out for people.
  14. Sky reporting 6 have died, sad news. In town this morning, a lot of that area cornered off.
  15. Reporting multiple people still trapped in the pub.
  16. There's no way there isn't fatalities, surely those in the helicopter wouldn't have survived. Never been in the pub, used to pass it every day.
  17. Confirmed as a police chopper, hope everyone's ok.
  18. Photo taken showing a ripped fuselage with police written on it.
  19. Scottish Sun reporter saw the crash, said it was a police helicopter. Amazed there was no fireball. Friday night in Glasgow, on payday, guaranteed pub was packed.
  20. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-25163045
  21. All over the news, about a quarter of a mile from my old flat. No fatalities reported, yet.
  22. He had it surgically removed, not sure why. At his wedding, his best man said "I hope everyone is having a ball. It's quite a fitting to use "a ball" as that's all the groom has."
  23. I know someone with one ball.
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