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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Had a quick mooch to see what I had. Will have a proper look through another time. @tronic44 feel free to use any of these for the main video dude
  2. Great idea for a thread dude. Let's get posting peoples!!
  3. Sounds like a plan apart from one small thing.....I don't have a pc to play it on 😂😂
  4. Hey dude. Welcome to FG! 👍
  5. Some interesting bits in here about upcoming balance changes. Very nice to see the honesty from them regarding the Fucking Hot Healing Chick! change and I'm really looking forward to see what they're doing with Symmetra.
  6. No worries Dude. Hope you get on ok with it. I'm no expert by any means by I do enjoy having a good dabble. Superman is the best starter character from what I remember. I'm just far too deep down the rabbit hole with Batman, Green Lantern and Joker at the moment. Will start to look at another character when they release the TMNT DLC
  7. Think the swap deal worked for everyone. Reckon Mike (can't be arses to lookup the right spelling) will do well at Arsenal if they can hold on to a few of their players
  8. If you're going to be on PS4 for this then hit me up for a few games. This thread has resurrected my interest again and I'm getting back on it!
  9. Only played a couple of games on this but it seems like its a great flanking map as there's loads of levels and entrances\exits. Will take a fair few plays to get up to speed on it more. However the aesthetics are just awesome on it and it really gives the sense of something special. Awesome addition for free yet again.
  10. I can only speak for Injustice 2 but its a great game. Story mode is ace, Multiverse is great, gear is done properly and the online is really solid. Combo timing is quite forgiving also which really helps when trying to learn new strings. I held off on SFV as the game basically wasn't complete when they released it. Now that the arcade version has been released I'm looking to try and get into it, however that'll mean a new arcade stick or a converter for my ps3 one. I'm just a bit hesitant to spend 40 quid on it if it doesn't work Guilty gear is a solid game from what I've seen and is pretty cheap now too. I'd honestly play fighting games more but there's generally not a lot of people on here that are interested in them
  11. Im down for a bit of friendly rivalry!! Let's do this thing 🎮🎮
  12. I'm probably on a different plane on this but if be more than happy for the microtransactions (cosmetics only) to stay if it provided more fruitful free additional content. D2 felt stale pretty quickly and the participation awards took out the, must get on and do feel of D1. 4v4 PvP effectively killed that game mode for me. I really enjoyed the bullshit laggy games as I could roll in a 6 stack and have a great crack whilst doing it. Lastly (and most important for me), the raid just didn't have that "feel" for me. All of the D1 raids had an epic sort of feel and VoG will go down as one of my all time gaming top moments. In short, they need a reboot of the series not a reskin.
  13. It's worth noting that the Beta only gives us access to the side game of the full release and not the proper games itself. How much it would differ is anyone's guess but certainly worth remembering before anybody writes this off
  14. I've had a bash at this today and my opinion changed wildly. There's no tutorial of any description and the menu system is confusing to say the least. When you get in game there's no further explanation of what you have to do other than to defend the mining drill. The Metal Gear part of the title is the only part of the game that is metal gear bar the Fox engine and the standard sound effects However......... I persevered for a 5 or 6 games and then I started to get to grips with it all. There's purposely a lack of ammo in the game so you have to think about when is the right time to use precious ammo and when you go all hack and slash of their ass! The crafting becomes interesting and then makes sense and then you can really think about what the best way to defend the base is, picking from a vast array of different options. Teamwork is not optional in this. You will die or struggle if you run solo or ignore your team mates. For me, its been quite enjoyable so far but not sure its a full price purchase. Will give it a bit more play and see how the few levels we have add to the melting pot
  15. Yep, all of this event is going to be entered into the standard loot pool. Year of the dog is the next event specific thing which will follow this
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